Applying to a French University: Steps, Requirements, and Costs

Classified in Technology

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At the Beginning

Tout d'abord = First of all
Lorsque = When
ils doivent = they must
Un dossier = transcript/file
Le renvoyer = to send back
Au plus vite = As quickly as possible
A laquelle = To which
L'inscription = Application
On desire s'inscrire = People want to apply
Ainsi que = As well as
ils souhaitent etre admis = they wish to be admitted
Meme si = even if
Si l'on est parmi ceux = if you are among those
La filiere = field
L'etablissement = establishment
Tout bachelier = each graduate
en fin de compte = eventually/fianlly
Avant le debut de = before the start of
On est inscrit pour = they applied to
la gestion = management
pendant environ = for about
la moitie = path
mener a = lead to
langue etrangere = foreign language
faire partie de = to belong to/ to be part of
L'acces a = access to
se faire = to happen/take place
Arriver = to happen/ take place
se passer = to happen/take place
puis = then
ensuite = then
se specializer = to specialize
par etapes = in stages
dont dependent = on which depend
comme = like/as
inscrit en fac = apply to college
droits d'inscription = requirements of application
assez bien = fairly well
ils depensent en moyenne = they spend on average
Le logement = housing
les loisirs = free time
L'alimentation = food

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