Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Measurement Process Analysis: Principles and Techniques

Classified in Physics

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Measurement Process Analysis

Measurement, regardless of the magnitude, involves decisions on:


The measurand is of fundamental importance to the choice of instrument.

Measure or Check

Measure determines the numerical value of a quantity, while verification confirms if a magnitude is within preset limits.

Geometric Characteristics of the Scale

1. Provision of Space to Measure

  • Exterior
  • Interior
  • Depth
  • Distance

2. Geometric Shape

2.1 Form of Isolated Elements
  • Straightness
  • Roundness
  • Form a line
  • Flatness
  • Cylindrical
  • Form a surface
2.2 Guidance of Isolated Elements
  • Parallelism
  • Perpendicularity
  • Angularity
2.3 Positioning of Associated Elements
  • Position of an element
  • Concentricity
  • Symmetry
  • Circular
  • Total

Logistical Difficulties

Part size, specimen weight, mobility, measuring... Continue reading "Measurement Process Analysis: Principles and Techniques" »

Exploring Themes of Identity and Belonging in "Master Harold"...and the Boys and The House on Mango Street

Classified in English

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Exploring Themes of Identity and Belonging in Two Literary Works

Master Harold"...and the Boys by Athol Fugard

This play, set in a South African tea room, delves into the complex relationships between Sam and Willie, two black servants, and Hally, a young white boy. The story explores themes of:

Key Themes

  • Discrimination: The play highlights the stark realities of racial discrimination in South Africa, touching upon issues of skin color, prejudice, and the injustices faced by black people.
  • Parenthood and Mentorship: The dynamic between Sam and Hally showcases a unique father-son bond, where Sam acts as a mentor and guide to the young boy.
  • Social Class and Education: The play examines the disparities in social class and education, emphasizing the
... Continue reading "Exploring Themes of Identity and Belonging in "Master Harold"...and the Boys and The House on Mango Street" »

Understanding Administrative Appeals in Chile

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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What facts make an appeal for review?

An appeal for review can be made based on the following:

  1. That the decision was rendered without due process.
  2. That, in passing, a manifest error of fact has been committed, and it has been crucial to the decision, or valuable documents essential to the resolution of the matter, ignored when issuing the act, or have not been possible to accompany the administrative record at the time.
  3. That a final sentence declares that the act was passed as a result of corruption, bribery, violence, or other fraudulent scheme.
  4. That crucial documents or testimonies, declared false by final sentence after that resolution, or earlier still, had not been known in due course by the applicant, and have influenced the decision.


... Continue reading "Understanding Administrative Appeals in Chile" »

Key Concepts in Society, Politics, and State Theory

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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  1. Define the word 'society'.

    Answer: A group of human beings who collectively pursue shared goals through common means and coexistence.

  2. What is meant by 'politics'?

    Answer: Throughout human history, groups have been linked by fundamental political structures, inevitably involving the presence of law, from primitive forms to the modern state.

  3. Describe what is meant by 'legal order'.

    Answer: Three constitutions regulate the basic progress of the Mexican state: the constitutions of 1824, 1857, and 1917. The current state is restructured based on the 1917 constitution and its reforms.

  4. What is the purpose of state theory?

    Answer: It aims to investigate the specific circumstances of state life around us.

  5. Name the first constitution that took effect in New

... Continue reading "Key Concepts in Society, Politics, and State Theory" »

Volleyball: Rules, Techniques, and Positions

Classified in Physical Education

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Basic Volleyball Rules and Gameplay

Volleyball is a team sport that can be played both outdoors and indoors.

The Game

The ball is put into play through the service, which is not to touch the net but must pass between the rods and fall within the opponent's court. Upon completion of the service, each team can carry out a maximum of three hits. The first is called reception and is usually done with a forearm pass to the setter. The second is the placement, usually making a pass of fingers, and the third is the spike.

It is a foul if the team performs four hits (if the ball touches first on the block, you can still make three hits). Only the team that owns the service can score points. So, if you make a point without having the service, there is a... Continue reading "Volleyball: Rules, Techniques, and Positions" »

Stage Lighting: Techniques and Equipment

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Stage Lighting

Special Effects

  • Physical: Smoke, snow, wind, fire, rain, etc.
  • Electronic: Projectors (front and rear screen projection) for simple and moving images.
  • Luminous: Laser.


