Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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USSR Birth & 1929 Stock Market Crash: Key Events

Classified in History

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The Birth of the USSR

The New Regime: First Steps

The Council of People's Commissars issued a series of decrees aimed to satisfy the main demands of the masses and win their accession. These included:

  • The decree on the end of the war proposed a peace without annexations or indemnities.
  • The decree on land expropriated land without agricultural contracts.
  • The decree on industrial factories put under the control of workers and employees.
  • The decree on the nationalities declared the right of peoples to freely dispose of Russia.

In January 1918, the Constituent Assembly met. Soviet power and the dictatorship of the proletariat would become the pillars of Bolshevik Russia. Gradually, the opposition was silenced. In July 1918, the Congress of Soviets adopted... Continue reading "USSR Birth & 1929 Stock Market Crash: Key Events" »

Economic Concepts: Understanding in Elementary Students

Classified in Other subjects

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Understanding of Economic Concepts in Elementary Students

In understanding the functioning of the economy, aspects such as production and distribution of goods and the role of money are investigated. These aspects were investigated following Piagetian methods to identify the successive stages through which the students pass.


Children come into contact with money in their domestic space but have an inadequate understanding of its origin until 14 years of age.

  • Before 6 years, they have no clear idea about the origin of money.
  • Between 7 and 9 years, they handle simple and contradictory ideas about the origin of money.
  • Between 10 and 14, the idea that money is obtained from work will strengthen.
  • After 14 years, students are able to understand economic
... Continue reading "Economic Concepts: Understanding in Elementary Students" »

UK Economy Shrinks: Recession Looms as GDP Falls

Classified in Economy

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New Figures Show First Contraction in 16 Years

New figures released in Britain confirm that the economy has weakened sharply. Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.5% in the third quarter of the year. Here's our Economics Correspondent, Andrew Walker:

The news comes in the same week that the country's Prime Minister and Central Bank Governor both said that Britain is facing a recession. The new figures, which could be revised, are consistent with that assessment, although they don't confirm it.

Recessions in developed economies are often defined as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, and this was the first. Most economists do, however, think there will be further falls in output.

This was the first contraction in the British economy for... Continue reading "UK Economy Shrinks: Recession Looms as GDP Falls" »

Mastering Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive List

Classified in English

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Mastering Irregular Verbs

Comprehensive List of Irregular Verbs

This is a comprehensive list of irregular verbs in English, showing their base form, past simple, and past participle:

  • be - was/were - been - ser, estar
  • beat - beat - beaten - bater, derrotar, pulsar
  • become - became - become - tornar-se
  • begin - began - begun - começar
  • bite - bit - bitten - morder, picar
  • blow - blew - blown - soprar, tocar (instrumento de sopro)
  • break - broke - broken - quebrar, interromper
  • bring - brought - brought - trazer
  • build - built - built - construir
  • buy - bought - bought - comprar
  • catch - caught - caught - agarrar, pegar (doença)
  • choose - chose - chosen - escolher
  • come - came - come - vir, chegar, aproximar-se, acontecer
  • cost - cost - cost - custar
  • cut - cut - cut - cortar
  • deal
... Continue reading "Mastering Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive List" »

Fire Safety: Understanding, Preventing, and Extinguishing Fires

Classified in Chemistry

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1. Origin of Fire

1.1. The Fire Tetrahedron

For a fire to occur, a chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer is necessary, along with an activation energy. These three factors make up the fire triangle. The fire tetrahedron is formed by adding the chain reaction, which is a reaction that does not need external energy to be maintained.

  • Fuel: A substance that reacts easily with an oxidizer to produce heat.
  • Oxidizer: A substance that activates the fuel (e.g., oxygen).
  • Activation Energy: The minimum energy required to initiate the combustion process.
  • Chain Reaction: A self-sustaining reaction that does not require external energy.

