Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physics

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George Orwell: Life, Works, and Social Commentary

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George Orwell: A Life of Social and Political Commentary

Early Life and Influences

Born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903 in British-ruled India, George Orwell's life and works were deeply shaped by his experiences. His early exposure to the rigid social hierarchy and hardships of colonial India, as recounted in his autobiographical essay "Such, Such Were the Joys," fueled his later critiques of social stratification and power dynamics. Orwell's education as a scholarship student amongst England's wealthy elite further solidified his understanding of social inequalities, themes that would later emerge in his novels like "Animal Farm."

From Burma to Literary Pursuits

After graduating in 1921, Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. This experience... Continue reading "George Orwell: Life, Works, and Social Commentary" »

Unlocking Earth's Secrets: A Guide to Fossils, Geological Time, and the Origin of Life

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What Evidence Do Rocks Provide About Life?

Rocks are still an important source of information about many forms of life that existed on this planet.

Why Can Scientists Not Be Sure How Earth Was Created?

Because no rock dates to the formation of the Earth.

How Might Fossil Teeth Reveal an Animal's Diet?

Size and shape indicate diet.

Explain Relative Dating of Fossils

Sedimentary rocks form layers, with newer or younger layers added on top of older layers. This does not tell scientists the exact age of the fossil; however, it does tell the scientist the fossil's age in relation to others above it or below it.

Two More Common Radioactive Isotopes

  • Potassium-40
  • Carbon-14

What Is a Mass Extinction?

It is when many organisms disappear from the fossil record at... Continue reading "Unlocking Earth's Secrets: A Guide to Fossils, Geological Time, and the Origin of Life" »

The beginnings of english: old and middle english 600-1485 setting the scene the first literature

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Tema 2

TEMA 2.High middle ages(1001-1300) and late m.A(1300-1485).Ongoing Expansion of islamic faith.Anglo-Sxon england invaded by William ,duke of Normandy.They Took literal possessions.Anglosazon=>Norman->Feudalism.Feudalism:complez social organisation based on functions and jiearchies. Functions: Oratores,bellatores,laboratores.Hierarchical: form superior to inferior According to essential degree.Defining features of the english medieval Period:-Resistance to monarcha´s feudal power.-Instability of political Power.-Pope´s authority also contested(Thomas becket´s murder in Canterbury)-Origin of some genuine institutions(oxford university, cambridge...)-Population Increase+developement of cities as centres of production and Commerce-

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Characteristics of new pragmatism mixed focus

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Gesture and thinking for speaking (TFS). Slobin proposed
that in the activity of speaking, thinking takes on a particular
quality as experiences are filtered through languages into
verbalized events. He suggested that TFS might not merely
influence how people talk about events, but how they
experience those events. He called this the anticipatory
effects of language, which arise during experience time.
It is during speaking time TFS comes into play,
Thinking for speaking is a particularly compelling area of L2
research with regard to L2 meaning and self-regulation.
McNeill’s research, which links TFS features to gestures, show
that the dialectical interaction between speaking and gesturing
in the GP brings out some semiotic effects that don’t appear
... Continue reading "Characteristics of new pragmatism mixed focus" »

The Road Not Taken

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Robert Frost - 1874-1963

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And sorry I could not travel both, And be one traveler, long I stood, and looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth.

I took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear, though as for that the passing there, had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay, in leaves no step had trodden black, oh I kept the first for another day, yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence, two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Understanding Sound: Definitions and Concepts

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Pressure waves produced when an object vibrates at a frequency between 20 Hz and 20000 Hz and there is a material medium that sound can travel through.


How loud or soft a sound is; loudness is related to the amount of energy that reaches our ears per unit of time.


How high or low a sound is; pitch is related to the frequency of the vibration that produces the sound.


Quality of a sound that makes it different from other sounds of the same pitch and loudness; timbre is related to the shape of the sound wave.


Reflection of sound from a surface that is more than 17 m away from the emitter.


Reflection of sound on a surface that is less than 17 m away from the emitter.


Mechanical oscillation;
... Continue reading "Understanding Sound: Definitions and Concepts" »

Air law

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Waves: Chapters 14 and 16

-Mechanical vs electromagnetic waves

mechanical waves= need air to hear needs a medium to travel

  • sounds, ocean waves, and springs

electromagnetic waves=  they don’t need a medium to travel

  • radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, X-rays, gamma ray



must travel through a medium

does not require medium

cannot travel through a vacuum

can be transferred through waves

-Transverse waves vs longitudinal waves

longitudinal waves - particles vibrate a long wave direction such as sound waves, springs, streams

transverse- particles that vibrate along the right angle of a wave direction. All electromagnetic waves and water

-Label a transverse wave and longitudinal waves

-The electromagnetic spectrum 


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Gas Behavior Laws and Phase Changes

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What are gas behavior laws?

Any of several statements of physics and chemistry relating to the behavior of gases: such as Boyle's law and Charles' law.

Describe Boyle’s law and Charles’ Law and explain an example of each.

Charles's law (also known as the law of volumes) is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when heated. Example: It's a warm sunny day. You are careful not to pump in too much air into your inflatable raft. In spite of that, if you leave it outside the pool, it could well pop as air inside it heats up and expands. The solution is to pump it while the raft is in the pool; then, leave it in the pool until you actually start using it. Deflate it immediately after use. Boyle’s law states that the pressure

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Literary Naturalism and the Lost Generation: A Critical Analysis

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Literary Naturalism

Literary naturalism contains an explicit comprehensive philosophy of our human place in the universe. Naturalism suggests that we humans are animals living in a material universe which has no supernatural power, except as a concept of our minds. We humans, animals, are governed by the same natural laws and forces that control all other beings and objects. We have no control over what happens to us.

There are several sources and causes of naturalistic philosophy, but one of the most relevant ones is the development of the physical sciences. It has traditionally been assumed that all phenomena could be explained by natural laws. These laws determine all things that happen, their causes and effects. Similarly, 19th-century social... Continue reading "Literary Naturalism and the Lost Generation: A Critical Analysis" »

The Evolution of Parachutes: From Ancient Attempts to Modern Safety Systems

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The History of Parachutes

Early Attempts

The first known attempt at parachuting occurred in Cordova, Spain, in 852. Abbás Ibn Firnás jumped from a tower with a large cloak, but suffered injuries upon landing. Leonardo da Vinci also proposed the use of parachutes in the 15th century.

The First Practical Parachute

The first practical parachute was invented in 1783 by Louis-Sébastien Lenormand. In 1785, Jean Pierre Blanchard successfully used a parachute to save a dog from a fall. In 1793, he became the first person to successfully use a parachute for a human descent.

Parachutes in Aviation

Parachutes became a standard part of hot air balloon equipment in the 19th century. After World War I, they were adopted as safety systems for pilots and passengers... Continue reading "The Evolution of Parachutes: From Ancient Attempts to Modern Safety Systems" »