Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Secondary education

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Invertebrate Animals: Characteristics and Classification

Classified in Biology

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Porifera and Cnidarians: Structure

Porifera (sponges) and Cnidarians (anemones, corals, and jellyfish) are simple, aquatic invertebrates.

Porifera (Sponges)

  • Mostly marine, some freshwater species
  • Bag-shaped body with pores that communicate with the atrial cavity
  • The atrial cavity connects with the exterior through the osculum
  • High capacity for regeneration


  • Anemones, corals, and jellyfish (all marine), hydra (freshwater)
  • Radial symmetry
  • Soft body with a single opening surrounded by tentacles
  • Stinging cells (cnidocytes)
  • Gastrovascular cavity that functions as a stomach
  • Carnivorous
  • Two forms:
    • Polyps: Tubular, bag-shaped with the opening at the top
    • Medusae: Umbrella-shaped, actively swim or float in the water

Worms: Platyhelminthes, Nematodes, and Annelids

Worms... Continue reading "Invertebrate Animals: Characteristics and Classification" »

Verb to Be, Family, Clothes, and More in English

Classified in Spanish

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Verb To Be: Present Simple

The verb "to be" is fundamental in English. Here's its present simple form:

Personal PronounVerb To Be (+)Short Form (+)Verb To Be (-)Short Form (-)Interrogative
IamI'mam not-Am I?
YouareYou'reare notAren'tAre you?
HeisHe'sis notIsn'tIs he?
SheisShe'sis notIsn'tIs she?
ItisIt'sis notIsn'tIs it?
WeareWe'reare notAren'tAre we?
YouareYou'reare notAren'tAre you?
TheyareThey'reare notAren'tAre they?

Adverbs of Frequency

These words describe how often something happens:

  • 0%: Never
  • 20%: Rarely
  • 50%: Sometimes
  • 70%: Often
  • 90%: Usually
  • 100%: Always

Family Members

Here are some common family words in English and Spanish:

  • Aunt - Tía
  • Brother - Hermano
  • Children - Niño (Note: "Children" is plural. The singular is "Child")
  • Cousin - Primo/a
  • Daughter - Hija
  • Father
... Continue reading "Verb to Be, Family, Clothes, and More in English" »

Thriller Night: A Song of Horror and Suspense

Classified in English

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Thriller Night

It's Close to Midnight

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark.

Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart.

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it.

You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes.

You're paralyzed.

Thriller Night Begins

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night.

And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike.

You know it's thriller, thriller night.

You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run.

You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun.

You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination.

But all the while you hear the creature... Continue reading "Thriller Night: A Song of Horror and Suspense" »

Understanding Verb Types and Grammatical Concepts

Classified in Other languages

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Key Vocabulary and Their Meanings

  • Rented: Tenant.
  • Settle: A wooden seat.
  • Harm: *Faire mal* (French).
  • Bleak: *Ombrívol* (Catalan).
  • Farmyard: Corral.
  • Realize: To start to understand something.
  • Haunt someone: To come back after death to visit someone; ghosts haunt people or places.
  • Trembling: Shaking.
  • Mistress: The woman in charge of the house.
  • Cheated: Something dishonest or unfair.
  • Treating: To behave in a certain way towards someone.
  • Became lame: *Ser coix* (Catalan).
  • Punish: To make somebody suffer because they have done something wrong.
  • Swore: To speak very rudely and unpleasantly to someone.
  • Ashamed: To feel unhappy or uncomfortable because you think you are not as good as other people.
  • Revenge: To harm someone because they have harmed you.
  • Pinched: To
... Continue reading "Understanding Verb Types and Grammatical Concepts" »


Classified in Physics

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Hidruros volatiles:NH3=amoniaco;N2H4=hidrazina;PH3=fosfina;P2H4=difosfina;AsH3=arsina;As2H4=diarsina;SbH3=estibina;CH4=silano;Si2H6=disilano;BH3=borano;B2H6=diborano.


