Insurance Entities: Agents, Brokers, and Insurer Types
Classified in Philosophy and ethics
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1. Insurance Agents
An insurance agent legally represents the insurance company (principal) and acts on its behalf. Their authority stems from express, implied, and apparent authority.
2. Insurance Brokers
A broker legally represents the insured. They don't have the authority to bind the insurer but can solicit and accept insurance applications, placing coverage with a suitable insurer. Brokers receive commissions from insurers where the business is placed.
3. Exclusive Agency System
In this system, an agent represents only one insurer or a group of insurers under common ownership. Agents may be contractually restricted from representing other insurers. They don't own policy expirations or renewal rights; the agency does. Renewal commissions are... Continue reading "Insurance Entities: Agents, Brokers, and Insurer Types" »