Basque Autonomy Projects in Spain

Classified in History

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Eusko Ikaskuntza's Project

Elaborated before the redaction of the constitution, it was unconstitutional.

·Alava, Navarre, Biscay and Guipuzcoa formed a state inside Spain

·Autonomous competences wide

·Internal structure was co-federal: autonomy of each territory wide and each territory had the same number of representatives in parliaments and government.

·Bilingualism in education and administration

·Economic concerts as financier system

·Sons/daughters of Basques needed 1 year of residence to have political rights (Spaniards 2)

·Assembly with representative of Spain and BC to decide if there was a dispute

Other projects:

·Carlists + PNV: re-modelled the project for interest of church

·Socialists: number of votes proportional to the inhabitants (stronger in Biscay which was more populated)

·Left wing republicans + EAE-ANV: follow the project

Lizarra Project

Nationalists and Carlists → it was confessional


·Proclaim for restoration of the fueros

·Limit immigrants' political rights: residence of 10 years to ask for residence permission

·Co-federal structure: BC sovereign but some section in the hands of Spain

·Possibility to sign concordats with the Vatican (unacceptable for Spanish left wing)

·Assemblies following traditional system of election (women couldn't vote / only owners could vote)

·Eusko Jaurlaritza not very strong → deputations reinforced

In 1931 right wing parties had good results but as left wing parties opposed the project was a failure

It was against the constitution such as relations with the Vatican and others (electoral system, immigrants' rights…)

Project of the Agent Assembly

Formed with representatives of Deputations (left wing majority) and it respected procedures of constitution

Two texts:

·19 June 1933: Agent assembly presented the project and Navarrese councils voted against

.6 August 1933: Navarre out of the project. Alava, Biscay and Guizpuzcoa accepted the statute and received approval of citizens in a referendum


·Not referred to the Basque Country but Basque Country's autonomous community

·Discrimination of immigrants eliminated

·More competencies to the Eusko Jaurlaritza than to deputations

·Representatives of the assembly elected in direct and secret elections (general right to vote)

The aims of this project were smaller but they respected the constitution. It was more democratic but the level of autonomy for the BC was smaller

Project was stopped during CEDA's government

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