Displays, video projectors, cameras, etc.

Light Sources

Controllable characteristics:

  • Intensity: Brightness level.
  • Distribution: Area of illumination.
  • Color: Controlled with gels (e.g., Rosco catalog).

Purpose of Stage Lighting

  • Illumination: Provide visibility.
  • Dimension: Create shadows and depth.
  • Selection: Highlight specific elements.
  • Atmosphere: Set the mood and environment.

Projector Placement

  1. Front: Angle relative to the illuminated object no more than 75° on the horizontal plane.
  2. Rear (Contra): Creates dimension and volume, highlights actors' outlines. Fresnel and
... Continue reading "Stage Lighting: Techniques and Equipment" »

Roman Hispania: Conquest, Society, and Culture

Classified in Geography

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Roman Hispania: Conquest and Influence

The Romans dominated the Italian peninsula and aimed to control Mediterranean trade and create a vast empire. Their main rivals, the Carthaginians, were established in the Iberian Peninsula. To dominate the peninsula, the Romans landed in Emporion in 218 BC. The Roman conquest of the peninsula lasted 200 years and was conducted in three stages:

Mediterranean Coast

The Romans defeated the Carthaginians. The Iberian peoples did not offer resistance.

The Plateau

Its conquest was longer. Indigenous peoples offered greater resistance.

Cantabrian Coast

The geography and the fierceness of its inhabitants (the Celts) made it difficult to conquer.

Roman Cities and Society

Roman City Characteristics:

  • Walled
  • Grid layout
  • Forum
... Continue reading "Roman Hispania: Conquest, Society, and Culture" »

Ancient Greek Architecture: Styles, Features, and Orders

Classified in History

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Greek Architecture


In Greece, a series of models arises in sciences, art, etc., which then will expand through European influence. For this reason, Greece is considered the origin of Western civilization.

Greek art developed on the Balkan peninsula, where Greek civilization flourished. The Greek world was maintained until the time of Alexander the Great, with political factions in a series of city-states (polis), of which the most important was Athens.

We note three features of the Greek world affecting art:

  1. Anthropocentrism: Man is the center. Any Greek cultural event is preceded by the importance given to men.
  2. Greek thought: The Greeks were the first to use rational thought, leading to sciences such as philosophy and physics.
  3. Religion:
... Continue reading "Ancient Greek Architecture: Styles, Features, and Orders" »

Romantic Drama: Don Alvaro, The Troubadour, and Don Juan Tenorio

Classified in Music

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The Romantic Drama: Don Alvaro, The Troubadour, and Don Juan Tenorio

Key Features of Romantic Drama

Structure and Discourse

  • Division of the work into composite days.
  • Time in various settings.
  • Mixture of verse and prose with a tendency towards polymetry.
  • Breaking the rule of three unities, with secondary episodes and genre scenes.
  • The conflict occurs in different places and may include jumps of years.
  • Mixture of comical and tragic elements, in scenes of dramatic tension and other maxims of intense lyricism.
  • High and colloquial styles.


  • The protagonists are often unknown, noble, and generous, and are victims of a blind fate.
  • Women love passionately but are condemned to killing and suffering.
  • Many secondary characters appear.


  • Staging had great
... Continue reading "Romantic Drama: Don Alvaro, The Troubadour, and Don Juan Tenorio" »

Goya's Masterpieces: Darkness and Social Commentary

Classified in Arts and Humanities

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Goya's Notable Works: Darkness and Social Commentary

The Third of May 1808

The Third of May 1808 (1814), oil on canvas, is in the Prado Museum. It is a history painting. The composition is organized based on illumination, with a clear dramatic function. It symbolically separates the illuminated area, where convicts wait to be shot, and the penumbra area, where soldiers are aligned. In the illuminated area, one of the condemned seems to absorb all the light, with strong expressive and symbolic meaning. The military platoon forms a closed diagonal.

Goya put all the elements in the service of expression. He reduced the color gamut, enhancing the drama, and intensified the climax, glimpsing through the language of the hands. Made in 1814, it was painted... Continue reading "Goya's Masterpieces: Darkness and Social Commentary" »