Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Electrical Installations: Devices, Control & Protection

Classified in Technology

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1. General Devices, Individual Control, and Protection. Power Control Switch

1.1. Location

The general command and protection devices are located near the lead-in entry point of the local or individual user's dwelling. In homes, commercial, and industrial premises, a sealed box for the power control switch is placed immediately before other devices in a separate compartment. This box may be placed in the same panel as the overall control and protection devices.

In residential units, the overall command and protection devices must be accessible from the front door and not located in bedrooms, bathrooms, or toilets. In industrial or commercial units, they should be placed near the front door.

Individual control and protection devices for internal

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Substations and Receiving Stations: Function and Classification

Classified in Technology

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Substations are the centers or facilities that transform the stresses of transportation or distribution tensions between transmission and distribution voltages simultaneously.

Substations in Our Region

Substations (in our region) are responsible for transforming regular or distribution voltages (25kV / 11kV). Transformer stations can be of various types and transform the voltage to low voltage distribution tension. Renewable energy installations, substations, and transformer stations are subject to compliance with regulations and standards, also typical of power companies, usually very demanding for construction and exploitation.

Substations and Receiving Stations

Substations and receiving stations are an important link between the power production,... Continue reading "Substations and Receiving Stations: Function and Classification" »

Electrical Safety: Preventing Contact and Protection Measures

Classified in Technology

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Questionnaire 5

1. Preventing Grid Contact

To prevent contact between a person and a grid, ensure there is no galvanic connection between them. Natural elements like land or soil can act as galvanic connections.

2. Default Voltage (UD) and Contact Voltage (UC)

  • Default Voltage (UD): The voltage between a source or ground masses and a reference point in case of a fault.
  • Contact Voltage (UC): The portion of the default voltage, or voltage from the ground, that could be experienced by a person.

3. UNE 20,460 Direct Contact Protection

The UNE 20,460 standard defines the following protection measures against direct contacts:

  • Protection by insulation of active parts.
  • Protection by barriers or enclosures.
  • Protection by obstacles.
  • Protection by distance.
  • Additional
... Continue reading "Electrical Safety: Preventing Contact and Protection Measures" »

Understanding the Spanish Tax System: Key Concepts and Processes

Classified in Economy

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The Treasury refers to the set of institutions responsible for raising the income needed to fund public services. Several institutions manage tax funds, including:

  • State Treasury or Inland Revenue: Manages corporate income tax, among others, and public customs tariffs.
  • Treasury of Autonomous Communities: Manages, among other things, donations and special taxes on certain transportation and electricity.
  • Public Council Treasury: Manages, among others, business tax and taxes on real estate.


  • Individuals: Natural persons.
  • Corporate Entities: Groups of natural persons forming associations, foundations, or corporations that have a distinct legal personality from their members.

Other bodies raising public funds include the General Treasury... Continue reading "Understanding the Spanish Tax System: Key Concepts and Processes" »

Retail Product Management and Shelf Optimization

Classified in Economy

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Product Demand and Inventory Management

Product Daily Demand: Average amount of product you plan to sell.

Safety Stock Day: Minimum amount in storage to avoid running out of goods if demand exceeds expectations. This safety stock depends, among other variables, on the:

  • Provisioning Period: Replenishment period, time taken for the establishment to receive the goods from an order.
  • Global Sales: Total sales of the establishment across all products.

Four Methods for Calculating Minimum Stock for Each Product Line

Replenishment Period Method: This method is based on the premise that the shelf space assigned to a product depends on the demand for the product and the time it takes to replenish the establishment with that product.

Sales Number Method: This... Continue reading "Retail Product Management and Shelf Optimization" »

Heart Anatomy and Physiology: Structure and Function

Classified in Biology

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Heart: Function

The heart is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood and nutrients to all body cells for proper functioning. It is also in charge of collecting and transporting waste material for disposal.

Heart: Structure

The heart is a hollow organ the size of a fist, located in the center of the left chest between the lungs. It consists of a heart wall and four cavities.

Heart Wall

The heart wall has three parts:

  • The endocardium is the innermost layer and is in contact with blood.
  • The myocardium is the middle layer, composed of cardiac muscle tissue, and it is thick.
  • The pericardium is the outer layer containing liquid, and it also absorbs the friction of the heart.

Cardiac Cavities

The heart is divided into two halves, which in turn are divided... Continue reading "Heart Anatomy and Physiology: Structure and Function" »

Mass Media and Dialects of Castilian

Classified in Electronics

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Mass Media

Mass media refers to channels used to transmit messages to large populations, such as newspapers, radio, and cinema. Our society relies heavily on their constant presence.

Characteristics of Mass Media

  • Complex technology requiring specialized professionals.
  • Collective receivership (messages reach multiple people simultaneously).
  • Primarily unidirectional communication (limited feedback from receivers).

Mass media are powerful instruments of social influence, serving three main purposes: informing, shaping public opinion, and entertaining.

Verbal and Nonverbal Codes

Each medium employs unique communicative codes. For example, the press utilizes images, headlines, and text layout, while television incorporates sets, gestures, and music.


Television... Continue reading "Mass Media and Dialects of Castilian" »

Refrigeration Evaporators: Types, Performance, and Maintenance

Classified in Geology

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Evaporator: The Cooling Component

The evaporator is the facility that produces the cooling effect. It's a heat exchanger where heat from the chamber transfers to the refrigerant, causing it to boil. The material must be a good heat conductor for efficient heat transfer. It doesn't necessarily have to be installed inside the enclosure being cooled.

Types of Evaporators

Flooded Evaporator

  • The refrigerant is primarily in a liquid state.
  • High-performance due to constant temperature difference between fluid and cooling medium.
  • Typically uses float level regulators for expansion.

Finned Tube Evaporator

  • Smaller size achieved due to increased surface area from fins.
  • Fins come in various shapes (circular, square, etc.).
  • Attached to the tube mechanically.
  • Air circuits
... Continue reading "Refrigeration Evaporators: Types, Performance, and Maintenance" »

Autopsy Procedure: Step-by-Step Process

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Autopsy Method

Scissors: Between the thumb and the index finger, the heart is cut. External review, there are gutting and joint dissection.

External Review

External review involves the inspection and palpation of the body from head to toe. The pathologist and the technician must assist in mobilizing the body, annotating data in the autopsy report, and having the necessary equipment for the collection of samples. The pathologist will be placed on the right of the body and the technician on the left.


  • Signs of death: Stiffness, lividities, putrefaction.
  • External Review: Sex, age, height, weight, and head circumference (in children), muscle development, color, skin changes and hair distribution, natural orifices and external genitalia, palpable
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Management: Purpose, Objectives, and Evolution

Classified in Social sciences

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Purpose and Objectives of Management

The purpose of management is to improve an organization's productive contributions. It is responsible from an ethical, social, and strategic standpoint. An administrative objective is a goal that requires a defined action. Orientation suggests extra effort for a leader.

Purpose of Administration

Achieving common goals through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling activities, and using resources to satisfy the needs of a society.

Importance of Administration

  • Basics: Universality, simplification of work, productivity and efficiency, common good.
  • It gives effect to human efforts.
  • It helps to get the best staff, equipment, materials, money, and human relationships.
  • It provides foresight and creativity.
  • Continuous
... Continue reading "Management: Purpose, Objectives, and Evolution" »