A body is placed in a certain airstream

Classified in Biology

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vitamin a : fish liver oils, animal liver. Function: required for normal immune system function and for production of cells in retina of eye. 

D: ^, egg yolk, butter, made in the body by action of sunlight. Needed for absorption of calcium in the body.
E: plant oils, function: antioxidant. 
K: dark green leafy vegetables, made of bacteria of gut. Function: needing for blood clotting. 
B1,B2: widely occurring, needed for an enzyme used in respiration.
B3: meat, yeast extract, potatoes, made from the amino acid tryptophan. needed to make enzyme involved in respiration
B5: widely occurring, needed to make enzyme involved in respiration.
B6: meat, fish, eggs, some vegetables. Needed to make an enzyme involved in the formation of amino acids. 
B12: liver, yeast, not found in plants. Needed to make an enzyme involved with cell division, for nerve function.
Folic acid: liver, withe fish, raw leaf vegetables. Needed to make an enzyme involved in DNA replication.
H(biotin): liver, yeast, egg white, made by bacteria in the human gut. Used to make an enzyme involved with metabolic reactions. 
C: potatoes, green vegetables, fruits. Used to make an enzymes needed for protein metabolism in iron absoption.

scurvy: vitamin c deficiency. It can also lead to anemia, debility, exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, pain in the limbs and specially on the legs, swelling in some parts of the body and sometimes olceration in the gums and loss of teeth. Scurvy happens when theres a lack of vitamin c. Citrics, strawberry,kiwi.

rickets: is a skeletal disorder because of lack of vitamin d, calcium or phosphate, These nutrients are important for the development of stron, healthy bones. People with rickets may have weak and soft bones, stoned growth and in severe cases skeletal deforms.

osteoporosis: a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile, from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal change of deficiency of vitamin d. Back pain, loss height, stooped posture. It occurs when the body losses to much bone. Milk because it has calcium and he needs calcium for the bones and to take sunlight because the sun contains vitamin d. 

covalent and ionic and hydrogen bonds: ionic the electron moves from the atom that has more electons. Covalent electrons form bonds by sharing electron, electrons cant move independently. Hydrogen bond is forms by atraction in psitive and negative charges on different water molecules
COHESION is an attraction between molecules of the same substanceWater is very cohesive.
Cohesion produces surface tension, which explains why some insects walk on water.
•ADHESION is an attraction between molecules of different substances.
•The surface of water in a graduated cylinder dips slightly in the center forming meniscus (a curve) because the adhesion between water molecules and glass molecules is stronger that the cohesion between water molecules.
•Adhesion between water and glass causes water to rise in a thin tube. (capillary action)
•Capillary action is one of the forces that draws water out of the roots of a plant and into its leafs.
•HEAT CAPACITY is the amount of heat energy required to increase its temperature.
•Large bodies of water such as oceans and lakes can absorb large amounts of heat with only small changes in temperature.
•At a cellular level, water absorbs the heat produced by cell processes regulating the temperature of the cell
•Water’s polarity gives it the ability to dissolve both ionic and other polar molecules

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