Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Social sciences

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Understanding the EU: Parliament, Council, and Commission

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Functions of the European Parliament

Legislative Role

Parliament participates alongside the Council in the legislative process. The standard procedure for approving legislation is codecision, where Parliament and the Council are on equal footing and adopt standards using this procedure. Parliament has limited powers in drafting legislation.

Budgetary Function

This function gives Parliament significant power because it can modify and change the spending approved by the Council. Parliament must approve the EU budget jointly with the Council and may make modifications. Parliament's budgetary control committee monitors how the budget is spent.

Democratic Role

Parliament exercises a supervisory role over the Commission. When appointing a new Commission,... Continue reading "Understanding the EU: Parliament, Council, and Commission" »

Retail Theft Prevention & Understanding Violence in Spain

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Retail Theft Prevention: A Case Study

Mirrors were placed in various locations in the store to improve visibility for the cashier. Of the three measures investigated, the redesign of the store gave the best results. Thefts were significantly reduced. The least effective was the recruitment of a security guard, as it was also the most costly of the three.

The prevention plan should also include training employees on what to do about suspicious customers and how to maintain control without annoying them. It is important to encourage employees to reduce theft, for example, by giving them a bonus if they manage to reduce losses of goods or by hiring more staff during hours and days when employees are overwhelmed by sales.

Is Spain a Violent Country?

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Marxist Materialism: Labor, Production, and Social Relations

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Marx's Materialist Philosophy: Labor and Social Structures

Marx adopted Hegel's dialectical method, which involves evolving through affirmation and negation to reach an improved state. For Marx, the only reality that evolves is matter. Humans, as beings of flesh and bone, work and develop themselves throughout history by transforming society and nature. Thus, humans are active and practical beings, with work as their primary activity. This is why the Marxist system is called materialism: work puts humans in relation to nature and with other humans, thereby building society. Human essence, therefore, is the set of social relations. These social relations determine human consciousness. However, in capitalist society, where the worker is employed,
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The ILE: Shaping Education and Intellect in Spain

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Influences of the ILE

A. Mission Bulletin

The Mission Bulletin was a means to explore the intellectual connections of the institution. This magazine served as a link between all its supporters, and between them and the main currents of thought (in general) and pedagogical concerns (in particular) that were happening in Spain and abroad. It was the best of the Spanish educational journals, offering a broad horizon to both Spanish and foreign readers, mainly from France, as many reports came from there (it had exchanges with other foreign publications).

B. Influence on Spain's Intellectual Wealth

The ILE influenced various schools, for example, the ILE de Bilbao and the ILE de Sabadell. The ILE de Madrid (Center) enjoyed an indisputable authority.... Continue reading "The ILE: Shaping Education and Intellect in Spain" »

José Ortega y Gasset: Influences and Historical Context

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José Ortega y Gasset: Influences and Context


Received Influences

  1. Early Objectivism (until 1914): Ortega y Gasset's early philosophy was influenced by German neo-Kantianism, particularly the work of Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp. He embraced the importance of reason and its connection to objective, universal, and scientific thought.
  2. Perspectivism (1914-1923): In this phase, Ortega y Gasset sought to move beyond the limitations of modernity. He aimed to transcend rationalism and idealism without reverting to earlier philosophical forms like relativism and realism.
  3. Wilhelm Dilthey: Ortega y Gasset was influenced by Dilthey's emphasis on history for understanding human reality (historical reason) and the importance of "understanding" as
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Literary Figures: Homer, Cervantes, Carpio, and Classical Greece

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Biographies and Literary Analysis

Homer's Biography: His literary value has remained influential through the centuries. His work is timeless. Cervantes' Biography: Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish novelist and dramatic poet, was born on September 29, 1547, and died on April 22, 1616, in Madrid. He is considered a top figure in Spanish literature. The Martian Chronicles: This work reveals an atmosphere of terror and loneliness, with a great narrative culture and intense irony. Its intention was a humanist speech. Alejo Carpio's Biography: A novelist, essayist, and Cuban musicologist who greatly influenced Latin American literature. He began studying architecture but failed. He then worked as a journalist and participated in leftist political movements.... Continue reading "Literary Figures: Homer, Cervantes, Carpio, and Classical Greece" »

Labor Movements and Social Change in 19th Century Spain

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Communication was essential. This led to the growth of the metallurgical industry, particularly around Maquinista Barcelona. During the last quarter of the 19th century, many factories were located near rivers to utilize hydropower, explaining the proliferation of industrial settlements in these areas.

Rising prices, caused by a lack of energy sources, made Catalan textile products uncompetitive. Catalan industrialists requested protectionist tariffs from the central government to monopolize the Spanish and colonial markets.

The Evolution of the Labor Movement

Labor organizations were divided between anarchists and Marxists. During the first seven years of the Restoration under Cánovas, labor organizations operated underground.

The Restoration... Continue reading "Labor Movements and Social Change in 19th Century Spain" »

Social Interaction: Groups and Communication in Education

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The Group

A group is a set of two or more individuals in a common process of social interaction.

Types of Groups

  • Category: A group of individuals who share certain characteristics that describe them as common (e.g., University of Madrid).
  • Aggregate: A category of persons who share relations in the same space and time (e.g., University of UCJC).
  • Functional: People who share a common objective or goal and are involved in an ongoing process of social relationships (e.g., students in the same class).

Ways to be Part of a Group

  • Area: The individual's decision is not taken into account. It is decided for them (i.e., you do not choose your family or school).
  • Acquisition: The subject decides to take part in it and is accepted by the group.

Characteristics of

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Spanish Political Press: 19th & 20th Century Media Analysis

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The press in the 19th and first third of the 20th century allows us to understand historical events and the different interpretations of reality from various political perspectives. Different media outlets responded to political parties and ideological currents within Spanish society.

The development of the press was stimulated in the 19th century by freedom of the press, becoming the main organ of expression for various political currents. This began during the reign of Fernando VII and consolidated throughout the century.

Key Publications

Under Isabel II:

  • The Liberal
  • The National Guard
  • The Echo of the Working Class
  • The Rocket

During the Restoration:

  • The Emancipation
  • The Socialist
  • The Spanish and American Emancipation
  • Diario de Barcelona
  • La Vanguardia
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Understanding Human Culture and Biological Evolution

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Understanding Human Culture and Biological Evolution


Humans live with other beings, and communities benefit from information gathered by their predecessors. No other species is subjected to nature and animals in the same way. Humans have been able to transform and create a new environment, a second nature that makes life easier and allows development beyond the animal kingdom. Culture provides the chance for group-specific life, influencing how people think, perceive things, and act.

Subculture and Counterculture

Within every culture, there are subcultures. We cannot say that all people live in the same way. Within each culture, there are differences; not all people participate in and take advantage of its possibilities due to socioeconomic

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