Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Understanding Matter: States, Changes, and Mixtures

Classified in Chemistry

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States of Matter and Their Changes

State changes are processes experienced by the body according to the environmental conditions of pressure and temperature.

  • Solid-Liquid (Fusion)
  • Liquid-Gas (Vaporization)
  • Gas-Solid (Deposition)
  • Liquid-Solid (Solidification)
  • Solid-Gas (Sublimation)
  • Gas-Liquid (Condensation)

When heating a body, the energy of the particles increases. There comes a moment when this energy is sufficient to overcome the forces of cohesion, and then fusion occurs when we consider that part of a solid body. The same applies to all states of aggregation. The form of fusion of a body depends on its nature. We will distinguish between crystalline and amorphous bodies.

  • In a crystalline body, such as ice, melting is produced at a constant temperature
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Romanticism in Spanish Literature: Authors and Works

Classified in Latin

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Romantic Theater

Romanticism pretended to be a drama that could shake the audience. People are represented by protagonists with a hovering mystery.


  • The focus is usually love.
  • The outcome combines the tragic and the comical, verse and prose.
  • Use of measured action.
  • The action transpires in different places and scenarios, and temporal skips can occur.
  • Secondary actions.

The Student of Salamanca

Félix de Montemar, a Don Juan, seduces and abandons Elvira, provoking her death. Following a mysterious woman, Félix contemplates his own funeral and is brought to the "somber mansion". There, he discovers the lady is but the skeleton of Elvira, with whom Montemar marries before dying.

José de Espronceda

(1808-1842) was born in Almendralejo (Badajoz)... Continue reading "Romanticism in Spanish Literature: Authors and Works" »

The System of Language: Grammatical Competence in Education

Classified in Language

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1 - What is Grammatical Competence and its Application in Education?

Communicative competence (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) encompasses various skills, including grammatical competence. Grammatical competence is not just about the rules of a language but also the practical application and strategies for learning. Canale (1985) defines four dimensions of communicative competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discursive, and strategic/pragmatic.

Components of Grammatical Competence:

Here's a summary of the components:

  1. Phonology: Pronunciation aspects like elisions, speed, intonation, and emphatic contrasts.
  2. Spelling: Conventions of writing, including spelling, segmentation, and punctuation.
  3. Vocabulary:
... Continue reading "The System of Language: Grammatical Competence in Education" »

Theology: Faith, Reason, and Existential Perspectives

Classified in Religion

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Religious and Philosophical Theology

Theology (Faith and Reason)

St. Thomas Aquinas established a distinction between religious truths of the Bible's revelation, which are the subject of faith, and philosophical truths that are the subject of reason. Claims like Jesus' death and resurrection cannot be known or proven by reason; they can only be believed and are the object of faith.

Aquinas, following Aristotle, holds that truths like God's existence and other aspects regarding the essence and attributes of God are capable of proof or rational demonstration. Hence, the possibility of a purely rational theology that serves as an introduction to the revealed or religious. The difference between them lies not in the object, which is the same for both... Continue reading "Theology: Faith, Reason, and Existential Perspectives" »

Exploring Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs in Language

Classified in Language

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Kinds of Nouns

Common Nouns

Words for realities that form classes.

Proper Nouns

Words used to identify and refer to individual beings.

Concrete Nouns

Show realities that may be perceived by any of our senses.

Abstract Nouns

Designate things not perceived by the senses but only by the mind.

Collective Nouns

Singular words that refer to sets of individuals of the same nature.

Individual Nouns

Refer to each of the elements within a set, opposing groups that do not presuppose the existence of a set.

Uncountable Nouns

Realities that do not support designating numerals.


Morphological Viewpoint

Adjectives have morphemes of gender and number, allowing them to agree with the nouns they accompany. They can be derived or compound.

Semantic Viewpoint

Adjectives... Continue reading "Exploring Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs in Language" »

Matter Classification and Structure: Types and Properties

Classified in Chemistry

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Classification of Matter

Matter is classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous according to its appearance.

  • Homogeneous: It looks the same everywhere.
  • Heterogeneous: It does not have the same aspect throughout.

Classification of Substances

Substances can be classified according to their material composition into pure substances or mixtures.

  • Pure substances: Are formed by a single substance.

Classification of Pure Substances

Pure substances are classified into chemical elements and compounds

  • Chemical Elements: Are pure substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler ones.
  • Compounds: Are pure substances that can be decomposed into simpler ones.
  • Mixtures: A mixture is formed by several pure substances. Mixtures have no fixed composition.

Separation of Mixing

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Judicial Inquiry Research Instruments: Limiting Rights

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Research Instruments in Judicial Inquiries: Measures Limiting Fundamental Rights

For more effective prosecution of crimes, the law governing certain cases allows, under specific conditions, the use of investigative techniques through which the public can make a legitimate intrusion into the sphere of certain fundamental rights. These measures are reserved for judicial inquiry precisely because a judge's intervention ensures compliance with the requirements and limits of the interference. They are means of investigation to be carried out only during the investigation, used to determine the circumstances surrounding the facts. To use any of these means of investigation, a court order is constitutionally required, and there must be reason to believe... Continue reading "Judicial Inquiry Research Instruments: Limiting Rights" »

Software Testing Strategies: Verification, Validation, and Integration

Classified in Computers

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Test Strategy

  • Test Planning
  • Design test cases
  • Test Run
  • Collection and evaluation

The software is tested to discover errors made inadvertently when carrying out their design and construction.

The tests are a set of activities you can plan ahead and carry out systematically. For this reason, you must define the process of software engineering template for software testing.

A software testing strategy should include: evidence of low-level, high level evidence.

Verification: a set of activities to ensure that software correctly implements a specific function.

Validation: different set of activities to ensure that software built is consistent with customer requirements.

Only once the software architecture comes into play is completed Independent Test Group.

... Continue reading "Software Testing Strategies: Verification, Validation, and Integration" »

Spanish Political System Decomposition: 1917 Crisis

Classified in History

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The Decomposition of the Spanish Political System

The decomposition of the Spanish political system was an ongoing process. The monarchy was increasingly discredited, as King Alfonso XIII showed little respect for the operation of the constitution. He frequently exercised political interference on the parties. The decomposition process can be explained by these key factors:

  • The Moroccan War
  • Institutional instability (distortion of the electoral system)
  • The social question, which refers to the struggle of workers to improve their living and working conditions. The trade unions UGT (socialist) and CNT (anarchist) reached a combined membership of two million. The rise of social struggles went hand in hand with increasing political opposition, especially
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Planetesimal Formation and Planetary Evolution

Classified in Geology

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Planetesimal Formation:

  1. Initial Nebula: About 4600 million years ago, a rotating nebula of dust and gas, larger than our solar system, began to shrink.
  2. Gravitational Collapse: This collapse formed a central mass and a rotating disk around it.
  3. Protosun Formation: Particle collisions in the central mass released energy. Hydrogen nuclear fusion began, marking the birth of the protosun within the nebula.
  4. Planetesimal Formation: Dust and gas particles in the disk around the protosun began to clump together. This process started with millimeter-sized granules, whose collisions and mergers formed larger bodies—planetesimals—ranging from hundreds of meters to kilometers in size.
  5. Protoplanet Formation: Collisions and mergers of planetesimals, a process
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