Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Music

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Understanding Sound, Noise, and Silence: Key Qualities Explained

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Sound, Noise & Silence

Essentially, music is sound and the way it orders tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity. Sound is produced when an object vibrates, and it is what can be perceived by a living organism through its sense of hearing. It travels through physical mediums by sound waves, and it is normally a pleasant feeling.


Noise is a disagreeable auditory experience, but this is a subjective definition (for instance, most percussion instruments produce noises when they are played). Anyway, the physical difference between sound and noise is the sort of waves: sound waves are regular, while in noise, the wave is irregular.

Finally, silence is the... Continue reading "Understanding Sound, Noise, and Silence: Key Qualities Explained" »

Opera, Composers, and Musical Forms: A Concise Summary

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Key Musical Terms and Concepts

  • Arias: Songs for a solo singer and orchestra.
  • Recitative: Sung conversation between characters to advance the story.
  • Opera seria: Serious opera with heroic themes from history and mythology.
  • Opera buffa: Comic opera with contemporary, down-to-earth stories.
  • Verismo: Italian opera style with realistic portrayals of everyday life.
  • Libretto: The text of an opera or musical, including dialogue and lyrics.
  • Sonata: A work in several movements for one or more instruments.

Notable Composers and Their Works

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

The Erlking (Lied for piano and voice, 1815): A father and son ride a horse; the son, ill, imagines scary things and dies. The Erlking is the ghost calling to the son.

Hector Berlioz (1811-1869)


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Evolution of Ballet, Instrumental Forms, and Rock Music

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-Court ballet (17th): became popular in the seventeenth century in the court of France's King Louis XIV.

-Simple choreographies because dancers were in general nobles who were dressed with court costumes.

-Played the music were baroque orchestras, famous person J.B. Lully.

-Romantic ballet (19th): type of dance as classical because of its high quality or standard.

-Innovative and complex choreographies performed by professional dancers. These ballets were story ballets.

-The scores were sophisticated and performed by large symphony orchestras.

-Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893).

-Modern and contemporary ballet (20th): More complex, innovative and abstract choreographies with a wider variety of movements.

-Costumes are varied and... Continue reading "Evolution of Ballet, Instrumental Forms, and Rock Music" »

History of Gregorian Chant, Secular Music, Renaissance, and Baroque Period

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Gregorian Chant

The Gregorian chant is sacred music which is sung a cappella, that is, all the
singers in a choir of monks sing the same melody without accompaniment.
The goal of this chant was to teach the word of God to the faithful, therefore
the text was more important than the music. Latin was the language used
in these chants and the rhythm depended on the text.

Secular Music

Secular music was developed outside of the monasteries and was sung by
troubadours and jongleurs accompanied by musical instruments such as
the lute. These compositions had varied themes related to the interests of
day-to-day life. The troubadours were educated artists, poets or musicians and, in some
cases, from noble families


Music was very important and... Continue reading "History of Gregorian Chant, Secular Music, Renaissance, and Baroque Period" »

A Comprehensive Guide to Music Periods: Romanticism, Classicism, and 20th Century

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Romantic Period

1. What is a Symphonic Poem?

A symphonic poem is a symphonic musical form consisting of only one movement.

2. When Was the Romantic Period in Music?

The Romantic period in music occurred in the 19th century.

3. What Are the Characteristics of the Romantic Period?

  • Expressive melodies
  • More freedom in the structure of melodies
  • Introduction of leitmotiv
  • Musical contrast creating expressive melodies
  • Birth of programme music

4. What Type of Romantic Vocal Music Was Based on Mythology?

German Opera

5. What Were the Main Vocal Forms of the Romantic Period?

  • German lied
  • Italian opera
  • German opera

6. The Romantic Symphony

The Romantic symphony has various movements that are not based on a structural form like the Classical symphonies. Instead, it is developed... Continue reading "A Comprehensive Guide to Music Periods: Romanticism, Classicism, and 20th Century" »

Exploring Different Styles of Jazz: Cool Jazz, Hard Bop, Free Jazz, and Fusion

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Cool Jazz

In part a reaction to bebop, cool jazz involved more complex compositions, slower tempos, and sometimes less overt emotional involvement. Associated with the West Coast, it had much greater rhythm variety than bop in up-tempo & medium-tempo pieces. It had extensive arrangements, including written introductions and composed passages between improvisations.


  • Paul Desmond
  • Dave Brubeck
  • Bill Evans

Hard Bop

Hard bop is a subgenre of jazz that is an extension of bebop music. Journalists and record companies began using the term in the mid-1950s to describe a new current within jazz which incorporated influences from rhythm and blues, gospel music, and blues. An aggressive, driving, hot style of modern jazz developed by East Coast musicians... Continue reading "Exploring Different Styles of Jazz: Cool Jazz, Hard Bop, Free Jazz, and Fusion" »

Mastering Basic English Grammar and Vocabulary

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  • Turn right: Girar a la derecha
  • Turn left: Girar a la izquierda


  • Go straight on: Sigue recto
  • Past the supermarket: Pasa el supermercado
  • Cross the road: Cruza la carretera
  • Take the first street on your right: Coge la primera calle a la derecha

Maria Rossi

Personal Information

  • Age: 25
  • Residence: Milan, Italy
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Profession: Pop singer (8 years)
  • Interests: Music, golf, and painting


  • Song Title: You Alone

Grammar: Future Tense with "Going To"


Example: I am going to swim. She is going to the cinema.


Example: Are you going to play football? Is Carmen going to have lunch in Burlada?


Example: I am not going to have lunch today.

Telling Time

On the Hour

  • It's 3 o'clock: Son las 3 en punto
  • It'
... Continue reading "Mastering Basic English Grammar and Vocabulary" »

Hey Soul Sister - Train Song Lyrics

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Hey Soul Sister - Train

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

Hey-ay Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains

I knew I wouldn't forget you and so I went and let you blow my mind

Your sweet moonbeam, the smell of you in every single dream I dream

I knew when we collided, you're the one I have decided who's one of a kind


Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio stereo?

The way you move ain't fair, you know

Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do

Tonight, Hey-ay Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay Hey-ay-AY-ay-ay

Verse 2

Just in ti-i-i-ime, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me

You gave my love direction, a game show love connection we can't deny-i-iii

I'm so obsessed, my heart is bound to beat right... Continue reading "Hey Soul Sister - Train Song Lyrics" »

Good morning, have you got

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Justin Bieber is a Canadian commercial pop singer, born in London on March 1, 1994. He was discovered in 2010 by a talented manager and a Youtube video he posted as a singer. Thanks to this he signed contracts with superiors and became very well known.

This artist had and is very famous as his songs and albums were very successful and were heard all over the world and they are hits after hits. Because of his fame, he became depressed and also became addicted to drugs and was described as a bad influence.

He is currently married to Hailey Bieber and they are very happy, but he still has depression. He is one of my favorite singers as he sings really well and expresses a lot of singing things, and I think people don’t like him as a person they... Continue reading "Good morning, have you got" »

Find ut 6 primary 3 rd cycle

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principles of formal composition:repetition,sequence,variation,development,contrast. types of musical form: according to its performance; vocal forms(the voice interveens with or without instrumental accompanient,) instrumental forms(composed for instruments). According to its structure;simple or minor forms(made up of a single movement or a short duration), compound or major forms( made up of several movementsor a long duration), free forms( those which are not subject to any structure)

the song is a vocal composition written on a text, it is a simple vocal for, in just one movement

the opera is a theatrical play entirely set to music and has a compound vocal form which consists of several movements in which the characters take part singing

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