Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Telecommunications Glossary: ISDN, ADSL, and More

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Telecommunications Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

ISDN is a network defined by international standards.

  • ISDN Basic Access: Consists of two 64 Kbps channels and one 16 Kbps channel for signaling to the plant.
  • ISDN Primary Access: Provides access to 30 basic channels (2 Mbps).
  • Broadband ISDN: Refers to ISDN when the rate exceeds 2 Mbps.
  • Narrowband ISDN: Refers to ISDN with speeds ranging from 64 Kbps to 2 Mbps.
  • Channel B: ISDN data transmission channel at 64 Kbps.
  • Channel D: ISDN signaling channel at 16 Kbps.
  • TR1: ISDN Network Termination.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

ADSL is a broadband service with different rates for upstream and downstream data.

  • Microfilter: Low-pass filter for ADSL to allow
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Kitchen Design: Key Factors for Efficiency and Hygiene

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Key Factors in Kitchen Design

Designing an efficient and hygienic kitchen requires careful consideration of several factors. These include:

  • Zoning: Separating areas for different functions (e.g., dirty vs. clean, hot vs. cold).
  • Accessibility: Ensuring easy access to all areas.
  • Flexibility: Designing adaptable spaces.
  • Product Design: Utilizing useful and well-separated equipment.

Food Safety and Witness Samples

Witness samples are portions of each prepared dish that are stored for a specific period. In Castilla La Mancha, establishments serving over 200 diners must retain individual portions, clearly marked with the date and name. These samples should be stored for:

  • 4 days at 4°C (chilled)
  • -18°C (frozen)

Health Authority Requirements (ASF)

The health... Continue reading "Kitchen Design: Key Factors for Efficiency and Hygiene" »

Child-Centered Learning: Activities, Methods, and Play

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Interest-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education

Interest-based learning is a pedagogical method that organizes educational content around a core based on the needs and interests of children. This approach focuses on presenting activities in various situations, motivated by the environment. For example, introducing the concept of fruit through engaging activities.

Organizing Activities for Success

Activities are organized to encourage children to think and pursue success. Choosing an axis of interest that sparks their curiosity is crucial. This method can be implemented with children as young as 18 months old.

Learning Corners: A Key Pedagogical Resource

Learning corners are a valuable pedagogical resource that involves creating organized play... Continue reading "Child-Centered Learning: Activities, Methods, and Play" »

EU Business and Trade Union Organizations

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EU Business Organizations


  • Weak links of interest, whether it is bringing together national organizations, territorial associations, or sectorial ones.
  • Created as a pressure group with the intent to influence political decision-making processes.
  • Groups 33 associations from various countries.
  • Dominated by large companies.


  1. Organizations with the sole function of interest representation exclusively related to the labor market and labor relations.
  2. Associations with commercial interests (Chambers of Commerce).
  3. Associations with dual functions (1 and 2). This is the case of the Spanish CEOE.


  • Promote the interests of the represented associations.
  • Report and press on legislative decision-making processes.
  • Represent associate members
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Anatomy Essentials: Bones, Muscles, and Sensory Organs

Classified in Biology

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1. Vomer Bone

Shape: Part of the postero-inferior nasal septum. Anatomical Features: Alae (wings), ridge, and furrow for choanal articulation with the vomer.

2. Sutures and Fontanelles

The bones of the cranial vault are joined by synfibrosis. We distinguish:

  • Coronal suture
  • Sagittal suture
  • Squamous sutures
  • Metopic suture
  • Lambdoid suture

Schindylesis: Vomer and sphenoid crest articulation.

In newborns, skull bones are not yet firmly united at the sutures, leaving spaces called fontanelles. There are six:

  • Bregmatic: Diamond-shaped, between the parietal and frontal bones.
  • Lambdoid: Triangle-shaped, between the sagittal and lambdoid sutures.
  • Pterygoid: Located at the junction of the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones.
  • Asteroid: Star-shaped, between
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Argentine Curriculum Design: A Nationwide Approach

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Curriculum Design in Argentina

Building a National Framework

The Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) in Argentina represents a set of knowledge domains that underpin the educational process across all provinces. It serves as the foundation upon which various jurisdictions design their curricula.

