Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Grounding Systems & Electrical Safety Procedures

Classified in Technology

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Laying Ground Facilities Project

The process involves several key steps:

  • Research
  • Determination
  • Design
  • Calculation of resistance
  • Computation step of crack on the outside of the installation
  • Calculation of contact and step voltages inside the installation
  • Checking
  • Research
  • Correction

Wenner Method

The Wenner method is the most used and recommended technique to measure the resistivity of the ground.

High Voltage Open Circuit Procedure

  1. Open the switch.
  2. Open the disconnectors.

High Voltage Circuit Closing Procedure

  1. Close the disconnectors.
  2. Close the switch.

Lockout or Interlock Device

A lockout or interlock device is the set of operations aimed at preventing the operation of a device and maintaining it in a given position.

Verification of Absence of Tension

It is necessary... Continue reading "Grounding Systems & Electrical Safety Procedures" »

File Management in Healthcare: Phases and Transfers

Classified in Mathematics

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Phases of a File Report

Depending on the activity or inactivity of files, a file in healthcare (HC) can be categorized into three stages:

  • Active Archive
  • Passive File
  • Historical Archive
  • Active file: This is one that meets the active healthcare compliance (HHCC), i.e., records subject to continued use and consultation.
  • Archive candidate: This is one that meets the inactive HHCC, i.e., one that you have to transfer from active files when a query in a time interval of 3 to 5 years is nil. These documents remain here until disposal or transfer to the historical archive.
  • Historical Archive: This is where documentation is transferred from the passive file after 10 years without being consulted. These documents are kept permanently because they were not
... Continue reading "File Management in Healthcare: Phases and Transfers" »

Spain's Transition to Democracy: Political Reform & Elections

Classified in History

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Spain's Political Transition: Reform and Elections

Political Reform (1976)

Some heirs of Franco's regime resisted political reform, clinging to the old ways. Despite police brutality and paramilitary actions, reformers pushed the government towards change. Their project involved amending existing laws. On June 30, 1976, Arias Navarro resigned, and Adolfo Suarez, aligned with the crown's vision, took over. Suarez initiated a new style of politics, engaging with the opposition and proposing a bold political reform law.

This reform law aimed to democratize politics by establishing the state as a political organization. It proposed converting the existing courts into a Congress of Deputies and a Senate elected by universal suffrage. Future democratic... Continue reading "Spain's Transition to Democracy: Political Reform & Elections" »

Franco's Spain: Economic Phases and Development (1940-1975)

Classified in History

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Franco's Spain: Economic Phases (1940-1975)

a) Autarky (1940s)

Francoist authorities implemented a policy favoring limited industrial production.

1941: INI (Instituto Nacional de Industria)

The INI was the Franco regime's instrument responsible for reviving industry during the post-war years. The 1940s were known as the "Years of Famine." The public estate was bankrupt with no financial reserves, leading to economic stagnation. Recovery began around 1950. The 1947 Marshall Plan did not benefit the dictatorial regime.

b) Stabilization Plan (1959) and Development

Rationing was abolished, and free pricing, trade, and movement of foodstuffs were established.

Since 1951: Negotiations with the U.S.

Negotiations began with the U.S., resulting in a Mutual... Continue reading "Franco's Spain: Economic Phases and Development (1940-1975)" »

Theories of State Origin and Forms: A Comprehensive Overview

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Theories About the Origin of the State

The origin of the state is a controversial issue that sparks two main responses:

1. The State Is Not Required (Anarchism)

This political movement argues that the state is not only unnecessary but also undesirable. Historically, the state has been seen as an instrument of oppression, favoring the powerful and generating ambition, hatred, and abuse. While life is inherently social, anarchists believe this doesn't necessitate a central, oppressive power. They posit that natural human goodness ensures solidarity without imposed control.

