Common Medical Conditions and Their Symptoms

Classified in Biology

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  • In the case of partial injuries, some sensation and movement may be retained below the level of the injury.

  • In complete injuries, there is a loss of sensation and total muscular paralysis below the level of the injury

  • Depression is a mental illness that often takes the form of low mood and an inability to lead a normal life

Anxiety is a psychological disorder that causes fear, anguish and even hyperactivity.
Schizophrenia is an illness that can occur after adolescence. It causes severe personality disorders, a tendency to disconnect from the outside world, delusions and hallucinations.
-being in constant motion.
-being very impulsive.
-Talking non-stop, being noisy
-not paying attention.
The first few times a drug is taken, it causes an artificial feeling of pleasure, a stimulus that the brain is not conditioned to receive. Repeated drug use affects the functioning of the limbic system, where the addiction process is triggered.
Physical dependence occurs when the body gets used to the constant presence of a substance and needs to maintain a certain level of it to function normally.

Psychological dependence is the need to take a drug to maintain a pleasant emotional state or to get rid of an unpleasant emotional state.

Arteries are highly resistant elastic vessels that send blood from the heart to the organs.
Veins take blood from the organs to the heart. Their walls are less resistant so blood pressure is lower.
Capillaries, whose walls are formed by one single layer of endothelium, allow the exchange of substances between the blood and cells.
Anaemia is the reduction of haemoglobin concentration in the blood and a symptom of many illnesses.

Leukaemia is an uncontrolled proliferation of immature blood cells that infiltrate the bone marrow and prevent normal blood cells from forming.

A heart attack is caused by an obstruction in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle (myocardium).

Haemophilia In order for blood to clot, numerous reactions take place, in which more than ten factors participate, resulting in the creation of proteins, which form a net that keeps the blood cells and plasma in the body.
  • Cold and flu. Produced by a virus, they affect the nose, throat or larynx and cause lots of mucus, sneezes and sometimes fever.

  • Bronchitis. This is the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchi caused by an infection.

  • Pneumonia. Usually produced by bacteria, pneumonia is an infection in the lung tissue and produces inflammation

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