Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Spanish

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Effective Writing Tips and Techniques

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Frases buenas: In spite of, due to, in order to, as well as, for instance, to be honest, perhaps we should also point out the fact that..,


Siempre un titulo, Has been my best friend from that day when… Acabar con una pequeña broma si se puede. Introduccion presentando el tema y sobre que va a tartar el articulo, Segundo parrafo de porque me gusta (One of the cool thing about). Tercer párrafo (however) recomendación y porque, párrafo de cierre (in conclusión), una especie de resumen y preguntar al lector.


si te pone you should mention (ese el nombre del titutlo). Tiene que tener titutlo, dividido en secciones, por ejemplo Introduccion-Free time activities (As a result, on the other hand)- Other facilities- Reccomendations... Continue reading "Effective Writing Tips and Techniques" »

English Vocabulary: Essential Words and Phrases

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approach:hablar con..accurate:preciso autogrpah:autografo accuse of:acusar de apply for/to: solicitar arrive at/it: llegar a affluent:adinerado available:disponible access:acceso amount: cantidad avoid:evitar a breath of fresh air:un soplo a drop in the ocean:una gota en el mar bitter:amargo bright:vivo blind:ciego bodyguard:guardaespaldas ban:prohibir belly:vientre break down:averiarse romperse burglar:ladron bring up:criar crash:bloquearse crawl:gatear close up:primer plano carbon dioxide:dioxido de carbono charge the mobile phone:cargar crop:cosecha cut down:reducir carbon footprint:huella de carbono  consist of:constar de complain about/of:quejarse de catch a bus:autobus catch a cold:resfriado catch a fire:fuego catch one’s breath:aliento... Continue reading "English Vocabulary: Essential Words and Phrases" »

English Language Notes

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Used To vs. Be Used To

Used to / Didn't use to + Infinitive = solía / no solía

(Be) Used to + -ing = estar acostumbrado a * (Am/are/is/was/were/will be)

Prepositions in the Media

  • ON: TV / The radio / The Internet / The web / Channel
  • IN: The media / The press / The newspaper / Newspapers / magazines

THE NEWS – las noticias

  • ON the news – un programa específico - Yesterday I saw it on the news.
  • IN the news – las noticias de la prensa en general – Kobe Bryant’s accident is in the news.

All / Everyone, Everybody, Everything

  • Every-one/body/thing
  • Everyone/everybody –---------------------------- 3a pers singular!!!!
  • Se puede sustituir por ALL THE PEOPLE ----- 3a pers. Plural!!!
  • ALL nunca sustituye a EVERYTHING
  • ALL solo se usa con oraciones de relativo
... Continue reading "English Language Notes" »

Ejercicios del verbo to be en pasado para bachillerato

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Los modales Perfectos se usan para conjeturas o comentarios relacionados con el pasado.

Sujeto (I, you, he) + Verbo Modal + have + participio pasado

Ellos deben haber Ido a la playa.

They must Have gone to the beach

En negativa se usa couldn´t have + participio

Ellos no podrían haber jugado al futbol

They couldn´t Have played football.

may have para conjeturas algo que tuvo lugar en El pasado

Él puede haber visitado a su familia

He may Have visited his family

Should have para quejas

Ellos deberían haber traído música a la fiesta

They should Have brought music to the party.

Must have comentario del pasado evidente

Mary debe haber comprado un coche nuevo

Mary must Have bought a new car


... Continue reading "Ejercicios del verbo to be en pasado para bachillerato" »

English Grammar, Vocabulary, and Cultural Notes

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English Grammar and Vocabulary Essentials

Zero Article

  • Plural, uncountable nouns and general: hours, days
  • Before languages and meals


  • Countable: To describe what something is


  • Specific, known places
  • Superlatives


  • Some: Used in positive sentences, offers, and requests
  • Any: Used in negative sentences and questions asking for information

Third Conditional

  • If + subject + HAD (past perfect), subject + would have + past participle

Complex Dependent Sentences

  • Lack meaning on their own

Compound-Complex Sentences

  • An independent clause + subordination + dependent + comma + FANBOYS + independent
  • I went to class, even though I was sleepy, and I learned a lot.

