Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Guide to Held's Theory

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Care Ethics: Held's Theory

Major Features of Care Ethics

  • Attending to Particular Others: Focusing on specific individuals we have responsibilities towards, such as maternalism.
  • Recognition of Dependence and Interdependence: Acknowledging that humans rely on others throughout their lives, creating moral obligations.
  • Value of Emotion: Emphasizing the importance of emotions like sympathy, empathy, and responsiveness in moral decision-making.

Kinds of Emotions Valued and Rejected

  • Valued Emotions: Sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, responsiveness.
  • Rejected Emotions: Egoistic feelings, favoritism, aggressive impulses.

Care as Practice and Value

  • Care as Practice: Guides us in responding to needs and understanding why we should.
  • Care as Virtue: Values caring personalities and attitudes, organizing evaluations of interpersonal relationships around care.

Difference Between Care and Benevolence

  • Care: Characterizes social relationships.
  • Benevolence: Describes individual dispositions.
  • Social Relations vs. Individual States: Social relations cannot be reduced to individual states.

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