Aircraft Weighing Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Aircraft Weighing Procedure

This procedure details how to determine the operating empty weight of the aircraft and calculate its center of gravity.

Prerequisites for Accurate Weighing

For optimal results, weigh the aircraft inside a closed hangar on a level surface. Ensure all hangar doors and windows are closed, and heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems are off. This minimizes wind and air currents that can affect accuracy.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Fluid Level Check

    Check and replenish, if necessary, the following fluid levels: engine oil, Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) oil, hydraulic fluid, and electrical generator fluid.

  2. Water System Drainage

    Drain the potable water system, wastewater from toilets, and the toilet systems themselves.

  3. Landing Gear and Tire Pressure Check

    Check and inflate, if necessary, the pressure in the Main Landing Gear (MLG) and Nose Landing Gear (NLG) shock absorbers, as well as tire pressure.

  4. Component Removal

    Remove all tools and protective devices from the aircraft.

  5. Flight Control Positioning

    Retract spoilers, flaps, and slats. Ensure all flight control surfaces are in the neutral position.

  6. Defueling

    Drain any remaining fuel from all fuel tanks.

  7. Aircraft Inspection

    Thoroughly examine the aircraft's exterior and interior to verify all weighing conditions are met. This includes ensuring passenger and cargo compartment equipment/galleys are installed, ground power units (electrical, hydraulic, air conditioning) are disconnected, external panels are installed and closed, and cargo pallets and baggage containers are removed.

  8. Aircraft Positioning

    Tow the aircraft to the designated weighing area. Weighing can be performed in these configurations: aircraft on wheels, aircraft on jacks, or aircraft on landing gear jacks.

  9. Weighing Device Placement

    Position the weighing devices according to the chosen configuration.

  10. Data Collection and Calculation

    Determine the aircraft's pitch attitude, measure its weight, and calculate the center of gravity.

Post-Weighing Procedures

After completing the weighing procedure, return the aircraft to its original configuration. Consult the aircraft maintenance manual for specific instructions for each aircraft type.

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