Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Effective Decision-Making and Leadership in Organizations

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Types of Problems and Decisions

Program: Not scheduled.

Relationship between alternatives and consequences: Certainty, risk, uncertainty, competition.

Number of individuals who have to make a decision: Individual, group.

Number of objectives: One, more than one.

Forms of Decision

  • From experience: Whether to be guided by past actions.
  • For Democracy: The agreement considering the opinion of each.
  • Study of the problem: To act as a logical plan.

Factors Influencing Decision-Making

Resources at our disposal, the more time we think and analyze the consequences, beliefs, values, and way of thinking.

Methods for Making Decisions

  • For most: Proposal most voted.
  • Unanimously: All agree.

Process in Decision-Making

  • Having a goal: What is to be achieved and what problems
... Continue reading "Effective Decision-Making and Leadership in Organizations" »

Healthcare Supply Management: Optimizing Procurement & Inventory

Classified in Economy

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Hospitals and medical consultations are firms offering services and charging for them. Private schools pay for the service, while in the public sector, the state is responsible. It is crucial to adhere to the budget. Efficient supply management ensures the availability of products for the operation of a center at the least expense, while maintaining good medical care.

Major health centers have a delivery service that manages procurement, acquisition, storage of equipment, and instruments. Smaller centers have less complex supply management, often handled by a single person.

Supply management involves several stages:

  • Acquisition of equipment
  • Storage of products

Service suitability is determined by favorable spending. Large centers manage... Continue reading "Healthcare Supply Management: Optimizing Procurement & Inventory" »

Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing Processes

Classified in Technology

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**Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing**

**Properties of Plastics**

Definition: Plastics are materials of organic origin, solid at room temperature, and easily molded by applying heat. They have a high molecular weight.

Most used: Polypropylene (PP)


  • Weight reduction
  • Noise damping
  • Impact absorption
  • Chemical resistance
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation


  • Low mechanical resistance
  • Cannot withstand high temperatures
  • Easily scratched
  • Can easily capture moisture
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Sensitivity to environmental conditions

**Chemical Processes**

Plastics are of organic origin and are chemical compounds formed by the union of several units. They can be formed by polymerization, polycondensation, or polyaddition.... Continue reading "Plastic Materials: Properties, Types, and Manufacturing Processes" »

Consumer Behavior: From Need Recognition to Post-Purchase

Classified in Economy

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Understanding the Consumer Purchase Decision Process

1. Recognize the Need

We experience a need when we sense a gap between our current state and a desired state. Needs can be categorized as follows:

  • Physiological Needs: These relate to basic survival for individuals (e.g., thirst, fatigue, housing) and businesses (e.g., customers, suppliers).
  • Security Needs: The need to feel protected. For individuals, this might involve insurance or medical care. For businesses, it could mean recovery of arrears or financial stability.
  • Membership Needs: The need to belong to or be part of a group. For example, belonging to a union.
  • Esteem Needs: The desire to be accepted and respected. For individuals, this might involve projecting a certain image. For businesses,
... Continue reading "Consumer Behavior: From Need Recognition to Post-Purchase" »

Understanding Genetic and Infectious Diseases: Causes and Prevention

Classified in Biology

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Genetic Disorders

A genetic disorder is a disease caused by an alteration of a gene, called a mutation. These mutations can occur randomly or as a consequence of exposure to some environmental risk factors.


Amniocentesis is a test used to determine whether a fetus has a genetic disease.

Environmental Factors

  • Exposure to carcinogens: Components of cigarette smoke may induce gene expression, provoking different types of cancer.
  • Water and food: In some rural areas, water could be contaminated with pesticides or substances from farms and industries. In developing countries, contaminated water is responsible for many (often fatal) diseases.
  • Pollution: Cities with high levels of pollution and areas close to nuclear power plants may increase
... Continue reading "Understanding Genetic and Infectious Diseases: Causes and Prevention" »

Company Structure, Pricing, and Legal Aspects

Classified in Economy

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Sales Organization

Our company, operating in the tertiary sector, is dedicated to providing services directly to the customer. Therefore, we utilize a direct distribution channel: Manufacturer to Final Consumer.

