Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Physical Education

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Understanding Prions, Infections, and Spinal Anatomy

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Prions and Disease Transmission

Prions are viral proteins that cause diseases. Direct transmission is not common, but the disease can appear several years after exposure to surgical instruments, needles, or other objects used on infected corpses. Therefore, it is crucial to destroy these instruments. STH or GH, this hormone found in the pituitary of dead bodies, requires disinfection of equipment to prevent contamination of the conjunctiva and injured nerve or blood tissue.

Tuberculosis Transmission and Disinfection

Tuberculosis is transmitted through inhalation. When handling fresh infected lungs, they should be perfused with sliced formalin before using routine disinfectants. This increases the time for disinfestation.

Other Infections and Handling

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Training Principles for Optimal Physical Condition

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Principles of Training

The capabilities we all possess are capable of being improved by training. A training system has to be customized based on the needs and requirements of each individual.

Organic Adaptation

The adaptation mechanisms that training produces in the human body will result from the cause-effect relationship between physical stimuli and the response each of us is capable of giving to these stimuli, as a function of their nature and their genetic characteristics.

Adaptation is the functional and morphological modification that occurs progressively in our body due to the application of training loads or simply due to adaptation to the environment in which we live.

The training principles are the guidelines to be followed for the equipment... Continue reading "Training Principles for Optimal Physical Condition" »

Human Locomotor System: Bones, Joints, Muscles, and First Aid

Classified in Physical Education

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Locomotor System


The skeletal system consists of 200 bones.

  • Long Bones: Femur, ulna, radius
  • Short Bones: Vertebrae, phalanges
  • Flat Bones: Shoulder blade, skull bones, pelvis
  • Irregular Bones: Facial bones

Composition of Bones

Mineralized connective tissue

  • Cells (2%):
    • Osteocytes: Mature cells
    • Osteoclasts: Destroy tissue
    • Osteoblasts: Create tissue
  • Fibers (95%): Tropocollagen
  • Fundamental Substance (3%): H2O

Structure of Bones

  • Compact Bone Tissue: In diaphysis (long bones) and flat outer layers
    • Osteons: Small vessels that make up the bone
    • Yellow Marrow: Consisting of fat, feeds the cells

Functions of Bones

  • Support the body
  • Protect vital organs
  • Facilitate movement with joints and muscles
  • Store minerals
  • Manufacture red blood cells


  • Synarthrosis: Fixed, no movement,
... Continue reading "Human Locomotor System: Bones, Joints, Muscles, and First Aid" »

Brain Structures: Cortex, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia

Classified in Physical Education

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Cortex Areas Association

Corresponds to areas of the cortex processing functions that meet superior efferents, receive input, and project to other schools in the same cerebral cortex. There are two main areas of association cortex:

CAPP (Areas 5 and 7)

This area of the cortex allows us to know the initial position of the body in any situation. It also allows us to know the position of external objects with which the individual has to interact. It then combines this information to give meaning and awareness of what is happening.

  • Afferents: Come from the visual cortex, auditory cortex, and somatosensory cortex.
  • Efferents: Are directed to the frontal cortex, specifically to the Frontal Dorsolateral Cortex (FDL), secondary motor cortex, and the frontal
... Continue reading "Brain Structures: Cortex, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia" »

Quinometrica Assessment Instruments for Motor Skills Evaluation

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Quinometrica Assessment Instruments

Observation and Evaluation of Motor Patterns (McClenagham and Gallahue)

Catching a Ball

  • Initial Stage:
    • The thumbs remain facing each other.
    • The hands attempt to catch the ball with a simultaneous but poorly coordinated grasp.
    • The palms are turned up.
    • The fingers are stretched and strained.
    • Hands are not effectively used to intercept the ball.
    • Arms remain relaxed at the sides or outstretched in front of the body.
    • Gives up arm movement upon contact to absorb the force of the ball.
  • Intermediate Stage:
    • The hands take the ball with a simultaneous and well-coordinated catch.
    • The fingers make more effective pressure.
    • The hands are facing each other with thumbs up.
    • The arms are adapted to the path of the ball.
    • The elbows are kept
... Continue reading "Quinometrica Assessment Instruments for Motor Skills Evaluation" »

Indirect Calorimetry: Measuring Energy Expenditure & Metabolism

Classified in Physical Education

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Indirect Calorimetry Basics

Overall Energy Consumption

Indirect calorimetry determines energy consumption by measuring O2 consumption and CO2 production. It uses the equation: Food + O2 → CO2 + H2O, and also accounts for urinary nitrogen (~1g urinary N represents the oxidation of 6.25g protein).

