A body is placed in a certain airstream

Classified in Biology

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Infectious disease



Hay fewer(allergy)


Heart attack

Athlete’s Foot(fungi)



Chicken pox(virus)

Trasplant: is a surgical procedure in which diseased or injured organs, tissues, cells are replaced with healthy one from a donor.

|The donor can be another person, the same person or an animal|

Types of transplant:

-Autotrasplant: the recipient and donor are the same person

-Allogeneic transplant:  the donor is another person

-Xenotrasplant: the donor is an animal

Organ donation: is voluntary. Donors must be in good health, free from mental health problems, of legal age, not receive money in exchange for their organs, and give written consent

Types of donation:

-Cells: reproductive cells or stem cells from embryos and umbilical cord blood

-Tissue: blood transfusion, corneas, skin, cartilage

-Organs: heart, lungs, are declared brain dead

-Transplant complicationrejection (immune system from the host)

                                               Infection (organ health analysed)

The immune system: protects the human body organized the invasion Of pathogens

Three bones of defence:

-Surface barriers: physical, chemical, biological

-Non-specific immune response: pathogens

-Specific immune response: lymphocytes B-cells and T-cells

Surface barriers:

-Physical: barriers of the body skin and mucous membrane

-Chemical: substances that prevent microorganism growth (tears, Saliva)

-Biological: microbita complete for food and space with Pathogens

 Non-specific immune Response: if pathogens cross the surface barriers, second Line of defense in active. -Phagocytes: (some white blood cells) perform the response that is the same for all Pathogens

Specific immune response: if the second line of defenses is not enough to stop a pathogen a third Line of defense is actived LYMPHOCYTES (some white blood cells) perform a response. –Lymphocytes: recognize antigens, pathogens or pathogen structure 8protein, polysaccharides Or (lipids) that are foreign to the body.                                                                                                                                   -Antigens: activate lymphocytes that Respond producing antibodies (protesis) that neutralizes antigens in pathogens

-T-type =recognizes cells and Destroys cells containg antigens (infected)

-B-type= produce antibiotic Specific to the antigen that activated them.

*Some T and B cells become memory cells, remaining in body for-life. If The same antigen or pathogens invades again, memory cells remember and a faster Will provide immunity to that disease. If the pathogens, features change, the Memory cells are unable to recognize and the disease can occur again (FLU)

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