What is there in commom between the verb want and verb depend

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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PERFECT (MODAL VERB SIMPLE+HAVE+PP (tercera columna de verbos)

CRITICA/ARREPENTIMIENTO: Should have→ i should have studied Harder…

HABILIDAD DE HABER HECHO ALGO, PERO NO SE HIZO: could have→ Mary Could have passed

CERTEZA DE QUE ALGO NO ES POSIBLE:could have→ alice couldn’t have passed Because she never studied

POSIBILIDAD DE QUE ALGO NO FUERA CIERTO: may/might have→ George may/might have Already arrive to Madrid

CERTEZA SOBRE EL PASADO: must have→ their exam must have been Hard

DESEO DE HABER HECHO ALGO, PERO NO SE HIZO:would have→ tom would Gone to China, but it was really expensive 

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