Air law
Classified in Philosophy and ethics
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Malapropism-humorous misuse of A word that sounds similar to the word intended but has a ludicrously different Meaning
Mania-crazed, excessive excitement; Insanity; delusion
Marginal-related to or located at the Margin or border; at the lower limit of quality; insignificant
Materialistic-preoccupied with Material things; greedy for possessions
Mawkish-overly sentimental; maudlin
Meander-to travel along a winding or Indirect route; to ramble or stray from the topic
Medium-the means by which something Is conveyed or accomplished; a substance through which something is transferred Or conveyed; the materials used by an artist
Melancholy-gloomy; depressed and weary
Melee-a brawl; a confused fight or Struggle; a violent free-for-all; tumultuous confusion
Menagerie-a collection of animals
Meticulous-precise and careful about Details; fussy
Millennium-a period of 1,000 years; a Thousandth anniversary
Mire-marshy, mucky ground
Mode-method of doing; type; manner; Fashion
Modulate-to reduce or regulate; to Lessen the intensity of
Momentum-force of movement; speed; Impetus
Moratorium-a suspension of activity; a Period of delay
Mores-customary moral standards
Motif-a recurring theme or idea
Motley-extremely varied or diverse; Heterogeneous; multicolored
Municipal-pertaining to a city (pr town) And its government
Muse-to ponder; to meditate
Muster-to assemble for battle or Inspection; to summon up
Mystic-otherworldly; mysterious; Enigmatic
Nebulous-vague or indistinct; unclear; Hazy
Nemesis-unconquerable opponent or Rival; one who seeks just compensation or revenge to right a wrong
Neophyte-beginner; novice
Nirvana-a blissful, painless, Worry-free state
Noisome-offensive or disgusting; Stinking; noxious
Nomadic-wandering from place to place; Without a permanent home
Nomenclature-a set or system of Names; a designation; a terminology
Nonchalant-indifferent; coolly Unconcerned; blase
Nullify-to repeal; to cancel; to void
Obeisance-a bow or curtsy; deep Reverence
Objective-unbiased; unprejudiced
Obtrusive-interfering; meddlesome; Having a tendency to butt in
Obviate-to make unnecessary; to avert
Occult-supernatural; magic; mystical
Odious-hateful; evil; vile
Odyssey-a long, difficult journey, Usually marked by many changes of fortune
Olfactory-pertaining to the sense of Smell
Oligarchy-government by only a very few People
Ominous-threatening; menacing; Portending doom
Omniscient-all-knowing; having infinite Wisdom
Opprobrious-damning; extremely Critical; disgraceful
Ordinance-law; regulation; decree
Oscillate-to swing back and forth; to Pulsate; to waver or vacillate between beliefs or ideas
Osmosis-gradual or subtle absorption
Ostracize-to shun; to shut out or exclude A person from a group
Oust-to eject; to expel; to banish
Override-to overrule; to prevail over
Overture-opening move; preliminary Offer
Oxymoron-a figure of speech in which Two contradictory words or phrases are used together
Erratic-not even or regular in pattern Or movement; unpredictable
Spacious-(especially of a room or Building) having ample space
Determined-having made a firm decision And being resolved not to change it; processing or displaying resolve
Hyperbole-exaggerated statements or Claims not meant to taken literally
hypocrisy (hypocrite)-the practice of Claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does Not confirm; pretense
uphold-conform or support; maintain
swell-(v.) become larger or rounder In size; (adj.) excellent; very good