Pricing Policy

Our company aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Establish a permanent presence.
  • Generate market returns in the short term.
  • Promote and position our products and services, and defend against competition.

Pricing: The price of our products and services is set by studying the following three methods, so we consider:

  • The maximum price that can be set on the market, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the company against the competition.

Legal Form

The legal form is a Limited... Continue reading "Company Structure, Pricing, and Legal Aspects" »

Primate Evolution and Human Ancestry: Key Adaptations and Milestones

Classified in Geology

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1 .- Visión binocular 2 .- Color Perception 3 .- Trunk erect climbing, walking or sitting. 4 .- orbits surrounded by bone 5 .- Thumbs opposed to other fingers. 6 .- Presence of flat nails rather than claws, hands and feet. 7 .- Shoulder joint well developed 8 .- The elbow joint allows rotation of the forearm. The forearm rotation movements are known as pronation and supination.
Monkeys: Cercopitecoideos: Macaques, baboons, Chucks
Hominoids: chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, gibbons, Male hominoids - Hylobatidae (Gibbons) - Hominidae (orangutans (ponginos) Gorilla (gorilla), chimpanzees (Pan), Man (homo))
Foramen magnum in the center of the skull, thus allowing a march erguida.-Increased skull size and more rounded. - Absence of supraorbital... Continue reading "Primate Evolution and Human Ancestry: Key Adaptations and Milestones" »

Social Security Benefits and Entities in Spain

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Social Security:

A set of rules and institutions aimed at assisting and protecting citizens against certain claims or states of need, ensuring their prevention.

Entities and Solicitors:

  • INSS (National Social Security Institute): The organization responsible for the recognition and management of the right to economic benefits within the Social Security system during its contributory phase. It also recognizes the right to family benefits and healthcare, except for unemployment benefits. It manages the Social Institute of the Navy.
  • IMSERSO (National Institute of Migration and Social Services): Manages the rights to economic benefits of the Social Security system during its non-contributory phase. IMSERSO is also responsible for managing complementary
... Continue reading "Social Security Benefits and Entities in Spain" »

Childhood Injuries: Prevention and Statistics in Spain

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Injuries in Children in Developed Societies

In developed societies, infectious diseases are no longer the primary cause of high infant mortality. Instead, accidents have become a leading cause of death.

Blooper Children: Definition and Types

An accident is an event independent of human will, caused by an outside force, acting quickly and resulting in physical or mental damage. Accidental injuries in children can be caused by falls, traffic accidents, poisoning, etc. Infants are particularly vulnerable. Accidents are the leading cause of death in children over one year old.

Accidents and Health

Accidents are a major public health problem in developed countries. Childhood accidents are a priority due to their frequency and serious consequences.


... Continue reading "Childhood Injuries: Prevention and Statistics in Spain" »

Spanish Autonomous Communities and the European Union: A Guide

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Spanish Autonomous Communities

Overview of Autonomous Communities

Spain is divided into several autonomous communities, each with its own government and powers. These include:

  • Andalusia
  • Basque Country
  • Catalonia
  • Canary Islands
  • Galicia
  • Balearic Islands
  • Navarra
  • Valencia
  • Castilla-La Mancha
  • Aragon
  • Castilla-Leon
  • Extremadura
  • Cantabria
  • Madrid
  • Murcia
  • La Rioja
  • Asturias

The President

The President of each autonomous community is elected by the assembly of deputies from among its members. The President's functions include:

  • Directing the governing council
  • Representing the autonomous community
  • Summoning and dissolving the assembly
  • Convening regional elections
  • Appointing directors


The High Court of Justiciary is the highest court in each autonomous community. State law acts... Continue reading "Spanish Autonomous Communities and the European Union: A Guide" »