Acids, Bases, and Redox Reactions: Exploring Chemical Reactions and Processes

Classified in Chemistry

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ACID OR BASES: Substances that react with each other according to the following reaction

Acids are substances that have a sour taste and react with limestones such as marble, vinegar, coffee, and tomato...

Bases are substances that have a bitter taste and soapy feel and do not usually attack metals, such as eggs, sodium, and toothpaste...

Redox reactions are those reactions which involve an exchange of electrons between elements. Examples include combustion (one substance oxidizes with the oxygen in the air), METAL CORROSION (iron oxidation, silver tarnishing, and aluminum losing its shine), BATTERIES (obtaining electricity from a reaction), PRECIPITATION (a reaction that produces an insoluble product, like stones in kidneys), FERMENTATION AND RESPIRATION (biological processes where energy is obtained from oxidation), and DECOMPOSITION (complex compounds separating into two simpler substances). Synthetic reactions involve creating new substances, while manufacturing involves the modification of a natural product.

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