Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Teaching & Education

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Branches of Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied

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Branches of Linguistics

General Versus Descriptive Linguistics

  1. General Linguistics: Supplies the concepts and categories in terms of which particular languages (L1, L2, L3, etc.) are analyzed.
  2. Descriptive Linguistics: Provides the data (i.e., given specific or broad aspects of L1, L2, L3, etc.) that confirm or refute the hypotheses, statements, or theories proposed by general linguists.

On the whole, General and Descriptive Linguistics are interdependent, complementary subfields within linguistics as a scientific study, i.e., as an empirical scientific study or discipline within the human (i.e., social) sciences.

Theoretical Versus Applied Linguistics

  1. Theoretical Linguistics

    Studies language and languages with a view to constructing a theory of their

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Effective Communication Strategies and Techniques: Tips for Clear and Assertive Communication

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Strategies and techniques of communication

The transmission of thoughts to someone else may be through multiple channels (verbal, written, gestures, drawing, etc.). Meetings, conferences (courses, training), and short messages are very clear to foster good communication. Consider the following recommendations:

  1. Briefly explain the point to be addressed.
  2. Avoid using some topics, and if used, keep it brief.
  3. Be mindful of the public when talking.
  4. Pay attention to body language.
  5. Utilize short sentences and understandable vocabulary.
  6. Use audiovisuals whenever possible.
  7. Accept comments, avoid confrontations, and be as objective as possible.
  8. Use anecdotes and examples to illustrate the topic.
  9. Finish with a summary and brief explanation of the findings.


... Continue reading "Effective Communication Strategies and Techniques: Tips for Clear and Assertive Communication" »

Career Paths After High School: Options & Opportunities

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English - Spanish

  • Option: Opción
  • College: Instituto CFT
  • Qualification: Calificación
  • Higher: Superior
  • Job: Trabajo (como sustantivo)
  • Invaluable: Muy valioso
  • Further: Más
  • Prospective: Futuro
  • Field: Gran extensión de algo
  • Staff: Personal/Grupo de personas
  • Several: Muchos
  • Loans: Préstamo
  • Debt: Deuda
  • Enable: Permitir
  • Current: Actual
  • Advisors: Asesores
  • Fed-up: Agotado
  • Undertaken: Emprender
  • Make up your mind: Decidirse
  • Relationship: Relación
  • Between: Entre
  • Employment: Empleo
  • Degree: Grado académico
  • Part/Full time: Tiempo completo/Tiempo medio
  • Employer: Empleador
  • Applying for: Buscar trabajo
  • Technical Training Centers: Centro de Formación Técnica
  • Learning: Aprendiendo
  • Can and May: Poder
  • Anyone; Any age: Alguien de cualquier edad
  • Something: Algo
  • Needed: Requerido
  • Skills:
... Continue reading "Career Paths After High School: Options & Opportunities" »

Effective Reading Critique: Steps and Techniques

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Criticism is the activity displayed by the reader to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and inconsistencies of a text in order to accept, reject, or suggest modifications.

Criticism fosters progress, achievement, and advances knowledge of the truth.

Steps to Critique a Reading:

  1. Synthesize information from different texts and/or experts on the subject.
  2. Engage in critical discussion.
  3. Accept, reject, or modify the reading's content.
  4. Put the reading into practice with prior planning.
  5. Enrich the reading by observing and recording the results of practice.
  • Critical reading is a technique for discovering ideas and information within a written text.
  • Critical thinking is a technique for evaluating information and ideas to decide what to accept and believe.
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Effective Email Writing: Formal vs. Informal, Asking and Giving Advice

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  • GREETINGS: (Dear Sir/ Madam);(To whom it may concern); Dear Mr/Ms...)
  • INTRODUCTION: (my name is... and I am writing with regard to...); (I would like...)
  • BODY: (I would really appreciate if you could...)
  • CONCLUSION: (thank you for your help);( I look forward to hearing from you); (please feel free if you have any question)
  • DESPEDIDA: (Yours sincerely, yours cordially);(Respectfully)


  • BODY: (How are you? hope you are well.); (thanks for your e-mail, it was great to hear from you) (sorry for not writing earlier)
  • INTRODUCE THE TOPIC: (I'm writing to thank you for...);(Listen, did I tell you about...); (I was wondering if you could help me.)
  • CLOSING LINE: (well, that's all for now); (hope to hear
... Continue reading "Effective Email Writing: Formal vs. Informal, Asking and Giving Advice" »

Accounting History: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Profession

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Accounting in Ancient Civilizations

The earliest civilizations that arose on earth had to find a way to record certain facts with arithmetic projection, which occurred too often and too complex to be retained by the memory.


