Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Ohmmeter Calibration and Circuit Analysis Techniques

Classified in Technology

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Why Must an Ohmmeter be Calibrated When Changing Ranges?

What is Calibration?

An ohmmeter must be calibrated each time you change the measuring range to verify the proper operation of the instrument. When calibration is not performed, the needle may deflect incorrectly on the ohmmeter scale. Calibration involves measuring a known resistance standard and comparing it with the ohmmeter reading. This should be done at several points on the instrument's scale and for various scales.

Connecting an Ammeter to Measure Current Through a Resistor

Series vs. Parallel Connection

In which of the two forms mentioned would you connect an ammeter to measure the intensity of current flowing through resistor R? Justify your answer.

The correct way to connect an ammeter... Continue reading "Ohmmeter Calibration and Circuit Analysis Techniques" »

Technical Activities: From Ancient Times to Today

Classified in Physical Education

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Technical Activities

The technical term comes from the Greek technné, which meant art, craft, method, and technique. We can define it as the ability to modify the environment to one's advantage, which consists of the possession of effective ways to proceed, the possibility of creating, and using tools that construct the action helpers. Animals can build things that seem to be a product of the technique, but in reality, it is limited to fixed patterns of behavior, so they do not have the capacity to refine their constructions, nor to invent and fabricate other devices that work best. Primates only minimally approach the human ability to imagine, build, and use effective tools in the solution of the problems they encounter.


  • An adaptation
... Continue reading "Technical Activities: From Ancient Times to Today" »

Precision Micrometer: Measurement Techniques and Error Handling

Classified in Technology

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Palmer Micrometer: Precision Measurement

A Palmer micrometer is a direct-reading measuring instrument. It provides the length value directly, enabling measurements with a precision of 0.01 mm and, in some models, 0.001 mm.

Micrometer Parts

  • Body
  • Tube
  • Rotating drum
  • Friction screw
  • Circular graduation
  • Linear graduation
  • Brake
  • Mobile probe
  • Fixed and insulating probe handles

Micrometer Management

A micrometer can be used to measure parts on marble, on machines, or as support for serial investigations. The measurement procedure is as follows:

  1. Open the tool to a range slightly greater than the dimension to be measured.
  2. Position the piece between the probes.
  3. Gently rotate the drum until the probes support against the piece. This should be done by acting through the
... Continue reading "Precision Micrometer: Measurement Techniques and Error Handling" »

Hunting Resource Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning and Implementation

Classified in Geography

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Phases of the Hunting Resource Management Process

Compilation of Information

Data Analysis

Plan Development

Definition and Principles of Hunting Resource Management

This technique aims to improve hunting resources. It involves analyzing, diagnosing, and planning a specific area.


  • Provide guidelines for responsible and sustainable resource management.


  • Achieve optimal state and productivity.
  • Manage hunting activities in conjunction with other land uses.
  • Maximize economic and environmental benefits.

The management process includes two parts:

  • Planning: Develops a program based on a thorough study of the territory.
  • Management: Implements the proposed plan, establishing land management guidelines.

PTGC: Planning Tools for Hunting

PTGC (Planning

... Continue reading "Hunting Resource Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning and Implementation" »

Primo de Rivera's 1923 Coup Justification: Analysis and Context

Classified in History

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Primo de Rivera

This political text justifies the 1923 coup d'état and criticizes Spanish politicians. The author is Miguel Primo de Rivera, military dictator of Spain (1923-1930), father of José Antonio Primo de Rivera (founder of the Falange Española). This text, from September 13, 1923 (the day of the coup), was published in The Age (Madrid). It addresses the Spanish people and the army, explaining the coup's necessity.

First Paragraph: Attacks the Restoration's political system, advocating for drastic measures and a military dictatorship. Primo de Rivera claims the coup was unavoidable due to Spain's catastrophic situation, referencing the crisis of 1898 (loss of colonies).

Second Paragraph: Criticizes turnismo, the system where Liberal... Continue reading "Primo de Rivera's 1923 Coup Justification: Analysis and Context" »

Land Use & Cultural Diversity in Medieval Iberian Peninsula

Classified in Geography

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Land Use Forms and Influence on Ownership Structure

We understand the process of restocking, demographic occupation, and economic exploitation of the territory reconquered from the Muslims between the 8th and 15th centuries. Different models of recruitment marked the ownership structure and social organization throughout peninsular history. Traditionally, four models of recruitment are identified: Repopulation by Aprisio, Concejil, of Military Orders, and by Distribution or Nobility.

  • The first was the most used in the 8th and 10th centuries and affected the lands north of the Douro River and the foothills of the Pyrenees. It involved the occupation of land inhabited by the presura system. The result was the emergence of small and medium-sized
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15th Century Europe: Exploration, Trade, and Monarchy

Classified in History

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XV Century Europe: A Period of Transformation

Population and Economic Growth

The end of major epidemics and improved agricultural practices led to population growth and increased demand. This, in turn, boosted agricultural production and revived sea routes, fostering trade and the growth of cities. The demand for currency markets increased to facilitate these exchanges.

The Rise of the Bourgeoisie and Commercial Capitalism

The expansion of trade and manufacturing led to significant profits for the bourgeoisie, whose economic power was rooted in productive activities. This marked the beginning of commercial capitalism.

The Monarchy of Ferdinand and Isabella

The Union of Castile and Aragon

In 1469, Prince Ferdinand of Aragon married Princess Isabella... Continue reading "15th Century Europe: Exploration, Trade, and Monarchy" »

Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching Resources

Classified in Electronics

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Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage in the Classroom

1. The Dictionary: An Indispensable Tool

The dictionary is a crucial element in acquiring necessary vocabulary. It makes students aware of the possibilities afforded by consultation. It's an indispensable tool for learning vocabulary and language in general, and it should always be present in the classroom. It provides the student with a high degree of autonomy. It is essential to know how to handle it properly, and we must not abuse its capabilities.

2. Vocabulary Games: Engaging and Effective

Word games, misunderstandings, and jokes are common in everyday language and are part of our popular cultural heritage. They serve to teach how to use a word at the right time and to practice mental agility... Continue reading "Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching Resources" »

Enhancing Reading Comprehension: Skills and Strategies

Classified in Language

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ITEM 7: Reading Comprehension

Why Develop Reading Skills?

Reading is one of the most important learnings provided by schooling. It is a powerful tool for learning in any discipline. Moreover, acquiring reading and writing skills involves developing higher cognitive abilities such as reflection, critical thinking, and awareness. Those who learn to read efficiently and consistently develop their thinking. Ultimately, reading becomes a landmark for school learning and intellectual growth.

Despite the importance of reading, many people still cannot read or write. There is much illiteracy and functional illiteracy. The latest data on functional illiteracy is alarming. It predicts an increase in people who, despite having learned to read and write,... Continue reading "Enhancing Reading Comprehension: Skills and Strategies" »