I is correct ii is correct

Classified in English

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7º-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive tense given in brack
1- The boxes............Have not been packed............(not /pack) yet. (present 
2- This picture.........Is always admired...................(always admire). (present si
3- The bridge...............Was built....................(build) in 1900. (past simple)
4- The book ...............Will be finished.............................(finish). (future)
5- Your food ............Is still being prepared............(still / prepare). (present c
6- The living room...Had been decorated... (decorate) with flowery wallpape
7-My handbag............Has been stolen............(steal) by a thief. (present 
8-The answer must..........Be written..........(write) on one side of the paper. 
9-Police are looking for the missing boy. He ...Can’t be found(can/not/find
10- The radio ...Was being listened.......(listen)..To for two hours.(past contin
11-The bicycles ............Must be left.............(leave)..At the university entrance.(
12- The job....................Wasn't offered ................. (offer) to Tim (past simple)
13-Peter .........Should be warned.........(should/warn) about the risks of smok
14- A good salary .........Will be paid................(pay)to us next year (future simp
15- The rooms...............Are being cleaned.............(clean) now.(present contin

8º-Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs below (complete with the wor
1- Could I ......4...Use...................... The photocopier in your office?
2- I'd appreciate it if you could ......3...Lend........Me an office where I could w
2- I'd like to .........2...Borrow.............................. Someone's office next Thursday.
4- Could you ......1...Ask...........................Him to attend the meeting?
5- Could you .........5...Work........................ Overtime tomorrow?

9º- Choose the right answer
1- It’s raining hard , ........................C. So......................... We can’t go to the beach 
2- Peter was absent from class yesterday ............B.Because.................. He felt 
3- We watched TV the whole evening .........A.Because............ We had nothing
4- It was still painful, ............A. So....................... I went to see a doctor.
5- He doesn't understand ..........B.Because........ He doesn't speak Frenc
6-. He spoke slowly ..................B.So that................ She would understand.
7-. You should keep the milk in the refrigerator, ........B.So that......... It doesn't
8-.The robbers ..................B.Have been arrested........... By the police.
9-. It...............A.Was thought..... That the victim .......... With poison.
10-. These differences between two photographs...C.Could have been removed
11-. To have a clear image, stars ...............C. should be observed..... With a te
12-. Many teachers agree that one's language skills ......C.Can be improved...
13- A more developed model of this car ........B.Will be shown...... In the show
14- It ....................... That too little money ...............C.Is being said...... By the gov
15- C) the door has been opened by the wind

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