Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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The Disappearance of Rituals: A Reflection on Modern Society and Technology

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

Written at on English with a size of 8.31 KB.

In "The Disappearance of Rituals" by Byung-Chul Han, Han argues that modern society is characterized by a loss of traditional rituals and a resulting lack of meaning and direction in people's lives. He claims that rituals, which he defines as "repetitive, symbolic actions that are carried out collectively," serve to create a sense of community and provide individuals with a sense of purpose and belonging. However, Han contends that the rise of individualism and technology has led to a decline in the importance of rituals, as people increasingly seek to define their identities on their own terms and through digital means. As a result, Han suggests that modern society has become fragmented and lacking in a shared sense of values and purpose.

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Understanding Density, Pressure, and Fluid Systems

Classified in Technology

Written at on English with a size of 45.77 KB.

Know what the relationship is between density and temperature

Substances have different densities depending on their temperature.  

For example, a lake on a hot summer day. The surface temperature is warmer than the water beneath. The warm water floats on the cold because it has a lower density. 

Know why your ears pop when you are landing at an airport

Your ears pop from pressure change. The change of pressure outside causes your middle ear to have to readjust, resulting in a popping sound

Know the term buoyancy and why objects sink or float in a substance

Buoyancy is the ability of an object in a fluid to rise or sink due to density differences with its surroundings.

Know the densities of some common substances

Sea water





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Protecting Our Bird Sanctuary: Concerns Regarding the Proposed Hotel Development

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Dear Head of the City Council,

I am writing to express my thoughts and concerns regarding the proposed new hotel being built in our area, specifically its close proximity to the bird sanctuary. I appreciate the efforts to promote economic growth and development in our community, but I have concerns about the potential impact of the hotel on the bird sanctuary and its inhabitants.

Noise Pollution

Firstly, I am worried about the noise pollution that the hotel may cause. The noise generated by the construction and operation of the hotel could significantly impact the bird sanctuary. This noise could disturb the peaceful environment required for bird breeding and nesting. Furthermore, the noise pollution could interfere with the migratory patterns... Continue reading "Protecting Our Bird Sanctuary: Concerns Regarding the Proposed Hotel Development" »

Population of men, women and children in kudan local government

Classified in Geography

Written at on English with a size of 4.26 KB.

What is confederation?  When did it occur? 

The confederation was when Canada was born. Happened on July 1, 1867. 

What makes up the province of Canada?” also know the 2 cultures of each Pg 23-24

Canada East

Followed French Culture + mostly spoke French 

Canada West

Followed British Culture + mostly spoke English 

Which  areas of British North America did Hudson's bay company in the mid-1800s Pg 5

Rupert’s Land, New Caledonia

What were the 2 main events of the “great migration” Pg 7

Potato famine & the underground railroad

Know a couple of points from each of the 6 beginning colonies of bna Pg 23-27

Canada East - Industry flourished in Montreal in the late 1840s

- Most of the work in the factories was d1 by women & children

- They were... Continue reading "Population of men, women and children in kudan local government" »

The Phases of Tourism Development and Their Impacts on Economy, Environment, and Culture

Classified in Geography

Written at on English with a size of 2.81 KB.

Exploration: Tourism Development Phases

Tourism is limited. The social and economic benefits are small. Tourist attractions are likely to be focused on nature or culture.


The beginning of tourism development. Governments may be under pressure to develop transport infrastructure and community resources.


New roads, train stations, and airports may be built. New tourist attractions may emerge. Hotels and hospitality provisions will be put in place.


Tourism growth slows, to keep tourist products and services exclusive.


Decline in tourism, numbers may have reached their peak and varying capacities may be met.

Rejuvenation and Decline

Possible outcomes for the destinations along the spectrum between rejuvenation

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Troubleshooting Wireless Network Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Computers

Written at on English with a size of 3.83 KB.

