Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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The Canterville Ghost

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 8.11 KB.

Theme and atmosphere

The main idea is the story of a ghost living tormenting the inhabitants of an English manor. The ideas range from minor's own ghost story to life of every single inhabitant of the mansion.

The action takes place in an English manor in the late nineteenth century and has a fairly realistic setting even though the protagonist is the ghost.

The family's culture and environment move in a mysterious tone, so this is a fantastic novel of intrigue, with dramatic ideas.


The novel begins when Hiram B. Otis buys the property of Canterville Chase, at closing, its owner Lord Canterville warns that lives in the house ghost.

Months after the sale, move to spend the summer at their family property formed by Mr. Otis Otis (American

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Mastering English Grammar and Sentence Structure

Classified in English

Written at on English with a size of 6.87 KB.

Common Grammatical Corrections

Here are some common grammatical corrections to improve your English:

  • We must make the most of it.
  • Honestly, it doesn't matter.
  • Could you speak more slowly? / Were you able to understand?
  • What's the answer? Subtract eight from eight.
  • Three hundred students took part in the competition.
  • The students will have finished by tomorrow.
  • Three will have run out of time.
  • My sister isn't very keen on horror movies.
  • Peter asked if he had eaten the chocolate.
  • Bob hadn't seen her since she had gone by.
  • I needed a cup of coffee. / I could have done with a cup of coffee.
  • I'm not going to tolerate this. / I'm not capable of putting up with this.
  • We went for a walk in spite of the rain.
  • I'm sure it will be fine. / It is bound to be fine.
  • Could
... Continue reading "Mastering English Grammar and Sentence Structure" »

Sustainable Urban Development: Green and Smart Cities

Classified in Geography

Written at on English with a size of 3.51 KB.

Sustainable Cities

Today, more than half of humanity lives in cities, and this figure is expected to rise to 6 billion by 2050. This requires a rethink of urban planning and management, as rapid urbanization puts unprecedented pressure on the environment and public health. Sustainable cities must be environmentally, economically, socially, and politically healthy, both for the current population and for future generations. These cities are based on four pillars of sustainability:

  • Environmental: concerns the ecological footprint, resource consumption, and pollution.
  • Economic: concerns job opportunities and attracting investment.
  • Social: focuses on quality of life, public health, and social integration.
  • Institutional: includes democratic participation
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Active & Passive Transport in Plants: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 2.5 KB.

Active Transport

Active transport moves substances across membranes from lower to higher concentration, against the concentration gradient. This process requires cellular energy (ATP) and a carrier protein.

The substance binds to the carrier protein's receptor site on one side of the membrane. ATP changes the protein's shape, releasing the substance on the other side. Active transport occurs only in living, respiring cells.

Factors influencing active transport:

  • ATP Production: Increased ATP production increases active transport rate.
  • Temperature and Oxygen: These affect respiration and ATP production, thus impacting transport rate.
  • Mitochondria: Cells with more mitochondria have higher transport rates due to increased ATP production.
  • Poisons: Respiratory
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Major Ecosystems and Environmental Concepts

Classified in Geography

Written at on English with a size of 4.66 KB.


In general terms, a grassland ecosystem is characterized by huge open lands where the vegetation includes different types of grasses with very few trees. There are six main types: tropical grasslands, temperate grasslands, flooded grasslands, tundra grasslands, montane grasslands, and xeric grasslands. Tropical grasslands receive 50-130 cm of rainfall, while temperate grasslands receive 25-75 cm.

Key Characteristics of Grasslands

  • Limited annual rainfall
  • Dry climate
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil
  • Frequent droughts and uncertain precipitation
  • Frequent forest fires due to semi-arid climate and flash lightning
  • Poor vegetation dominated by grasses
  • Home to a variety of animal species


Most hot deserts occur in high air pressure areas where... Continue reading "Major Ecosystems and Environmental Concepts" »

Nervous and Endocrine Systems: Functions and Parts

Classified in Biology

Written at on English with a size of 5.01 KB.