2. The State Is Necessary

This perspective is supported by two main arguments:

  • Monopoly of Force: The state, by holding a monopoly on force, limits and controls potential outbreaks
... Continue reading "Theories of State Origin and Forms: A Comprehensive Overview" »

18th Century Spain: Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, and Literary Reform

Classified in Latin

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The Enlightenment in 18th Century Spain

The Illustration, also known as the Enlightenment, was a philosophical and political movement characteristic of the 18th century. The enlightened thinkers believed that knowledge should be based on reason and that progress should challenge European traditions, customs, etc. Rationalism promoted scientific development, and numerous discoveries were made, such as the steam engine, electricity, lightning rods, and vaccines. Progress and reforms were aimed at utility for all. Religion was sidelined, and there was a belief that progress would improve living conditions. The principles of the Enlightenment were reflected in social life through the elimination of slavery and the extension of education.


Neoclassicism... Continue reading "18th Century Spain: Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, and Literary Reform" »

Communication Modes, Data Circuits, OSI Stack, and Network Types

Classified in Computers

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Communication Modes


  • Simplex Communication: Clearly defined transmitter and receiver functions. Transmission occurs in one direction only. Example: a TV broadcast using a single physical channel and a single unidirectional logical channel.
  • Half-Duplex Communication: Two-way communication where sender and receiver roles are interchangeable, but transmission is not simultaneous. When one device sends, the other must receive. It uses one physical channel and a bidirectional logical channel.
  • Full-Duplex Communication: Bidirectional and simultaneous communication. Sender and receiver roles are not strictly defined.

Data Circuit Components

Circuit Data:

  • Data Terminal Equipment (DTE): The source or destination of information.
  • Data Circuit-Terminating
... Continue reading "Communication Modes, Data Circuits, OSI Stack, and Network Types" »

Understanding the Respiratory System: Anatomy and Function

Classified in Biology

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The Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for ensuring the supply of oxygen to body cells and removing carbon dioxide. Blood oxygenation is a process that occurs through gas exchange between the blood vessels and the pulmonary alveoli. The respiratory system also prevents the entry of unwanted elements and the development of infections.

Anatomy of the Respiratory System

The respiratory system consists of various organs, which are divided into:

Upper Airways

Located outside the thoracic cavity, including the nose, nares, pharynx, and larynx.

Lower Airways

Located inside the chest cavity, including the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lungs, and pleura.

Upper Respiratory Tract

  1. Nose

    The air enters through the nostrils, right and

... Continue reading "Understanding the Respiratory System: Anatomy and Function" »

Maternity Leave & Payroll Calculation: Spanish Social Security Benefits

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Maternity Leave Case: Official Category Worker (Cluster 8)

A worker in the official category (cluster 8) is pregnant. Her suspension period begins on October 13th due to the inability to continue in her position or a similar one because of risk during the contribution base for pregnancy. The professional contingencies during April (without overtime) were 1,680. Last year, 970 hours of overtime were recorded.

We need to calculate the financial benefits the worker is entitled to receive during October. The following information outlines the benefits paid and worker contributions to Social Security (SS):

  • Daily wage: Pregnant worker
  • Lower-risk pregnancy: May 13th - payroll month of May
  • Base for professional contingencies: April - 1680 (without overtime)
... Continue reading "Maternity Leave & Payroll Calculation: Spanish Social Security Benefits" »

Distribution Channels: Impact on Marketing and Sales

Classified in Economy

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Role of Distribution Channels

  • Centralize basic marketing decisions: The type of wholesale has an important influence.
  • Helps reduce costs: Distribution channels can reduce storage and transportation costs. Outsourcing these functions allows companies to focus on their core competencies.
  • An asset to the company: A well-chosen distribution channel can be a very important asset.
  • Intervenes in pricing: Distribution channels advise on the most suitable pricing strategy. The more intermediaries a product passes through, the longer and more expensive the channel becomes. However, a short channel provides the advantage of first-hand information.
  • Provides market information: Distribution channels possess valuable information about the market, competition,
... Continue reading "Distribution Channels: Impact on Marketing and Sales" »