Challenges of International Matrimony and Climate Change Prevention

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Challenges of International Matrimony

As far as matrimony is concerned, it turns out to be clear that has changed significantly with the passage of time. Nowadays marrying someone from another country is nearly as frequent as marriage between people from the same country. Nevertheless, marrying someone from a different country is still drastically more difficult.

Culture seems to be one of these difficulties, people from different countries might have different ideas of marrying, and some experts claim that it is one of the most popular problems for couples. On the grounds of that, the vast majority of people agree that couples should celebrate the ceremony based on both cultures.

It is a common belief that love conquers all, love should be easy, and people from different ethnic groups ought to be able to marry without any difficulties. However, they have many legal obstacles.

According to what people, who have married someone from another country, says, bureaucracy is the most important obstruction to their matrimony. To illustrate this issue, it is known that you are obligated to present many documents so that the marriage will be accepted and even so you will be watched until the matrimony will be ratified due to all the benefits the couple receive.

With all above in mind, we can consider that marrying someone from a different country is more and more difficult these days. I tend to believe that it is an issue which will be solved in some years. People tend more and more to marry people from different countries, so to my mind governments should facilitate these marriages.

What can we do to prevent climate change?

Nowadays in the world and in our country the citizens are suffering the problems and effects that climate change produces. The temperature is rising little by little every year, the same happens with the level of oceans and the number of illnesses that are produced by the sun are more and more.
We are in a dangerous situation, so we have to do something to change it, but what could we do to prevent this problem?
Firstly, we have to know some tips which are very easy and all of us can do them for example, we can separate rubbish (or separate our rubbish). If we do this, will be able to use the same products again after a treatment. Remember to separate paper, plastic and glass from the rest.
We are used to driving our car every day, so why don’t we try to leave it in the garage and we take public transport?
Secondly, the government is a very important part in society, so they have to act, but how? For example, if citizens had a cheaper public transport system, they would use it more often.
In conclusion, I believe we are able to do more to prevent climate change, and we have to, as we have to keep the environment for next generations.

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