Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Biology

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1.Which of the Following processes is endergonic?

the Synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water

2.What is the Basic difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions?

Exergonic Reactions release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it.

3.Which of the Following examples is classified as a metabolic pathway?

protein Synthesis

4.When a cell Uses chemical energy to perform work, it couples a(n) ________ reaction with A(n) ________ reaction.

exergonic . . . Endergonic

5.The transfer Of a phosphate group to a molecule or compound is called


6.Anything that Prevents ATP formation will most likely

result in Cell death.

7.The energy Required to initiate an exergonic reaction is called

the energy Of activation.

8.Most of a Cell's enzymes are


9.When an enzyme Catalyzes a reaction,

)it lowers The activation energy of the reaction.

10.Substrates Bind to an enzyme's ________ site.


11.The active Site of an enzyme is

the region Of an enzyme that attaches to a substrate.

12.Heating Inactivates enzymes by

changing The enzyme's three-dimensional shape.

13.Which of the Following substances could be a cofactor?

a zinc Atom

14.Which of the Following is a coenzyme?

vitamin B6

15.Inhibition of An enzyme is irreversible when

the shape Of the enzyme is changed.

1.Heating Inactivates enzymes by

D)changing The enzyme's three-dimensional shape.

2.Which of the Following substances could be a cofactor?

a zinc Atom

3.Which of the Following is a coenzyme?

vitamin B6

4.Inhibition of An enzyme is irreversible when

the shape Of the enzyme is changed

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