Character Descriptions in a Small Village
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DAVE SLATIN: Polite, Young Man with Dark Hair and Green Eyes
Dave Slatin was a tall and rich young man who was popular in the village. He also had special powers.
ANNA: Assistant in the Corner Shop, Curious and Film Lover
Anna, a 17-year-old young woman, worked as an assistant in the corner shop. She was curious and loved watching films. She was also the promised one of Peter, and always had a happy and smiling demeanor.
PETER: Young Man and Soccer Player
Peter was a young man who played soccer. He was the promised one of Anna.
GRETA GORDON: Beautiful Film Star with Lovely Hands
Greta Gordon was a beautiful woman who was a film star. She was known for her beautiful hands.
MIKE BAILEY: Young Man and Soccer Player
Mike Bailey was a young man who played soccer.
ARTHUR RISEMAN: Lier, Ambitious, Old Man, Polite and Serious
Arthur Riseman was an old man who was known for being a liar and ambitious. Despite that, he was also polite and serious.