AAHPER Youth Fitness Test and Other Fitness Assessments

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AAHPER Youth Fitness Test

What is the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test?

The AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, developed in 1965 in the United States, is designed to assess the fitness levels of 17-year-old students. It helps physical education teachers and recreation leaders evaluate student performance and compare it to national norms.

Test Items

The test includes various items to measure different aspects of fitness. Here are two examples:

1. Pull-Ups (Boys) and Flexed-Arm Hang (Girls)

Pull-Ups (Boys): This test measures upper body strength and endurance. Boys perform as many pull-ups as possible without resting, ensuring their chin clears the bar with each repetition.

Flexed-Arm Hang (Girls): This test also assesses upper body strength and endurance. Girls hang from an adjustable horizontal bar with their chin above the bar for as long as possible. The time in seconds is recorded.

2. Flexed-Leg Sit-Ups

This test measures abdominal strength and endurance. Students lie on their back with knees bent and feet held by a partner. They perform as many sit-ups as possible in 60 seconds, reaching their elbows to their knees with each repetition.

Other Fitness Assessments

Rockport One Mile Test

The Rockport One Mile Test estimates cardiovascular fitness. Participants walk one mile as fast as possible on a windless day. Their weight, time to complete the walk, and heart rate immediately after are recorded. A calculation is then used to determine their VO2 max, which is a measure of aerobic capacity.

Back Scratch Test

The Back Scratch Test assesses upper body flexibility. Participants reach one arm overhead and down their back while reaching the other arm behind their back and up. The distance between the middle fingertips of both hands is measured. The goal is to have fingertips no more than 5 inches apart for women and 8 inches apart for men.


Flexibility refers to the range of motion in a joint or group of joints and the ability to move joints effectively. It is closely related to muscle strength.

Senior Citizen Fitness Test

Senior citizen fitness tests are designed to measure aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility in older adults using minimal and inexpensive equipment. These tests are easy to understand and effective in assessing fitness levels in this population.

What is a Test?

A test is a tool, question, set of questions, or examination used to measure a particular characteristic of an individual or group of individuals.

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