Airflow Dynamics: Key Concepts in HVAC Systems
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Airflow Dynamics in HVAC Systems
Key Airflow Parameters
- Current Air Time: Air delivery duration.
- Choro Air: Isothermal air (ambient temperature, non-insulated).
- Effective Velocity (V.efectiva): Average velocity at the air outlet.
- Residual Velocity (V. Residual): Air velocity in the occupied area.
- Temperature Difference (RBI): Difference between ambient and impulse temperatures.
- Ambient Temperature Difference: Temperature difference between the occupied area and ambient.
- Temperature Coefficient: Ratio of temperature differences.
- Mixed Flowrate: Sum of impulse and induced flow.
- Inductance Index: Ratio of total flow to impulse flow.
Airflow Phenomena
- Coanda Effect: Airflow adhering to a surface.
- Critical Radius: Distance where the Coanda effect diminishes.
Air Movement and Sound
- Movements Number: Ratio of impulse flow to local volume.
- Sound Power Level: Measured in an anechoic chamber.
- Sound Pressure Level: Measured in the environment.
- Number of Movements: Calculated based on diffuser and room data.
Diffusers and Control
- Linear Diffusers: Air distribution through slots.
- Control Variable: Ambient temperature (Tamb).
- Average Value: Measured value of a variable.
- Deviation: Difference between measured and target values.
- Controller: Element that decides control actions.
Control System Elements
- Input Signals: Digital, analog, and impulse signals.
- Output Signals: Digital and analog control signals.
- Probes: Passive (temperature) and active (humidity, dew point, air velocity, etc.).
- Control Elements: 3-way valves for mixing and dispersing.
Air Diffusion Methods
Displacement Ventilation
Uses low-velocity air to displace warmer air, suitable for microclimates.
Mixing Ventilation
Utilizes tangential impulse, jets, or rotational flow, often leveraging the Coanda effect for effective air mixing.
Note: Calculations and specific values may vary based on system design.