Canova System 1876: Restoration of the Monarchy in Spain

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Canova System 8.1

The 1868 defeat of the revolution did not bring a stable monarchy. The social problem and political awareness among the public to participate in consolidation were missing.
A real middle class was missing. A group of citizens and the authorities appeared separated from the group. This was called the reinstatement period.

The Meaning of the Regime of the Restoration

After the coup, General Pavia, on January 3, 1874, headed the government of General Serrano and made an effort to end the Carlist war.
Alfonso XII, upon turning 17 years old on December 1, opened the Declaration of National Certificate of the Sandhurst Military Academy. The traditional monarchy re-established in Spain was to solve the problems at the end of 1874. General Martinez Campos proclaimed Alfonso XII King of Spain. Thus began the reinstatement.
Canovas, in 1874, made the first attempt to end the Carlist civil war in the north. In February 1876, he then tried to end the Cuban war, hoping for peace. In 1878, he tried to aim all around the monarchy for the royal candidate, Alfonso XII.
Finally, on January 14, 1875, he joined the king in Madrid. The Church was closer to the monarchy around the year 1875. Canovas wanted the king to not only focus on the constitutional and political mechanisms but also to be the supreme leader of the military, ensuring the loyalty of top military authorities.

1876 Constitution

For the reinstatement of the constitution, Parliament had to be called and, in accordance with existing rules, universal suffrage was called, and the system was organized for votes.
Before writing the Constitution, Canovas saw it as essential to establish certain conditions to be placed over the monarchy and political parties in the future. Its value should not become a rule of debate. Within the Constitution, it required that the basis of a written constitution would be some basic institutions of the monarchy and Parliament, any text written above, and over it.
Articles of the Constitution were adopted quickly and with little debate.
In short, the Constitution of 1876 had 89 imperfect articles, and the distribution of powers established a monarchy with the power to appoint the Government. Both Houses of Parliament were established, and the Senate, especially the right to own and appoint senators, was formed.
The Constitution states that it established denominational, private practice to allow some of the other religions. On June 30, 1876, the Constitution was enacted and came into force until 1931.

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