The famous Code of Hammurabi, promulgated about the year 1700 AD, contained criminal law, civilian and commercial standards. It regulated contracts such as loans, sales, leases, fees, deposits, and other forms of civil and commercial matters.


If accounting was important among the peoples of Mesopotamia, it was even more necessary in a society as rigidly centralized as pharaonic Egypt.


The Hellenic temples, as had happened many centuries before in Mesopotamia and Egypt, were the first places in ancient Greece... Continue reading "Accounting History: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Profession" »

Understanding Text Organization, Communication, and Language

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Understanding Text Organization

A text is an organized linguistic unit (words, phrases, sentences, periods, paragraphs, full text) structured according to the communicative situation, register of language, and communicative intentionality.


A sentence-period is a set of sentences linked by a period, covering the same subject.

Message vs. Text

The message is what is said, while the text is the organized form of what is said.

Communicative Environment

The communicative environment surrounds the issuance of a text and a message. Key questions include: "Who speaks?" and "To whom do they speak?"

Intention to Communicate

This refers to what we want to achieve with our message, such as reporting, ordering, inviting, seeking, or requesting.

The... Continue reading "Understanding Text Organization, Communication, and Language" »

Understanding Spanish Conjunctions: Types and Usage

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Types of Conjunctions in Spanish

Coordinate Conjunctions

These connect elements of equal grammatical rank.

  • Juxtaposed: I came, I saw, I conquered
  • Coordinated (P1 - P2)
  • Copulative: (y, e) Example: John studied and Anna works
  • Adversative: (pero, mas, sin embargo) Example: We played well but lost
  • Disjunctive: (o, u) Example: Either you come or stay
  • Distributional: (ya...ya, bien...bien, unos...otros) Example: Some are playing, others do the task

Subordinate Conjunctions

These connect a subordinate clause to a main clause.

Substantive Conjunctions

These act as a noun phrase.

  • Substitute for nouns or pronouns
  • The conjunction acts as a link
  • Subject: Example: I am concerned that I should study hard.
  • (CD) Example: Andrew thinks that Carlos was right.
  • (CN) Example: We
... Continue reading "Understanding Spanish Conjunctions: Types and Usage" »

Oral and Written Communication: Evaluation and Course Outline

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Evaluation Method

Knowledge Assessment

According to the "General Principles on Evaluation of Knowledge," the rules for the assessment of knowledge in the discipline of Oral and Written Communication are:

Continuous Assessment

This evaluation process is based on the work developed by students throughout the semester. Therefore, it requires presence (it is obligatory to attend at least 75% of classes planned for the semester) and participation in classes, in addition to performing the assigned work and exercises.

Consideration of the following forms of assessment in this model (exam waiver):

  • Presence and participation in class (includes the carrying out of work and exercises) (30%)
  • Presentation of a public work (40%)
  • Written proof (30%)

Work and/or exercises... Continue reading "Oral and Written Communication: Evaluation and Course Outline" »

Understanding Humanistic and Legal Texts: Characteristics and Analysis

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Humanistic Texts: General Characteristics

Humanistic texts study issues related to human beings, encompassing thinking, social relations, and human studies. They are distinguished from social sciences, which focus on the societal aspects, and human sciences, which address the individual sphere. Predominant text types in human sciences are expository and argumentative. The typical structure of classical humanistic texts includes an introduction, development, and conclusion. An idea is presented, followed by examples, and then a synthesis explaining the idea.

Linguistic Features of Humanistic Texts

The language of humanistic texts is characterized by the use of jargon, which is specialized terminology. Unlike natural languages, human sciences' language... Continue reading "Understanding Humanistic and Legal Texts: Characteristics and Analysis" »