Chilean Political Parties: Ideologies, Supporters, and Key Features

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PartyIdeologySupportersKey Features
ConservativeCatholic party, clerical, and is the political expression of the Church.Aristocracy, landowning class, average tenants, mass urban Catholic.Religious Education, Freedom of Education, Jurisdiction of the Church, Economic Liberalism.
NationalRepresents the bourgeoisie of the banking and commerce, are secular Montt-Varismo heirs.Traders, bankers, industrialists, and plutocrats.Religious Patronage, Liberal Ideology.
LiberalSubject to continuing internal divisions, divided into doctrinal and independent clans. From it came almost all presidential candidates.Mining, industrial, landowners, lay.State Teachers, Lay State, Greater Involvement of the political system, Faithful to parliamentary.
RadicalRepresent a broad social spectrum. It attracted the educated class of the time, the animated lead political and social reforms; closely linked to Masonry.Professional, new agrarian oligarchy, industrial, mining, urban middle class.State Teachers, Separation of church and state, Represented mesocracy, From 1906 committed to social problems, Greater state intervention.
Liberal DemocraticRepresents the section of the Liberal party supporter of Balmaceda. Adopted a pendulum action, for lack of consistency in ideology. Was dissolved promptly.Balmaceda, officials, military masses.Advocated a strong executive, rejected the parliamentary system and participates in the Secular State.
Liberal IndependentA fraction of the old Liberal party, small and without grassroots support, friend of bribery.PlutocratsSecularism and parliamentary.
DemocraticIt originates from a division of radicalism. Represented the left before the appearance of the Socialist Workers Party. Contribute to form the Socialist Worker party.Middle sectors, petty bourgeoisie, industrial workers, urban workers, nitrate, craftsmen.Clear changes in the economic and social situation, prevailing democracy, political and economic system, improvement of the life of the worker.
Worker SocialistIt is formed from the Democratic party founded by Louis E. Recabarren. Pro-Marxist Party, contributes to the formation of the Communist Party.Workers, intellectuals, port, rail.Represent the interests of the working class, Change of the political system, promotion of social, economic democracy.
CommunistDerived from postpartum, inspired by Marxism-Leninism.Workers, port, railroad, intellectuals, artists.Social Revolution, End of exploitation of the working class.
DOPPolitical-ideological organization of the working class.

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