Chilean History: Independence to the Portalian Solution

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The Illustration: The Powers of the State

Division of Powers - First President of the First Government Junta

Mateo de Toro Zambrano, 1810. The First Government Junta in 1823. Bernardo O'Higgins renounced free trade with the allied nations of Spain. This is related to the *Good Air* board. New military units were created, the *Real Audiencia* was abolished, and a National Congress was convened.

First National Congress (July 4, 1811)

The First National Congress was considered only temporary because many of its members did not want the independence of Chile. Freedom of the womb was created by José Miguel Carrera.

José Miguel Carrera's Government

Carrera created *The Aurora of Chile*, directed by Fray Camilo Henríquez. The 1812 Constitutional Regulations established three members in the executive branch and seven in the legislative branch. During his term, the sovereignty of King Ferdinand VII was respected, but after the king's return, he was expected to obey the rules, and any regulations or authority outside Chile were not to be ensured.


Ferdinand VII was released by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814. He incorporated the power of Spain and sent troops to Chile to defeat the independence army in Rancagua. This period was called the *Reconquista*, where the Spanish regained political power in Chile.

New Homeland

The *New Homeland* begins with the victory of the patriots in the Battle of Chacabuco and ends with the government of O'Higgins. On February 14, 1817, Bernardo O'Higgins and José de San Martín entered Chile triumphantly. They convened an open *cabildo* on February 15, in which citizens asked José de San Martín to be the Supreme Director of Chile. He declined the office, and a few days later, Bernardo O'Higgins was elected. O'Higgins sent ships to the island of Juan Fernández in search of the patriots exiled during the *Reconquista*. He also exiled the priests who preached fidelity to the Spanish crown. The Spanish crown tried to regain control of Chile and sent Mariano Osorio with 3,000 men. They clashed in the battles of *Cancha Rayada* and *Maipú*. The first was won by the royalists, and the second by the patriots. The Battle of Maipú took place on April 5, 1818. In this place, a temple was erected in honor of the *Virgen del Carmen*. O'Higgins signed the declaration of independence, making Chile an independent nation.

Organization of the Republic of Chile

O'Higgins Government (1818-1823)

  • Constitutionalist rehearsal period
  • Period of Diego de Almagro

O'Higgins' government organized the expedition to liberate Peru under Lord Cochrane's command to regain markets for Chilean farmers. He oversaw the creation of the General Cemetery, reopened the National Library and the National Institute, and founded the Central Market. He led the constitutionalist projects of 1812 and 1822. He opened new schools and introduced the *Lancasterian* system brought from England. He abolished noble titles and tried to eliminate *mayorazgos* (where the eldest son inherited).

Period of Instability and Political Apprenticeship (1824-1830)

  • 1823: Moral Constitution by Juan Egaña
  • 1826: Federal Laws by José Miguel Infante
  • 1828: Liberal Constitution by José Joaquín de Mora

From 1829 to 1831, liberals and conservatives clashed in the battles of Ochagavía (1829) and Lircay. Conservatives strongly opposed liberal governments.

The Portalian Solution (1824-1830)

Diego Portales advocated for "a strong, centralized government, whose members are true models of virtue and patriotism." The conservative group, led by Portales' interests, triumphed. Portales served as a minister. He believed that democracy was a good system of political organization, but in 1831, Chile did not have the maturity to put it into practice. While acquiring experience, only one sector of society was destined to lead it.

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