Development and Implementation

The transformation and innovation of pedagogical approaches in Argentina's provinces involved extensive review, planning, and implementation of updated curriculum designs. This process, part of a broader effort to improve the quality of education, faced challenges due to inconsistencies across provinces. While the movement motivated and mobilized educators, it also highlighted difficulties in ensuring consistent educational experiences... Continue reading "Argentine Curriculum Design: A Nationwide Approach" »

Waxing Techniques: Cusp Placement for Optimal Occlusion

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Review Waxing Techniques

Cusp Placement: Marginal Ridge Occlusion (Upper Jaw)

This section details the placement of cusps in the upper jaw to achieve a marginal ridge top occlusion.

  1. First premolar: Distal fossa of the first premolar.
  2. Second premolar: Distal fossa of the second premolar.
  3. First molar: Mesio-lingual cusp, central fossa of first molar.
  4. First molar: Disto-lingual cusp, distal marginal ridge of the first molar and mesial marginal ridge of the second molar.
  5. Second molar: Mesio-lingual cusp, central fossa of the second molar.
  6. Second molar: Disto-lingual cusp, distal marginal ridge of the second molar.

Cusp Placement: Cusp to Fossa Occlusion (Upper Jaw)

This section describes cusp placement in the upper jaw for a cusp to fossa occlusion.

  1. First
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Art Movements: From Informalism to Postmodernism

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Informalism (1945), assertion of individual viewers through the unconscious and instinctive person. Artists like Gorky, Wols, Chillida, and Giacometti. Related movements include Art Brut, Tachisme, and Cobra, all based on emotional or expressive instinct.

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism emerged from Naturalism (1941-45), the Second World War, and 1945 expressed abstraction. Roosevelt's New Deal established the Federal Art Project (FAB), promoting naturalism, realism, illusionism, vernacular tradition, and traditionalism. Mexican Muralists contributed with expressive realism and revolutionary art.

Key figures: Pollock, Rothko, Newman. The Artists' Union attacked the cultural monopoly. Rothko, Newman, and Pollock claimed... Continue reading "Art Movements: From Informalism to Postmodernism" »

Cellular Metabolism: Catabolism, Anabolism, and ATP Production

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Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur inside the cell. The different sequences of reactions or routes are called metabolic pathways, and the molecules involved are metabolites.

There are two phases:

  1. Catabolism: Transformation of complex organic molecules into simpler ones (degradation). This process releases energy stored in ATP's phosphate bonds.
  2. Anabolism: Synthesis of complex molecules from simple ones (construction), requiring energy provided by ATP.

Structure of Metabolic Pathways

  • Linear: Intermediates are only used in a particular pathway.
  • Branched: Metabolic routes intersect or cross at two or more points.
  • Cyclical: After a series of transformations, the initial molecule is regenerated.

Types of Metabolism Based on

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MySQL Database Management: Users, Permissions, Tables

Classified in Computers

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  • Creation

From the Partner's Computer

  • Create user `Professor` @ '' identified by 'Professor';

Local Access

  • Administrative user `Create` @ 'localhost' identified by 'Administrative';

Access from Any Computer

  • Create user `` @ '%' student identified by 'student';
  • Deletion

  • DROP
  • Permissions

To Grant Permissions

  • GRANT SELECT ON clase.cuidadores TO 'student'@'localhost';
SELECT * FROM carers;
  • GRANT SELECT (name, currency) ON clase.cuidadores TO 'student'@'localhost';
SELECT name FROM currency carers;
  • GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON IES.Curso TO 'Administrative'@'localhost';
  • GRANT INSERT (IdCurso, DNI), SELECT (IdCurso, DNI), UPDATE (IdCurso, ID) ON IES.Matrícula TO 'Administrative'@'localhost';

With Update

  • GRANT SELECT (name, currency), UPDATE (currency)
... Continue reading "MySQL Database Management: Users, Permissions, Tables" »