Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Understanding Power Generation: Key Concepts and Principles

Classified in Electronics

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Lesson 1

Hydropower Plants: Using the energy generated by the water stored in a swamp to a steep fall on the turbine that mechanically turns the electric generator, which produces electricity.

Nuclear and Thermal Power: Using steam at pressure on the turbines that drive the electric generator. In thermal power, steam is produced by combustion, while in nuclear power, a controlled nuclear reaction with uranium is used as fuel.

Wind Farms: Exploits the kinetic energy of wind for electric power generation by grouping several wind generators.

Photovoltaic Power Plant: It can generate electricity by exploiting the energy from photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight.

Charles Coulomb enunciated what is known as Coulomb's Law to demonstrate experimentally... Continue reading "Understanding Power Generation: Key Concepts and Principles" »

14th-Century Spanish Literature: The Book of Good Love & Don Juan Manuel

Classified in Latin

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14th-Century Spanish Literature

The Book of Good Love and the Archpriest of Hita

Juan Ruiz, the Archpriest of Hita, wrote the brilliant and original Book of Good Love in the 14th century. While its structure could be categorized within the mester de clerecía (clerical verse tradition), its themes stray from the didacticism typical of that style.

We know very little about the author beyond his name. However, his work reveals a vital, humorous individual with sincere piety. This suggests a strong autobiographical element, allowing the reader to connect with an author deeply familiar with both popular and learned literature.

Book of Good Love


Written in verse with a predominantly narrative style, the Book of Good Love shares characteristics... Continue reading "14th-Century Spanish Literature: The Book of Good Love & Don Juan Manuel" »

Understanding Electricity Billing and Home Installations

Classified in Electronics

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Understanding Electricity Billing

Let's break down the components of your electricity bill:

  • Power Term (T. potencia): A fixed amount paid in billing, determined by the contracted power.
  • Energy Term (T. energia): The amount paid for the actual energy consumed.

Types of Electricity Rates

  • Last Resort Rate (TUR): Replaces the former "integral rate," set by the government. It features a single price for all users. Available for those with contracted power less than 10kW.
  • Toll-Free Rate: You can negotiate different conditions than the TUR with a marketer.
  • Access Fee: Covers the cost of using the distribution network to bring electricity to your home. Not applicable if you have the TUR.
  • Social Bond: A tariff designed to protect households with fewer resources.
... Continue reading "Understanding Electricity Billing and Home Installations" »

Spanish Adverbial Propositions: A Comprehensive Overview

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Spanish Adverbial Propositions

A proposition is self-xqe adverbial: It can be replaced by a verb complement and serves as a circumstantial complement (CC).

A proper adverbial proposition cannot be replaced by an adverb. It complements the verb, but the entire main proposition indicates a condition.

Types of Adverbial Propositions

Adverbial Subordinate Propositions

Place: Marks the spot where the action expressed by the verb in the principal proposition occurs. Responds to Where? Can be replaced by an adverb of place and functions as a CCL (Complemento Circunstancial de Lugar).

Time: Indicates when the action expressed by the verb in the principal proposition occurs. Responds to When? It can be replaced by an adverb of time and functions as a CCT... Continue reading "Spanish Adverbial Propositions: A Comprehensive Overview" »

Religious Knowledge: A Humanistic Approach to Education

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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1 Anthropological Argument

Religious Knowledge: Understanding the Human Experience

Religious knowledge delves into the complexity of the human experience. It clarifies the meaning and rationale behind human activities such as rituals, prayer, sacrifice, silence, and action. These activities constitute fundamental models of human behavior.

Historical Significance

In history, religious beliefs have had a significant impact. Understanding modern European history requires acknowledging the role of religious struggles throughout time.

Cultural Significance

Religious knowledge informs philosophical anthropology, highlighting the sacred as a universal dimension. The origins of culture are rooted in experiences and beliefs.

