Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Understanding Marital Status: Legal Definitions and Proof

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Marital Status: A Comprehensive Legal Definition


Marital status refers to the legal standing of an individual in relation to marriage and family. It defines the rights and obligations a person has within these contexts.

Different Civil Statuses

  • Single
  • Married
  • Divorced
  • Widowed
  • Concubine
  • Natural Son
  • Legitimate Son
  • Recognized or Unrecognized Son

How to Modify Marital Status

Marital status can be modified through the following:

  • Voluntary Acts: These are actions taken by individuals that produce intended legal effects. Examples include marriage, voluntary recognition of natural children, and repudiation of recognition.
  • Legal Facts: These are events independent of an individual's will that have legal consequences. Examples include birth and death.
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Evolution of EU Treaties and Legislation

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Evolution of EU Treaties

Each relevant or incorporating a new member joins the club that introduced changes in international treaties:

  • Single European Act of 1986
    • EU Treaty of Maastricht, 1992
    • 1997 European Treaty
    • Treaty of Nice, 2001

A text called the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, a constitutional treaty, was presented in Rome in 2004. The treaty was very important because it was submitted to a referendum of what was then the EU (18 states). The referendum had limited participation because the text was very complex.

In other states, it was also submitted to a referendum. It was going well until the French and Dutch votes resulted in negative outcomes. The text could not enter into force as it needed an affirmative vote from all members... Continue reading "Evolution of EU Treaties and Legislation" »

Spain's Tourism Growth: Visitors and Revenue 1955-2007

Classified in Geography

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A composite linear graph represents the evolution of the number of visitors (in millions) and tourism receipts (in millions of euros) in Spain between 1955 and 2007.

The evolution of visitors and tourism revenue has experienced an increasing trend over the period, except at specific moments linked to economic crises.

Since the 1960s, Spain has experienced great development, and today, tourism is the second largest in the world by the number of foreign tourists and revenue received.

The "Sun and Beach" Model of the 1960s

The tourist model introduced in the 1960s was "sun and beach." It is characterized by an abundant and cheap tourist, which led to massive demand, with medium to medium-low purchasing power, concentrated in summer and in areas of... Continue reading "Spain's Tourism Growth: Visitors and Revenue 1955-2007" »

Argentina's Military Dictatorship: 1976-1983

Classified in History

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The Oil Crisis of 1973

In 1973, major oil-producing countries decided to increase the price of fuel. The consequences seriously affected the economies of industrial countries, economic growth stagnated, unemployment rose, and inflation soared.

The Coup and the Military Junta

The armed forces overthrew the government of "Isabel" Perón, and the commanders formed a military junta.

The "Process of National Reorganization"

The stated goal was to completely transform Argentine society. They definitely tried to eliminate all organizations or people linked to political protest activities, social and cultural development.

Clandestine Repression and the Disappeared

The government of the dictatorship applied brutal repressive methods and established extreme... Continue reading "Argentina's Military Dictatorship: 1976-1983" »

Constitutional Reform: Understanding Derived Constituent Power

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The Derived Constituent Power: Reforming the Constitution

A constitutional text is implemented, and with diverse content in place, legislatures begin every four years, and elections are called. A constitution lasts for the duration; there is no deadline.

The EC (presumably, the existing constitution) should ensure stability and a standard duration through rigid constitutional mechanisms.

To change the EC, one has to modify it and create another. Legal norms are norms amending constitutions, flexible, but usually not changed like the rest of the rules. They establish special mechanisms to stiffen constitutional amendment. This is implemented in two ways:

Intangibility clauses: For example, the German constitution cannot be reformed in ways that... Continue reading "Constitutional Reform: Understanding Derived Constituent Power" »

Decoding Financial Ratios: A Practical Guide

Classified in Economy

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Financial Ratio Analysis

Financial Ratios: What Are They?

  • A value based on common financial metrics.
  • The result of dividing one financial statement item by another, facilitating interpretation and comparison.

Liquidity Ratios

Ability to meet short-term obligations.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Measure: Ability to pay short-term debts.

Interpretation: The higher the ratio, the better the liquidity position, although it may represent some short-term debt or excess assets.

Quick Ratio = (Current Assets - Inventory) / Current Liabilities

Measure: Ability to pay quickly in the short term.

Interpretation: The higher the ratio, the better the liquidity position, although it may represent some short-term borrowing or excess assets.


... Continue reading "Decoding Financial Ratios: A Practical Guide" »

Database Architecture and Management Systems

Classified in Computers

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Database Architecture

The definition of an information system is the detailed description of the system architecture.

Internal Level

The lowest level of abstraction, defining how data is stored on hardware and accessed. Responsibilities of the Database Administrator (DBA) include managing:

  • Block size
  • Relative position of stored records
  • Addressing methods
  • Overflows
  • Indexing
  • Storage changes
  • Compression techniques

Conceptual Level

The mid-level of abstraction, representing the organization's data. This level encompasses partial views of different users' requirements and potential uses. It provides a total organizational vision, including data definitions and relationships. DBA responsibilities include:

  • Defining the data stored in the database:
    • Data name
    • Attributes
    • Relationships
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Understanding the Spanish Statute of Autonomy

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Procedure for Access to Autonomy

Via general Art. CE 143.2: Simple model. The initiative with the provincial councils. 2/3 of the municipalities whose population represents at least a majority of the electorate of each province or island.

Special Via / rapid Art. 151 CE: Complex model. Also, the county councils. It takes 3/4 of the municipalities in each of the provinces representing at least a majority of the electorate of each one. It also has to be approved by referendum with the absolute majority of voters in each province.

Alternative Exceptional Initiatives

There are also three specific initiatives (other than the conventional two):

  • Second Transitional Provision: For territories that had approved by referendum before a statute of autonomy
... Continue reading "Understanding the Spanish Statute of Autonomy" »

Flexibility and Joints: Types, Benefits, and Training

Classified in Physical Education

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1. Flexibility

Flexibility is the physical quality that enables us to perform large-scale movements with any part of our body. It depends on:

  • The ability to stretch the muscles
  • The ability to move the joints

There are two types of flexibility:

  • Dynamic: Exercises performed in motion. The movements should be broad and relaxed.
  • Static: Maintaining a stretched position without movement. After taking the position, we should relax, breathe, and maintain that position for a moment.

2. Joints

Joints are connections between two bones that allow relative motion between them. They consist of:

  • Articular surfaces of bones: Zones of contact between the bones forming the joint. They are covered with articular cartilage, which prevents chafing and allows slippage of
... Continue reading "Flexibility and Joints: Types, Benefits, and Training" »

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors: Economic Activities

Classified in Geography

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Primary Sector: Agriculture and Raw Materials

The primary or agricultural sector consists of economic activities related to the transformation of natural resources into unprocessed primary products. These primary products are often used as raw materials in industrial production. The main activities of the primary sector are agriculture, mining, livestock, forestry, apiculture, aquaculture, fishing, and hunting. Industrial processes that are limited to packing, preparation, or purification of natural resources are often considered part of the primary sector as well, especially if the product is difficult to transport long distances under normal conditions. The primary sector is often a significant part of developing countries' economies.


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