It permits traffic from wireless clients in 10.10.10 y 10.10.20The solution must have active PEFNG licensesHave Radius server send different roles for users in different departments.Apply role-based firewall policiesChange user to any in the user any svc-dhcp permit ruleClientMatchAirwave combines information from more sources, such as Radius authenticating servers and APsWireless security camera operating on channel 8To support more POE devices directly connected to the MCSet the VLANs associated with desired subnets in the WLAN settingsRADIUS serverAddition of custom rules to control access for authenticated guestsIt removes any commands that are not supported on that MC or have dependency errorsMesh Portal APChoose ClearPass or the other

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Air law

Classified in Chemistry

Written at on English with a size of 888 bytes.

 solutions in a mixture one subtance can be dissolved in another suntances this is called a solutions for example sal disoolved inoto water evaporation evaporation uses to separate a soluble solid from a liquid as the liquid is heated it evaporates into the air leaving the solid desillation it is a useful method to separate liqids from solutions it is very similar to evaporation but we use condesation to collect the liquid componets from its gas state so it can be used the componets must boil at different temperatures to separate them the liquid that boils at a lower temperature evaporates first and as a gas passes throught a coding chamber where it condenses   

Driving Innovation: Strategies for Success

Classified in Other subjects

Written at on English with a size of 3.71 KB.


What is Innovation?

Something original that breaks into a new market or society.

  • Improving efficiency, effectiveness, and advantage
  • Making an impact in the market

Why Innovate?

  • Due to mass production in countries like China, companies are shifting their vision. To compete, they need to innovate their products.
  • Environmental friendliness

Today's Musts

  1. Collaboration: Working with others
  2. Diversity
  3. Agile Thinking
  4. Creativity
  5. Technology
  6. Sustainability
  7. Customer-centricity
  8. Risk-taking

Innovation Manager Tools

  1. Communication
  2. Team Building
  3. Task Management: Teams, Skype
  4. File Management: Rules for uploading files
  5. Conception: Taking everyone into account

Innovation Tools

  1. Job to Be Done: Innovating according to the client's needs
  2. Expectations: Creating expectations about
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Therapeutic Uses and Side Effects of Atropine, Adrenaline, and Beta Blockers

Classified in Medicine & Health

Written at on English with a size of 3.31 KB.

Therapeutic Uses of Atropine

Preanesthetic Medication

  • Decrease salivary and bronchial secretions
  • Prevent bronchospasm
  • Antagonize respiratory center depressants
  • Protect the heart from bradycardia induced by some general anesthetics
  • Prevent vomiting


  • Post-operative urine retention
  • Intestinal hypomotility (paralytic ileus)

Other Uses

  1. Heart block and marked bradycardia
  2. In cholinergic poisoning to antagonize muscarinic effects (organophosphorus poisoning or physostigmine poisoning)
  3. Colics, gut hypermotility, duodenal ulcer
  4. Nocturnal enuresis and urinary urgency to reduce bladder motility
  5. Parkinsonism
  6. Motion sickness (Hyoscine (scopolamine) is better)
  7. Hyperhidrosis
  8. For fundus examination of the eye (derivatives are better)
  9. Bronchial asthma (secretions
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Whistleblower Protection, Glass Ceiling, Leadership Pipeline, Selection Tests, Background Investigations, Negligent Hiring, 360 Degree Survey

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

Written at on English with a size of 1.76 KB.

What is whistleblower protection?

All employees are encouraged to speak up, seek guidance, and raise issues related to business ethics or compliance, without fear of retaliation.

What is described by the term glass ceiling?

Glass ceiling is an intangible barrier that prevents women and minorities from being promoted to top jobs in management.

What is the rationale for building a leadership pipeline?

Succession planning is a process to ensure that qualified people are in place to take over key management positions once they become vacant. The goal is to help ensure a smooth transition and operational efficiency by creating a leadership pipeline.

Identify three types of selection tests.

  • Reliable and accurate means of selecting qualified candidates
  • Cost
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