Classified in Other subjects

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 When installing Maxsea10 + CM93 +crack copy only CMengDriver.dll - you don't need to run maxsea10Full.reg or install SentEmul. 1. Startup MaxSea 2. Choose "Yes" to "Enter SiteKey Received by Email" 3. Choose "I want to proceed I DO NOT NEED A HARDWARE KEY" button 4. Click "ok" in the next dialog 5. Click "I want to use MANUAL ACTIVATION" 6. Run the key generator

Culteranismo - gongora

Classified in Language

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Culteranismo - Gongora: Culteranismo complica el lenguaje, usa palabras raras y giros en la obra. Gongora es su mejor representante. (Cordoba), capellán de Felipe III. Enemigo de Quevedo. Cultivo la letrilla y el romance añadiendoles sarcasmo y satirico y con un doble sentido pesimista. Sus sonetos fueron excelentes con temas de vida cotidiana, amor y patrioticos. También tuvo grandes poemas como Soledades y Polifemo y Galatea. Todas sus obras son cultas. Conceptismo - Quevedo: Conceptismo complica el contenido, quiere buscar y rebuscar muchos significados a una sola frase. Quevedo es su mejor representante. (Madrid), servía a la corte. Enemigo de Góngora. Poesia amplia y variada con muchos temas distintos. Funde lo plebeyo y lo culto,... Continue reading "Culteranismo - gongora" »


Classified in Biology

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7-As nadadeiras dos peixes podem apresentar funções variadas de acordo com adaptações ocorridas ao longo dos tempos. Podem ser usadas para, exceto: Respirar

8- Na reprodução dos vertebrados inferiores, predominam os processos de: Fecundação externa

9-No Aparelho excretor dos peixes, os rins são do tipo: Mesonéfrico

1- Entre os peixes e os primeiros anfíbios foram necessários 40 milhões de anos de lenta e constante evolução.

Todas as alternativas contêm adaptações surgidas durante essa evolução, exceto : Manutenção da pele úmida, Termo regulação.

4- Os únicos animais que apresentam, ao longo da vida, respiração branquial, cutânea e pulmonar são os: Pererecas

7- um animal, vivendo no ambiente terrestre e utilizando a pele... Continue reading "Cola" »

Plant Transport Systems: Xylem, Phloem, and Transpiration

Classified in Biology

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Adaptation of Xylem to its Function

  • Long, made from cells joined end to end to form tubes/vessels
  • Cell walls thickened with lignin, a hard, strong material
  • Lignin makes cell walls waterproof
  • Cells have no cytoplasm or organelles (no cell contents)
  • No end-to-end walls between cells
  • Pits in the walls for water movement between vessels

Define Transpiration

Loss of water vapor from plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells followed by diffusion of water vapor through the stomata.

Leaves have many more stomata in their lower epidermis than they do in their upper epidermis, and most transpiration happens there.

Factors Affecting Transpiration

  • The large internal surface area provided by the interconnecting air spaces between
... Continue reading "Plant Transport Systems: Xylem, Phloem, and Transpiration" »

Understanding "The Last Lesson": A Q&A Exploration

Classified in Social sciences

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Franz and the Last Lesson

Franz's Expectations and Regrets

Q. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Franz was expected to be prepared with his lesson on participles, as announced by his French teacher, M. Hamel. However, Franz hadn't studied them.

Q. Why did Franz want to spend his day out of doors?

Franz was tempted by the beautiful weather and the allure of nature, contrasting with the confinement of the classroom.

Q. Why did Franz repent?

Franz repented because he realized the value of education and the importance of his native language, which he had taken for granted.

M. Hamel's Perspective

Q. What are M. Hamel's views about the French language?

M. Hamel cherished the French language, considering it the most beautiful language... Continue reading "Understanding "The Last Lesson": A Q&A Exploration" »