Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Contemporary Conflict, Globalization, and Peacebuilding

Classified in Social sciences

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Contemporary Conflict in a Globalized World

The nature of contemporary conflict within globalization is multifaceted and complex. While often viewed negatively as violence, conflict is more accurately a dispute arising from clashing interests or needs. Inherent in human relations, conflict can lead to social transformation if managed constructively. It's crucial to distinguish conflict from violence, which seeks resolution by force, manifesting in structural and cultural forms. War, organized violence between political units, involves state and non-state entities.

Peace encompasses both the absence of violence (negative peace) and the creation of peaceful societies (positive peace). Achieving peace requires understanding and addressing conflict'

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Game of Thrones: A Thrilling Fantasy Epic

Classified in English

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Game of Thrones: A Battle for Power

Game of Thrones is a fantasy TV series which has attracted millions of fans. Set in an unknown time in the past on the continent of Westeros and the surrounding islands, it tells the story of the fight to be the ruler of Westeros. There are three main families in this fight: the Starks, the Lannisters and the Targaryens.

As the series progresses, we follow the stories of the main contenders for the throne. Throughout most of the series, it is Cersei Lannister who actually rules Westeros. However, Jon Snow, a member of the Stark family, slowly gains power in the north, while Daenerys Targaryen develops from a weak young girl to a powerful leader of armies in the south. None of them has an easy job gaining power... Continue reading "Game of Thrones: A Thrilling Fantasy Epic" »

Periodic Table Trends: Differences in Element Properties

Classified in Chemistry

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Alkali Metals


  • Lithium is harder than other alkali metals.
  • It has higher melting and boiling points than other alkali metals.
  • It is the least reactive alkali metal.
  • It is a strong reducing agent compared to other alkali metals.
  • It is the only alkali metal that forms its monoxide.
  • It is not capable of forming solid hydrogen carbonates, unlike other alkali metals.
  • It does not react with ethyne to form ethynide, while other alkali metals do.
  • It reacts slowly with bromine compared to other alkali metals.
  • It is the only alkali metal that reacts with nitrogen to give lithium nitride (Li3N).

Alkaline Earth Metals


  • Beryllium is harder than other members of its group.
  • It has higher melting and boiling points than other members of its group.
  • Its electronegativity
... Continue reading "Periodic Table Trends: Differences in Element Properties" »

Accounting: An Information System for Resource Allocation

Classified in Economy

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Section 1: Collecting and Organizing Information

Accounting is an information system that reports on the economic activities and financial condition of a business or other organization.

1.1 Identifying the Ways Accounting Benefits Society

Accounting provides information that helps answer questions such as:

  • How should society allocate its resources?
  • Should we spend more money to harvest food or cure disease?
  • Should we build computers or cars?
  • Should we invest money in IBM or General Motors?

Market-Based Allocations

A market is a group of people or entities organized to exchange items of value. Common terms for the added value created in the transformation process include profit, income, and earnings.

Financial Resources

Businesses need financial resources... Continue reading "Accounting: An Information System for Resource Allocation" »

Importance of Elasticity of Demand in Economics

Classified in Economy

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The elasticity of demand refers to the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a change in its price or any other factor).
The concept of elasticity of demand is of great importance to producers, farmers, workers, and the Government. Lord Keynes considered this concept to be the most important contribution of Alfred Marshall.
The importance of elasticity of demand can be explained with the help of the following points:
1. Importance to a Producer: Every producer has to decide the price of his product at which he has to sell it. The concept of elasticity of demand becomes important for this purpose. If the producer is producing a commodity whose demand is relatively inelastic, then he can set a high price for it. Similarly,... Continue reading "Importance of Elasticity of Demand in Economics" »

Financial Analysis and Valuation

Classified in Other languages

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Part 1: Financial Ratios and Metrics

Working Capital

Working Capital = Accounts Receivable + Stock - Accounts Payable

Net Short-Term Debt

Net Short-Term Debt = Short-Term Debt - Cash

Net Total Debt

Net Total Debt = Net Short-Term Debt + Long-Term Debt

Net Total Investment

Net Total Investment = Working Capital + Net Fixed Assets

Security Stock

Security Stock = Working Capital - Net Short-Term Debt

Average Collection Period (ACP)

ACP = [(Average Accounts Receivable) / (Revenues)] * 365

Average Sales Period (ASP)

ASP = [(Average Stock) / (Cost of Sales)] * 365


Purchases = Cost of Sales + Stock2 - Stock1

Average Payment Period (APP)

APP = [(Average Accounts Payable) / (Purchases)] * 365

Financial Average Maturity

Financial Average Maturity = Sum of Averages


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Legal positivism" "meaning and scope of legal rules

Classified in History

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  1. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The most democratic organ, in which each state (193) gets one vote, no matter how big or small, rich or poor. The General Assembly has the competence to discuss and make recommendations on all matters that fall within the scope of the UN Charter.

  1. THE SECURITY COUNCIL The most powerful organ. Its primary responsibility is to maintain peace and security.

It is composed of 15 members, 5 permanent with veto power (United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom) and 10 elected by the GA for 2 years.

The Security Council is the only organ that can impose sanctions on states or deploy military forces on behalf of the international community to keep the peace in certain areas, regions, or countries.


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Strategies for Success in Family Businesses and Modern Organizational Structures

Classified in Economy

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5) Family Business Survival Strategies

A study indicates that family businesses often struggle to survive across multiple generations. However, there are four key strategies that can increase their chances of longevity:

Establish Strong Governance

Creating a solid governance framework is essential. This includes attracting and retaining top talent while maintaining a clear separation between the family and the business itself.

Preserve "Family Gravity"

Identify and empower key family members who can align everyone's interests and drive the pursuit of common goals. These individuals serve as motivators and role models within the family and the business.

Early Talent Identification and Development

Invest in developing the skills and potential of family... Continue reading "Strategies for Success in Family Businesses and Modern Organizational Structures" »

Understanding Plurilingualism and Multilingualism: A Comprehensive Approach

Classified in Social sciences

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20)plurilingualism and multilingualism? This two terms are used to describe situations in which individuals or communities have proficiency in multiple languages. Although they are often used in the same way, they have some differences. -Plurilingualism refers to an individual's mastery or competence in a multiple language. It implies that the person is able to use and comprehend several languages fluently and efficiently. It highlights an individual's ability to communicate in different languages. -Multilingualis refers to the presence and use of multiple languages in a community. It refers to the coexistence of different languages in a given environment, where people should use more than one language in their daily lives. It is more about... Continue reading "Understanding Plurilingualism and Multilingualism: A Comprehensive Approach" »

Project Cost Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Other subjects

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Project Cost Management

Project cost management encompasses the processes of planning, estimating, budgeting, financing, funding, managing, and controlling costs to ensure project completion within the approved budget. The ability to influence cost is greatest during the early project stages, making early scope definition critical. Project cost management focuses on the cost of resources required to complete project activities, considering the impact of decisions on the recurring cost of using and maintaining the project's outcome.

Plan Cost Management

This process defines how project costs will be estimated, budgeted, managed, monitored, and controlled. Cost management planning occurs early in project planning, establishing the framework for... Continue reading "Project Cost Management: A Comprehensive Guide" »