Conceptual delimitation" "social work

Classified in Music

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5. The 18th century is known as the century of the Enlightenment, which is an
intellectual movement that tries to achieve a more educated society based on reason and
progress. This movement will start in France and will spread to other European countries.
The thinking that dominates in this period is rationalism. On the basis of reason,
intellectuals will question many of the social, philosophical and religious approaches that
had been in force in Europe for centuries.

1. At this time public concerts are generalized throughout Europe, allowing musicians to
compose independently a patron or an institution.
2. Classicism tries to produce less complex, clearer and more accessible music.
3. In Classicism there is the disappearance of the basso continuo that had been the basis
of baroque music. At this time the melody will be the most important thing in the entire
musical work. In this way, in orchestras and other groups, a simple accompaniment will be
performed that will never conceal it.

9.At the aesthetic level there is a transcendental change at this time. Works of art will
no longer be considered beautiful for their proportion or their finish, but for their ability to
produce emotions in humans, even if they are fear or terror. This new aesthetic approach
is known as the sublime romantic. For this reason, the artists will focus their attention on
other topics such as the ruins, the night, the untamed nature, the storms, death, the exotic
places, etc.
1. The music of this period tends to exalt feelings. The composer tries to provoke
emotions in the listener.
2. Unlike the previous stage, in this period the author's individuality is valued, so his
creation does not follow norms dictated by the academies. Musical creation will be
considered as a personal exercise of genius.
3. 19th century composers tend to create longer melodic phrases without a clear
conclusion. This trend was becoming increasingly evident with the advance of the
century.We can speak of "infinite melody”.

At this time a new genre appears, which will be the symphonic poem, which is a
free form orchestral work based on some extramusical element such as a poem, a
painting, a story, etc. Music that, like the symphonic poem, tries to express non-musical
ideas is called programmatic music.

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