Understanding Key Concepts in Plato's Philosophy
Classified in Philosophy and ethics
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Justice: Under a general, stable, and perfect order of a whole, justice exists in the individual soul or the state, where the parts perform their specific function in an appropriate manner and according to their deserved power.
The Good: Plato's idea of the Good is the first of the ideas in dignity and power, comparable to the sun. It is the cause of being and intelligibility of ideas, as well as our knowledge of them. The knowledge of the Good ends the dialectic and the formation of governing ideals.
Pleasure: Plato finds meaning in and reacts against sensual enjoyment of the body. According to Plato, not all pleasures are good or beneficial.
Intelligence: Used in the sense of intellectual activity in general. It is not enough to think and... Continue reading "Understanding Key Concepts in Plato's Philosophy" »