Where is cellobiose found in living organisms

Classified in Biology

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Fibra:Fiber is a complex carbohydrate of plant origin. Humans
cannot digest fiber or use it as a source of energy or
matter, but it is nonetheless essential for the functioning
of the digestive system.

Nutrients:Organic nutrients: are complex molecules produced by

Inorganic nutrients: are simple molecules that can be
found in living organisms, but have not been produced by
them. These nutrients are essential to your body but do
not supply any energy.
○ Minerals (such as calcium and sodium)
○ Water
○ Oxygen

Vitamins:Vitamins are organic components that the body either
cannot produce or produces only in insufficient
● These must be obtained from food.
● All vitamins are needed in small quantities and they are
essential for regulating many cellular processes in the

Vitamins are classified into
two groups:
○ Fat-soluble vitamins, which
are stored in the fatty
tissues of your body.
○ Water-soluble vitamins,
which cannot be stored in
the body and must be taken

Unsaturated fats:Unsaturated fats, which are usually liquid at room
temperature. They are considered to be healthy.


nutrition:Obtain nutrients
● Transport these nutrients to the cells and remove
the metabolic
● wastes from the cells.
● Carry the wastes out of the body.

Digestive system
○ The digestive system extracts nutrients from
foods, breaking down foods into molecular components
that can be absorbed by cells

● Respiratory system
○ The respiratory system obtains oxygen from the air and
adds it to the blood; it also releases carbon dioxide,
a waste product of cellular respiration.

○ The circulatory system transports nutrients to all
cells in the body and removes metabolic waste from the
● Urinary
○ The urinary system filters waste and extra salt from
the blood. These are eliminated in the urine. This
system also regulates the body’s water balance.





Genes and proteins>Every gene in our genome has
the information to
synthesise one protein.
Humans have around 25.000
genes in their genome.

carbohidrates :


● Types:
○ Sugars or simple carbohydrates,
such as monosaccharides and
disaccharides. These easily enter
the cells and supply energy for
immediate consumption. All the
different types of sugars (such
as sucrose) are ultimately
converted into glucose, which
is delivered to the cells.

Complex carbohydrates, such as polysaccharides. Carbs
such as starch, are made of long chains of glucose.
Cells cannot take in these chains, as they are
too large, but they are able to take in the sugars
produced by the digestion of starches in the digestive


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