Bourbon Restoration in Spain: End of Wars & Political Shifts

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The End of War

The stability of the system was favored by the Cuban and Carlist wars. The Bourbon Restoration deprived the Carlist cause a great deal, and some people ended up recognizing Alfonso XII. Besides, the government's efforts during military government in 1875 made possible the reduction of core Carlists in Catalonia. The intervention of the army, commanded by Martinez Campos, finally forced the surrender of Carlists in Catalonia, Aragon, and Valencia. Nevertheless, the conflict lasted over the Basque Country and Navarre, where most of the military government moved, which managed to weaken the resistance until the Basque and Navarre total surrender in 1876. In February 1876, Prince Charles crossed the French border in the direction of exile, and the war was considered finished throughout.

The immediate consequence of the Carlist defeat was the abolition of the autonomous regime. The Basque territories were linked to the payment of taxes and military service, common throughout the state. But in 1878, a system of economic agreement was stipulated that granted a degree of fiscal autonomy to the Basque provinces, under which these central administration would pay annually a certain amount directly collected by provincial councils.

The end of the Carlist War allowed easier ending of the Cuban insurrection. As a result of both the military action and negotiations with insurgents, in 1878, the Peace of Zanjón was signed. This included a broad amnesty, the abolition of slavery, and the promise of political and administrative reforms to which Cuba would have representatives in the Spanish Courts. But the failure of these reforms in 1879 brought a new conflict (Guerra Chiquita) and the subsequent insurrection of 1895 (the final loss of the last colonies: Cuba and Puerto Rico).

Political Alternation in Power

The Dynastic Parties

Canovas was the leader of the Conservative Party. The draft of bipartisan Cánovas needed another game character, more progressive, and he proposed the formation to Sagasta that deviated from an agreement between progressives, some Republicans, and Unionists. The Liberal Party was born. Both parties had to accept the monarchy and the alternation in power. Because of this, they were called dynastic parties. The two agreements were: support for the Bourbon monarchy, support for the constitution in 1876, private property, and the consolidation of a unitary and centralized state.

The characteristics of this party in power:

  • There was a tacit agreement not to enact any law that would force the other party to repeal it when it returned to power.
  • (Pacific Time) aimed to ensure institutional stability.
  • When the ruling party suffered a process of political wear and lost the confidence of the Parliament, the monarch called the head of the opposition parties to form a government. The new head of government held elections in order to get the number of members necessary to form a parliamentary majority that would allow it to govern.

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