Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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Classified in Physics

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(M02)Lunar embasy 1a)F. But...a rocket b)So far...apiece 3a)views b)roaring c)prohibited d)grateful 4a)have bought/but b)signed/with Smile you are camera(M03) 1a)T.And as...growing b)F.If the program...department 3a)implement b)radio c)high d)argue 4a)were/that b)had/what A relative difference (M04) 1a) F."This similarity...chimpanzees"b)F."development and...that now" 3a)link b)skull c)leap forward d)seemingly 4a)If you don´t ask him a question,he won´t speak to you. I´m working from home(M05)1a)F"For the Spanish...reason b)T"Overall, do" 3a)choosing b)survey c)opportunity d)switch 4a)have worked/per b)to get/to. Should the State tell...drink?(M06) 1a)F"We eat on...else"b)F"A sociologist...dining table" 3a)enquiry b)almost c)entire... Continue reading "Asasd" »

Educational Challenges in Spain and a Job Application

Classified in Teaching & Education

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Educational Challenges in Spain

Nowadays in Spain, there is an educational problem. Most people do not continue with their studies, and 50% of university students leave before finishing their degree. They cannot pay the high tuition fees that the Government has established. Furthermore, there is no job to obtain financial support. To solve this issue, the Government should reduce the price of the tuition fees and make a proper distribution of scholarships because sometimes the Government gives money to people that do not need it. These changes could help many students to continue studying and find a good job to pay for their studies.

Application Letter

Mrs. ...
(School Name)
58, Cardigan Street
Oxford p56 23B

C/ Calderon de la Barca, 29
03201... Continue reading "Educational Challenges in Spain and a Job Application" »

Developing Logical and Mathematical Thinking in Children

Classified in Computers

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What is Mathematical Logical Thinking?

These are the skills students develop associated with logical and mathematical concepts, reasoning, comprehension, and exploration of the world through real proportions, thus strengthening more abstract aspects of thought.

Geometry with Dinosaurs

This activity involves cutting out various geometric shapes with EVA rubber. Children will then create their own dinosaurs using these shapes. Through this activity, they can learn geometric shapes, count the number of elements used in each dinosaur (like the sides of the shapes), and create new geometric shapes from the ones they already have.

Logical Reasoning with Chupa Chups

This activity consists of creating logically structured material and playing with it using... Continue reading "Developing Logical and Mathematical Thinking in Children" »

Subjective Rights

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

Written at on English with a size of 5.13 KB.

1 .- Concept D ° Subjective:

- Law in the objective sense is a set of legal rules governing the conduct of men

- Law in the subjective sense is contained in the substantive law (as when speaking of one or the other is because they look different aspects), is the faculty that has a subject to perform specific behavior, or refrain from it or require other The subject line of duty, serves to make, do and demand.

- These two concepts are related, since the definition of D ° objective is obtained for the individual right that could be formulated as follows: Power to act to satisfy their own interests guaranteed by law.

- There are some rights that are exercised without the consent, as the inherent rights (HR)

- We must make it clear that the... Continue reading "Subjective Rights" »

Tensors and Variables in PyTorch and TensorFlow

Classified in Computers

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Tensors and Variables in PyTorch and TensorFlow

Here's a brief explanation of tensors and variables in the context of deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow:


  • Definition: A tensor is a multi-dimensional array used to represent data (such as scalars, vectors, matrices, or higher-dimensional data).
  • Common Operations: Tensors can be manipulated with mathematical operations (addition, multiplication, etc.), reshaped, sliced, etc.

In PyTorch, tensors are the core data structure:

import torch
# Create a tensor
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
# Basic operations
b = a + 2         # Adds 2 to each element
c = a * a         # Element-wise multiplication
d = a @ a         # Matrix multiplication


Tensor `b`: [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
... Continue reading "Tensors and Variables in PyTorch and TensorFlow" »

The mystery of the haunted crypt

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 19.81 KB.


1. - Summary of the book.

