Coh3 chemical name

Classified in Chemistry

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Binary Ionic Compounds - Ionic compounds that only contain two different elements, containing metallic cation and a nonmetallic anion (ex., Sodium Chloride NaCl, Potassium Chloride KCl, and Magnessium Oxide MgO 2 )
Chemical Bond - The force that holds two atoms together, formed through the attraction between the positive nucleus of one atom and the negative electrons of another atom or by the attraction between negative ions or positive ions.
Compound Formation and Charge - The number of electrons lost and electrons gained must be equal.
Crystal Lattice - The strong attraction among the positive and the negative ions in an ionic compound result in the formation of a regular and repeating three-dimensional geometric arrangement where each negative ion is surrounded by positive ions in a shape (pattern) based on ion size and ion numbers in the ionic bond.
Electrolyte - An ionic compound that when dissolved in an aqueous solution conducts an electrical current.
Energy and the Ionic Bond - The formation of ionic compounds from positive ions and negative ions is always exothermic, meaning energy is released into the environment during the process
First Ionization Energy - The energy required to remove the outer most or first electron from a neutral atom, equated to how strongly an atom's nucleus holds onto its valence electrons.
Formula Unit - The simplest ratio of atom involved in an ionic compound with an overall charge of zero because the formula unit represents the entire crystal structure.
Formulas for Binary Ionic Compounds - The cation (positive ion) is always written first, followed by the symbol for the anion (negative ion)
Formulas for polyatomic ionic compounds - A polyatomic ion acts as an individual ion in a compound and its charge applies to the entire group of irons.
Gem Stones - Many crystals have brilliant colors due to the presence of transition metals in the crystal lattice and ionic crystals are hard, rigid, and brittle.
How are ions formed? -  If more than one polyatomic ion is part of the chemical formula.
Ionic Compound - Compounds that contain ionic bonds, if ionic bonds occur between metals and the nonmetal oxygen then oxides are formed.
Ionic compounds________ - Contain ionic bonds formed by the attraction of oppositely charged ions.
Ionization Energy - The energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom.
Ions in ionic compounds are - arranged in a repeating pattern known as a crystal lattice
Large Ionization Energies - Less likely to form a positive ion by surrendering or giving up an electron.
Lattice Energy - The energy required to separate I mol of the ions in a crystal lattice of an ionic compound, the greater the attractive forces between ions, the greater the lattice energy
Lattice energy and Ionic Charge - Lattice energy is affected by the charge of the ion, ionic bonds formed from the attraction of ions with larger positive or negative charges generally have greater lattice energies
Lattice Energy and Ionic Size - Lattice energy is directly related to the size of the ions bonded, smaller ions form compounds with more closely spaced ionic charges and because electrostatic forces of attraction between opposite charges increase as distance between the charge decreases, smaller ions produce stronger interionic attractions and have greater lattice energies

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