USSR Birth & 1929 Stock Market Crash: Key Events
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The Birth of the USSR
The New Regime: First Steps
The Council of People's Commissars issued a series of decrees aimed to satisfy the main demands of the masses and win their accession. These included:
- The decree on the end of the war proposed a peace without annexations or indemnities.
- The decree on land expropriated land without agricultural contracts.
- The decree on industrial factories put under the control of workers and employees.
- The decree on the nationalities declared the right of peoples to freely dispose of Russia.
In January 1918, the Constituent Assembly met. Soviet power and the dictatorship of the proletariat would become the pillars of Bolshevik Russia. Gradually, the opposition was silenced. In July 1918, the Congress of Soviets adopted... Continue reading "USSR Birth & 1929 Stock Market Crash: Key Events" »