While a group of young inmates in an asylum was playing a football game, Dr. Sugrañes party amid calls one of them, exactly the protagonist of this story. The doctor tells Sugrañes accompany him to his office because it has an unexpected visitor. To his amazement, was the Commissioner Flores and a nun who was unaware of.

The reason that the commissioner flowers and the nun had come to see was: about 6 years ago a girl had disappeared without a trace one night, but the strange thing was that it appeared the next day with no memory of what happened. Well, a couple of days ago had been different in the same school girl who lived in the other and wanted him to take charge of the case.... Continue reading "The mystery of the haunted crypt" »

Direct and Indirect Exporting Strategies for Businesses

Classified in Economy

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Direct and Indirect Exporting

  • Exporting
    • Exporting can be direct or indirect.
    • In direct exporting, the company sells to a customer in another country.
    • The Internet is becoming increasingly important.

Exporting may be done passively or actively. Passive exporting occurs when a business receives orders from abroad without actively looking for them. Active exporting involves developing policies for setting up systems for organizing the export function and for dealing with export logistics, documentation, and finance.

With indirect exporting, intermediaries handle most aspects of export deals. Returns are obviously lower. You lose control over final selling prices.

  • Indirect Exporting: Products are sold to a third party who then sells them within the
... Continue reading "Direct and Indirect Exporting Strategies for Businesses" »

Mastering Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive English-Spanish List

Classified in English

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Mastering Irregular Verbs in English and Spanish

This list provides common irregular verbs in English, along with their past simple and past participle forms, and their Spanish translations.

  • beat/beat/beaten: ganar
  • eat/ate/eaten: comer
  • drive/drove/driven: conducir
  • dream/dreamed/dreamed: soñar
  • draw/drew/drawn: dibujar
  • do/did/done: hacer
  • cost/cost/cost: costar
  • come/came/come: venir
  • choose/chose/chosen: elegir
  • catch/caught/caught: coger
  • buy/bought/bought: comprar
  • build/built/built: construir
  • bring/brought/brought: llevar
  • break/broke/broken: romper
  • blow/blew/blown: soplar
  • bite/bit/bitten: morder
  • bend/bent/bent: doblar
  • begin/began/begun: empezar
  • understand/understood/understood: entender
  • sleep/slept/slept: dormir
  • mean/meant/meant: significar
  • lose/lost/lost: perder
  • make/
... Continue reading "Mastering Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive English-Spanish List" »

Shell script

Classified in Computers

Written at on English with a size of 2.47 KB.

Ejercicio de descuentos:


read -p "¿Desea el billete también de vuelta? (s/n): " idavuelta

until [ $idavuelta=="s" ] || [ $idavuelta=="n" ]; do

read -p "¿Desea el billete también de vuelta? (s/n): " idavuelta


read -p "¿Tiene carnet joven? (s/n): " carnetjoven

until [ $carnetjoven="s" ] || [ $carnetjoven="n" ]; do

read -p "¿Tiene carnet joven? (s/n): " carnetjoven


descuento=0 billete=20

if [ $idavuelta="s" ]; then


billete=" expr $billete \* 2'


if [ $carnetjoven="s" ]j then



costefinal=`expr $billete \* \( 100 - $descuento \) / 100`

echo "El precio final del billete es $costefinal"

Ejercicio de medias:




read -p "Introduce un numero: " num

while [ $num -ne 0 ]; do

acu=`expr $acu + $num`

cont=... Continue reading "Shell script" »

The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act: Protecting India's Heritage

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act

The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act is an important piece of legislation in India that aims to preserve and protect the country's rich heritage and cultural assets.

  • The act was passed in 1958 and has since undergone several amendments to keep pace with changing times.

Overview of the AMASR Act

The AMASR Act defines an "ancient monument" as any structure or building, cave, sculpture, inscription, or monolith that is of historical, archaeological, or artistic interest.

  • The act aims to protect such monuments and ensure their preservation for future generations.
  • It applies to all monuments that are over 100 years old, whether they are in public or
... Continue reading "The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act: Protecting India's Heritage" »