Bourgeois Revolutions: American and French Revolutions

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The Bourgeois Revolutions

These revolutions enabled the bourgeoisie to gain political and social status previously only available to the nobility under the Ancient Régime. These revolutions took place in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Key Revolutions

  • The American Revolution: The independence of the US was the bourgeoisie's first triumph.
  • The French Revolution: Ended absolute monarchy and the estate system of the Ancien Régime, ushering in the Modern Age.

The American Revolution

In the American War of Independence, Great Britain fought against its 13 colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America.


  • Ideological Factors: Colonists, familiar with Enlightenment thinking about liberty and equality, used these ideals as the basis for the independence movement.
  • Political Factors: The British Parliament made decisions about taxes and other issues affecting the colonies without allowing colonial representation.
  • Economic and Social Factors: A wealthy colonial bourgeoisie desired the freedom to trade without interference.

War of Independence and Its Consequences

The war began when several colonies decided to fight for independence, forming an army led by George Washington.

The war unfolded in two stages. Initially, Great Britain had some military successes, but the colonists took politically significant actions, culminating in the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. In the second stage, the colonists' military victory at the Battle of Saratoga led France and Spain to offer support, creating a more balanced military situation and leading to a ceasefire.

Great Britain recognized American independence and the birth of the United States in the 1783 Treaty of Paris.

In 1787, the United States Constitution was adopted, establishing a federal republic.

The American Revolution had significant consequences, with the US becoming a symbol of liberty and equality in other countries.

Key Features of the US Constitution

  • Federal republic
  • Popular sovereignty expressed through (male) suffrage
  • Separation of powers with different branches
  • People free and equal before the law

The French Revolution

The French Revolution was a period of violent political and social change, marked by the abolition of absolute monarchy and the end of the estate system of the Ancient Régime. Beginning in 1789, it is considered the first European bourgeois revolution.


  • Influence of the Enlightenment: People supported Enlightenment ideas and wanted to put them into practice.
  • Economic Crisis: The French monarchy was heavily in debt, and peasants and the urban poor often suffered from hunger.
  • Social Crisis: The crisis affected each estate differently.
  • Political Crisis: To improve royal finances, suggestions arose for the privileged estates to pay taxes, leading to the summoning of the Estates-General.

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