Nervous and Endocrine Systems

The nervous system receives external and internal stimuli, interprets them, and decides an appropriate response. The response is executed by the effector organ or tissue. Nervous tissue is made up of cells called neurons.

Stimulus → Nervous System → Effectors → Muscles, Glands

Neuron Structure

  • Cell body: The central part of the neuron.
  • Dendrites: Extensions of the cell body. They receive the nerve impulse and transmit it to the cell body.
  • Axon: A long fiber extending from the cell body. It transmits the nerve impulse to other neurons or effector cells.
  • Myelin sheath: This layer protects the axon and increases the speed of the nerve impulse.
  • Axon terminals: These are located at the end of the axon. They contain neurotransmitters,
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Corporate Diplomacy: Navigating Global Business Challenges

Classified in Arts and Humanities

Written at on English with a size of 4.27 KB.

Corporate Diplomacy: Navigating Global Business Challenges

In today's intricate business landscape, corporations are increasingly recognizing the significance of corporate diplomacy—a multifaceted strategy aimed at navigating the complexities of the global environment while aligning with stakeholder interests. This essay delves into the pivotal role of corporate diplomacy amidst evolving paradigms such as the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization, and climate change.

Corporate diplomacy extends beyond traditional business strategies, encompassing a comprehensive 360-degree approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of issues surrounding a company. It involves formulating foreign policies tailored to establish fruitful relationships with

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Financial Markets and Mutual Funds: Key Features

Classified in Economy

Written at on English with a size of 2.36 KB.

Functions of a Financial Market

  • Connecting Buyers and Sellers: Facilitates the meeting of buyers and sellers of financial assets without needing a physical location.
  • Issuance and Exchange of Assets: Supports the creation (primary markets) and subsequent trading (secondary markets) of financial assets.
  • Price Determination: Establishes the prices of financial assets through various pricing mechanisms, such as supply and demand or predetermined conditions.
  • Public Information: Disseminates information about asset prices, trading mechanisms, and pricing systems.
  • Providing Liquidity: Ensures that assets can be easily converted into cash without significant loss of value.
  • Reducing Transaction Costs: Lowers the costs related to finding counterparts and determining
... Continue reading "Financial Markets and Mutual Funds: Key Features" »

English Phonetics: A Comprehensive Guide to Vowels, Consonants, and Suprasegmentals

Classified in Physical Education

Written at on English with a size of 3.22 KB.

English Phonetics: A Comprehensive Guide


Vowels are defined as speech sounds produced with a relatively open vocal tract, allowing air to flow freely through the mouth. They are characterized by 12 features:

  • Direction of the air
  • Height of the tongue: high, low, and mid vowels
  • Part of the tongue raised: front, central, or back
  • Position of the lips: rounded or spread
  • Length: short or long

Vowels can be classified as either monophthongs or diphthongs. Monophthongs are single vowel sounds, while diphthongs are combinations of two vowel sounds that glide together.


Consonants are defined as speech sounds produced with a constriction or closure in the vocal tract, obstructing the flow of air. They are characterized by 24 features:

  • Vocal cords:
... Continue reading "English Phonetics: A Comprehensive Guide to Vowels, Consonants, and Suprasegmentals" »

Freedom, Responsibility, and Moral Norms: A Philosophical View

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

Written at on English with a size of 2.06 KB.

Freedom and Human Nature

Humans, though possessing instincts, are not determined by nature. Thanks to our rational capacity, we can choose among a number of possibilities. This capability is known as freedom.

However, certain factors in our behavior do not depend on us. No one chooses their birthplace, gender, or skin color. These are given to us and constitute what Ortega y Gasset called circumstances.

To be free means to be responsible for our actions and accept the consequences of our behavior. Responsibility involves attributing success to our work and accepting failures or errors. If we make a mistake, we must rectify it and accept the punishment.

Moral Norms

A norm is a pattern that governs our behavior, a rule about how we should act. For... Continue reading "Freedom, Responsibility, and Moral Norms: A Philosophical View" »