Types of Fire

  • Class A: Solid fuels like wood.
  • Class B: Liquid or gas fuels like oil or acetylene.
  • Class C: Electrical
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Drainage, Water, and Gas Systems in Homes: Essential Components

Classified in Technology

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Elements of the Drainage Network

  • Siphons: Allow wastewater to be evacuated and prevent odors from entering homes.

  • Connections: A set of horizontal pipes that connect the various sanitary fixtures with downpipes.

  • Downpipes: Vertical pipes that collect water from connections, toilets, and roofs.

  • Collectors: These are the horizontal pipes buried in the ground that connect to the downpipes, channeling water to the siphonal chamber.

  • Siphonal chamber: Provides a hydraulic closure and prevents odors and sewer rats from entering the drains in the houses.

The Water Bill

Specifies what we pay for the service and consumption of water in a given period.

  • Service Fee: The fixed fee entitles you to consume water.

  • Consumption: The variable amount billed.

  • Taxes:

... Continue reading "Drainage, Water, and Gas Systems in Homes: Essential Components" »

Demand and Supply: Shifts, Movements, and Market Equilibrium

Classified in Economy

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Understanding Demand and Supply

A shift in the demand curve signifies a change in the quantity demanded at any given price. This is visually represented by a shift of the demand curve to a new position, resulting in a new demand curve.

Movements Along the Demand Curve

A movement along the demand curve represents a change in the quantity demanded of a good as a result of a change in its price.

Shifts in the Demand Curve

  • A rightward shift reflects an increase in the quantity demanded at any price level.
  • A leftward shift reflects a decrease in the quantity demanded at any price level.

Supply Curve Dynamics

A shift in the supply curve represents a variation in the quantity supplied at any given price. This is reflected in a shift of the supply curve to... Continue reading "Demand and Supply: Shifts, Movements, and Market Equilibrium" »

Freedom, Ethics, and Morality: A Deep Dive

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Freedom and Responsibility

In ancient times, freedom was understood as the ability of humans to act despite the constraints that nature imposed. Humans are free but may require responsibility for their actions. Then, freedom was a divine law. In modern times, freedom is a consequence of accountability. Individual freedom is the foundation of modern political and economic forms, and self-choice human beings have by right.

Ethics and Morality

Morality is related to action, while ethics is the reflection on morality. They have a relationship but are distinct. Morality deals with the set of rules and customs that are accepted as appropriate in one place. Ethics is a critical view of morality, rules, and consequences resulting from human action. It... Continue reading "Freedom, Ethics, and Morality: A Deep Dive" »

The Judiciary and Democratic Constitutionalism in Brazil

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The Interplay of Law and Policy

3.1. Continued (See Diagram)

The Constitution arises from consensus, and its interpretation reflects political decisions. A democratic judiciary presupposes a democratic society acting upon the Constitution's democratic principles.

Democratic Constitutionalism: A Guarantor of Rights

Democratic constitutionalism safeguards rights and embodies popular sovereignty. The expansion of the judiciary, representing the legalization of politics, should not threaten the foundations of constitutionalism. While the judiciary's power has grown, it must operate within the Constitution's boundaries. The Constitution defines these judicial limits. The legalization of politics in Brazil poses no threat to the Constitution, given

... Continue reading "The Judiciary and Democratic Constitutionalism in Brazil" »

Improving Spanish Pronunciation: Classroom Analysis and Remedial Strategies

Classified in Social sciences

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Analysis of Pronunciation Teaching and Remedial Proposals

Pronunciation and spelling are fundamental to verbal communication. Sounds and letters form the surface of oral and written language. Often, pronunciation receives little attention. Few people notice the pronunciation mistakes of politicians, TV contestants, neighbors, or even ourselves, though these may be more serious than misspellings.

In schools, pronunciation is often treated as a minor issue, except in second language instruction. Students are assumed to have mastered sounds by the time they reach middle school, learning through natural language acquisition. Consequently, few pronunciation practices are linked to literacy. Pronunciation is typically addressed only in the early grades.... Continue reading "Improving Spanish Pronunciation: Classroom Analysis and Remedial Strategies" »