Cold War Key Events and Leaders

Classified in History

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  1. Iron Curtain: Division of Europe into mostly democratic (west) and communist (east)

  2. Containment: Foreign policy, Harry Truman blocked Soviet influence to stop the spread of communism

  3. Brinkmanship: Policy under Eisenhower where our country would go to the edge of war

  4. Castro: Cuban Communist dictator

  5. Nikita Khrushchev: Took over after Stalin

  6. JFK: President 1960-1963 and during Cuban missile crisis

  7. Douglas MacArthur: General of UN troops in Korean War

  8. Domino Theory: Idea that if one country becomes Communist, others will follow

  9. UN: Organization of nations to solve world problems

  10. Marshall Plan: US assisted West Europe by providing food, machinery, and materials

  11. Cold War: Communist (USSR) vs democracy (America)

  12. Warsaw Pact: Alliance of USSR with other Eastern Europe nations

  13. Détente: Nixon's policy to lessen Cold War tension

  14. Vietnamization: Nixon's plan to have South Vietnam take over war and pull US out

  15. Truman Doctrine: Truman's pledge to support countries that reject communism with military aid

  16. Harry Truman: President at the beginning of Cold War 1945-52

  17. Stalin: Leader of USSR at Yalta Conference (split up Germany east and West) with Churchill and Roosevelt

  18. Roosevelt: Also at Yalta Conference

  19. Partition: Division of India between Muslim and Hindu

  20. Ferdinand Marcus: General who took power in Indonesia in '65 and became dictator

  21. Jomo Kenyatta: First leader of Kenya

  22. Mobutu Sese Seko: Ruler of Zaire 1965-1997

  23. Mohammed Ali Jinnah: Leader of Muslim League, then Pakistan's first president

  24. Suharto: General who became Indonesian dictator

  25. Jawaharlal Nehru: First Prime Minister of India

  26. Intifada: Widespread campaign of civil disobedience by Palestinians

  27. Non-aligned Nations: Neutral in Cold War

  28. Third World Nations: Neutral countries

  29. Cuban Missile Crisis: Castro was leader, USSR built missile sites in Cuba

  30. Negritude Movement: Post-WW2 movement celebrating African heritage

  31. Imre Nagy: Leader of Communist government in Hungary

  32. Lyndon Johnson: President after JFK was assassinated

  33. Romania: Post-war satellite nation belonging to Warsaw Pact

  34. Nixon: President from '68-'74, anti-Communist

  35. Reagan: Policy of Realpolitik ended Cold War

  36. Leonid Brezhnev: Took over USSR after Khrushchev

  37. SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty signed by Nixon with USSR

  38. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Soviet dissident (anti-government) won Nobel Prize for Literature

  39. Mau Mau: Secret society of African farmers forced off their land by British

  40. Kwame Nkrumah: Revolutionary leader who worked to free the Gold Coast from British

  41. Shahs: Conservative Muslim leaders

  42. The Mujahideen: Organization of Muslim students who established harsh and oppressive rule

  43. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi: Westernized Iran

  44. The Contras: Group of rebels who fought in Nicaragua supported by US

  45. Gold Coast: First free African nation

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