Intercultural Dialogue

Inter-religious... Continue reading "Religious Knowledge: A Humanistic Approach to Education" »

Dehesa Ecosystem: Trees, Pastures, and Sustainability

Classified in Geology

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Dehesa and Trees

The grove is essential in the pasture. In addition to the so-called "tree effect", which changes the microclimate, the influence on vegetation makes it early and late.

This appears to be due to the possibility of extraction of nutrients from deep horizons, and thermal differences of the crown and roots.

According to Law 7/2010, of July 14, regarding the Dehesa:

a) Formation of open stands:

A forest area occupied by a layer of trees with a canopy cover between 5% and 75%, composed mainly of oaks, cork oaks, and olive trees, and occasionally other trees, allowing the development of an essentially herbaceous layer (grass) to be used for livestock or game species.

b) Pasture: A farm constituted mostly by the formation of open stands,... Continue reading "Dehesa Ecosystem: Trees, Pastures, and Sustainability" »

Administrative Functions and Sales Contracts in Business

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Administrative Functions of the Company

Administrative functions are one of the basic functions necessary for support in all kinds of businesses. They are defined as all activities necessary to achieve optimal performance of the organization. They are carried out in two areas:

  • Strategic: Including the direction of the company.
  • Management: Developing administrative processes to support other business functions.

Administrative Processes

Administrative processes involve business processes and document control information flows that are generated in any business activity. This can include purchases, personnel, production, logistics, etc.

Contract of Sale

A contract of sale involves the sale of movable property for resale, either in the same form as purchased... Continue reading "Administrative Functions and Sales Contracts in Business" »

Emergency Mobilization & Safety Positions: A Quick Guide

Classified in Physical Education

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Assessing the Need for Mobilization

In many cases, victims do not fully recover from initial first aid. It's often appropriate to consult professional services to confirm the best course of action. When deciding whether to evacuate to a hospital emergency room, determine if it's appropriate to wait for emergency services or if it's preferable to move the person to a safe location.

Improper handling and transport can aggravate injuries, especially fractures that could become open fractures if not handled correctly.

The recommended action sequence is:

  1. Perform an emergency assessment and take appropriate actions on site.
  2. Stabilize vital functions.
  3. Decide whether to wait for emergency services or transfer the person to a hospital.
  4. Place the person in
... Continue reading "Emergency Mobilization & Safety Positions: A Quick Guide" »

Sigismund's Journey: Imprisonment to Redemption in Poland

Classified in Religion

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Sigismund's Journey: From Imprisonment to Redemption

The Prophecy and Imprisonment

King Basilio of Poland imprisoned his son, Sigismund, from a young age. A prophecy foretold that Sigismund, upon ascending the throne, would become a cruel and unjust tyrant, ultimately overthrowing his father. Only Clotaldo, Sigismund's tutor, was permitted to visit him during his confinement.

The Test of Freedom

Years later, King Basilio, questioning the prophecy's validity, decided to test its truth. He had Sigismund freed under the influence of narcotics and treated as king. However, upon experiencing freedom and power, Sigismund committed atrocities, killing a servant and threatening the court, including Basilio himself. Witnessing his son's behavior, the king... Continue reading "Sigismund's Journey: Imprisonment to Redemption in Poland" »

Electrical Safety: Protection Devices and Grounding Schemes

Classified in Technology

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Electrical Protection Devices

Protection devices safeguard electrical installations and connected components from potential overloads. They also protect people from electric shock, preventing current leakage to the ground and the consequent economic damage to the user.


A fuse is connected in series with the circuit so that all the current flows through it. It consists of a base with two fixed contacts, a plug-piece cartridge or blade, and fusible material surrounded by a medium that acts as a means of extinction.

  • Overload: Occurs when the current value in an electrical installation exceeds the fuse's rating.
  • Short circuit: Occurs when a fault in an installation element or an accident causes a sudden surge in current, causing the fuse to blow.
... Continue reading "Electrical Safety: Protection Devices and Grounding Schemes" »