Subordinating Conjunctions

  • After - después
  • Although
  • As - como, a medida que
  • Because
  • Before - antes
  • If
  • Once
... Continue reading "English Grammar, Vocabulary, and Cultural Notes" »

Common Spanish Phrases, Vocabulary, and Expressions

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Common Spanish Phrases and Expressions

  • Vivir separados - To live apart.
  • Ponerse de moda - To become fashionable.
  • A largo plazo - Long term.
  • Llover a cántaros - To rain cats and dogs.
  • Enfermo mental - Mentally ill.
  • De milagro - By a miracle.
  • Sino todo lo contrario - Quite the reverse.
  • Seguir los pasos de - To follow the footsteps of.
  • Alistarse en el ejército - To join the army.
  • Poco después - Shortly afterwards.
  • Una mosquita muerta - A wolf in sheep's clothing (not 'a candy ass').
  • No cabe duda - There is no doubt.
  • Así es la vida - This is the way of life.
  • Querer es poder - Where there is a will, there is a way.
  • Dar gracias a Dios - To thank one's lucky stars.
  • Soportar - To put up with.
  • Matar dos pájaros de un tiro - To kill two birds with one stone.
  • Tranquilízate
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English Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phrasal Verbs

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English Grammar

Conditional Sentences

  1. Zero Conditional: Present Simple – Present Simple.
  2. First Conditional: Present – Future (will).
  3. Second Conditional: Past Simple – would + infinitive.
  4. Third Conditional: Past Perfect (had + past participle) – would have + past participle (ed or 3rd column).


  • Wish + Past Perfect (regret).
  • Wish + Past Simple (unhappy about).
  • Wish + could + base form (future desire).

Causative (Have/Get)

  • He paints his shoes – He has his shoes painted.
  • I will be cutting my hair – I will be having my hair cut.
  • He had been decorating his room – You had been having your room decorated.
  • The prince is having his portrait painted (by the painter).

Passive Voice

  • I have made a cake – A cake has been made (by me).
  • I had made a cake
... Continue reading "English Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phrasal Verbs" »

Social Media Marketing Proposal for [Company Name]

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Executive Summary

Thank you for considering [Your Company] as your social media marketing partner. We are excited about the opportunity to enhance your online presence and achieve your marketing goals.

This proposal outlines our comprehensive social media marketing strategy tailored to your company's specific needs. It also includes project pricing details.

Current Situation

Our research indicates that [Company Name] can significantly improve its social media presence by implementing the following strategies:

  • Consistent promotional campaigns
  • Effective photo marketing and infographics
  • Data-driven analytics to measure success

Proposed Solution

Our social media marketing strategy for [Company Name] will leverage current industry best practices, including:... Continue reading "Social Media Marketing Proposal for [Company Name]" »

English Vocabulary, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice, and Email Writing

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Essential English Vocabulary




Dentro de

Out of

Fuera de


A lo largo de


Pasado de/ Más allá de


A través de

At the end of

Al final de

Next to

Junto a

At the top of

En la cima de

In front of

Delante de

At the bottom of

En el fondo de








Por encima


Fuera de




Hacia un lado


En (lugar)

Straight on





Hacia arriba


Hacia abajo


Remember: Always state the minutes and then the hour.

Example: It's twenty-five to five.

Modal Verbs

  • Possibility
    • Can/Can't (to be able to/to know how to)
    • Could/Couldn't (was able to/could for formal requests)
  • Advice
    • Should/Shouldn't (ought to)
    • Ought to (should)
  • Obligation or Prohibition
    • Have to/Don't or Doesn't have to (must)
    • Must/Mustn't (to have
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice, and Email Writing" »

Common Idioms and Expressions with Definitions

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To wonder -> To ask yourself questions about

To get hold of -> To obtain something

To turn out -> To become or result in; to appear, to end up being

To do/go cold turkey -> The unpleasant symptoms caused by suddenly ceasing to take a drug to which one is addicted: stopping the drug may result in cold turkey.

To be dealt a bad hand -> To be very unlucky

To cope with a situation -> To manage a situation

To binge on something -> A period of excessive indulgence in an activity, especially drinking alcohol or eating:

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To feel entitled to something -> When you feel you deserve something...just because

Self esteem -> Confidence in yourself

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Peer pressure -> A feeling that... Continue reading "Common Idioms and Expressions with Definitions" »