The amount of calories produced per liter of O2 in metabolism is relatively constant, regardless of whether the fuel used is carbohydrates, lipids, or proteins.

Limitations and Applications

Various physiological situations can alter the body's gas exchange and affect energy expenditure estimations. These include changes in acid-base balance due to acidosis or hyperventilation (including hiccups).

Respiratory Quotient (RQ)

RQ = VCO2 / VO2. This ratio indicates... Continue reading "Indirect Calorimetry: Measuring Energy Expenditure & Metabolism" »

Play, Perception, and Development: A Comprehensive Analysis

Classified in Physical Education

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Concept of play action, pastime, or fun. Importance of Play in the Educational Process. The game is critical in the development and growth of the individual, and its absence will affect their adaptation and socialization to real life. The game can be understood from three perspectives:

  • As a study: The game is a content block.
  • As a methodological strategy: The game is a motivating activity as a means of globalizing.
  • Interrelated contents of Physical Education with other areas.

The Game as a Function of Psychomotor Development and Age

From the cognitive perspective:

  • Stage: Sensory Motor (0-2 years) Types of Play: Functional
  • Stage: Pre-operational (2-6 years) Game Types: Functional, Symbolic, and Construction
  • Stage: Concrete Operations
... Continue reading "Play, Perception, and Development: A Comprehensive Analysis" »

Humanities and Social Sciences: Characteristics of Academic Texts

Classified in Physical Education

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The humanities and social sciences deal with aspects of life and human beings. They utilize specialized organization. These language, lexical, and textual resources can communicate knowledge in a rigorous and diverse way, such as impersonal formulas. The first person of the plural is used as an expression of modesty. Also, exclamation marks or other concepts that introduce subjectivity are avoided. The texts are argued with short phrases. The following summarizes the characteristics of these texts.

Text Types


Discloses knowledge on the topic with brevity. It combines exposition and argumentation, presents some ideas, and establishes their validity.


Presents a set of information. The text is clear, brief, and orderly. The use of appropriate... Continue reading "Humanities and Social Sciences: Characteristics of Academic Texts" »

Traditional Sports and Popular Games: A Cultural Legacy

Classified in Physical Education

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Traditional Sports and Popular Games

The Essence of the Game

Game: Action and free as a spontaneous finality. The activity itself is the very same. It differs from sports in its social impact.

Differences Between Traditional Games and Modern Sports

  • Regulation: Simple and modifiable / Strict and standardized
  • Variability: Variable from one territory to another / Universal
  • Purpose: Recreation / Competitive
  • Accessibility: Open to all people / Specialists
  • Financial Incentive: Without lucrative fines / Tendency to professionalism
  • Context: Centered around labor activities and daily life, related to the context of the people / Developed in rural and urban scopes

Terminology in Physical Activity

Games and sports, physical activity, physical fitness, physical education,... Continue reading "Traditional Sports and Popular Games: A Cultural Legacy" »

Joint Mobility and Injury Prevention in Sports

Classified in Physical Education

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Joint Mobility and Injury Prevention

Joint mobility exercises are an important part of warming up. They are intended to increase the range of motion of the different structures forming the joints, such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Active Warming Up

Active warming up is the start of any physical activity. It is typically divided into five phases:

  1. Joint mobility
  2. Dynamic stretching
  3. Generic dynamic exercises
  4. Short rest
  5. Specific exercises

Muscle Injuries

A muscle pull is often caused by a lack of proper stretching or insufficient muscle warm-up.

Warming Up

Warming up involves a progressive and gradual mobilization of all muscles and joints to avoid injuries. Types of warm-ups include:

  • Rehabilitative: For those who have been injured, including massages,
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