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Purpose and content of

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1.What is a ballad?

A song- poem Which reveals a historic event or person, or notable

common place occurrence. A ballad usually narrates a story.

2.Types of ballads

Oral (informal/ traditional)

Written (formal)

3.What happens when a ballad travel?

Changes language

Changes pronunciation


Historic events

Historic people

Typical war/battle won or lost

State expansion experiences

Love incident, usually tragic


5.Typical format

Usually are quatrains (4 lines)

Syllabic count: 8, 6, 8, 6

Rhyme scheme: abcb or abab

6.Purpose of a ballad

Desire to record or to remember a story

To spread the story

Want a media that travels

7.Why were ballads orally transmitted?

People didn’t know how to write properly

Low or no literature

Low or no access to paper and pencil

Low... Continue reading "Purpose and content of" »

The Renaissance: Art, Architecture, and Humanism

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The Humanist spirit created a new artistic style, the Renaissance. This style originated in the small Italian states.

Artists could dedicate themselves to creation because they were maintained by patrons, who paid them for the work. Patrons included the Medici, Sforza, and Popes.

This artistic style was called Renaissance because there was a revival of Classical Greek and Roman culture. Two reasons:

  • The arrival in Italy of Greek scholars, who had left Constantinople.
  • The abundance of Roman remains on the Italian Peninsula and the discovery of new archaeological remains.

Phases of the Renaissance:

Trecento (14th century): The early features of the Renaissance appear. The first artist was Giotto.

Quattrocento (15th century): New Renaissance innovations

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Spanish Golden Age: Literature, Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting

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The Spanish Golden Age

The Spanish Golden Age was the period between the second half of the 16th century and the late 17th century.


Miguel de Cervantes wrote his great novel Don Quixote. Lope de Vega and Pedro Calderón de la Barca wrote famous plays. Luis de Cangora and Francisco de Quevedo were the poets of the time.


Architecture was characterized by the use of simple materials, such as bricks on stone, which are covered by ornate decoration. Many buildings were religious, but civil buildings were also constructed. The building of city squares (or squares was a characteristic feature of the Spanish Baroque period.

The Churriguera brothers were the outstanding Baroque architects. They built their own style, which was called... Continue reading "Spanish Golden Age: Literature, Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting" »

Renaissance: Rebirth of Classics and Music Theory

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The foremost characteristic of the Renaissance is the rebirth of the classics (Greece and Rome).

If during the Middle Ages God was at the center of everything, now it is the contrary. Humans are at the center of everything (anthropocentrism).

Reasoning, not faith, is what guides life.

Art is seen as an end in itself (not something to please God) and its goal is to achieve the ideal form of beauty based on the harmony and proportions found in nature.

All artistic expressions found inspiration in old Rome. The only exception was music, which had to find its own style far from medieval music.


  • It refers to the way notes are written horizontally on the score, how they are performed one after the other.


  • It refers to the way notes
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Musical Instrument Families: Strings, Winds, and Percussion

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String Instruments

These instruments produce sound through the vibration of one or more strings.

Depending on the vibration technique, we distinguish bowed, plucked, and struck strings.

Bowed String

Sound is produced by rubbing the strings with a bow. They typically have four strings and a similar shape.

  • Violin: Smallest, highest pitch.
  • Viola: Slightly larger than the violin, middle pitch.
  • Violoncello: Larger, lower register, played sitting with an endpin.
  • Double Bass: Largest, very low register, played standing.

Plucked String

Sound is produced by plucking the strings with fingers, a pick, or a plectrum.

  • Harp: Has 47 strings.
  • Guitar: Has six strings and a fretted neck.

Struck String

Sound is produced by striking the strings with hammers activated by a keyboard.... Continue reading "Musical Instrument Families: Strings, Winds, and Percussion" »

Exploring Drama and Theatre Concepts

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a serious drama or other literary work in which conflict between a protagonist and a superior force (often fate) concludes in disaster for the protagonist.


the genre of dramatic literature that deals with the light or the amusing or with the serious and profound in a light, familiar, or satiric manner.


a drama combining the qualities of tragedy and comedy.

Tragic Flaw:

a flaw that brings about a hero’s downfall.


a light, comic work using improbable situations, stereotyped characters, horseplay, and exaggeration.


in drama, the use of ridicule, irony, or sarcasm to hold up to ridicule and contempt vices, follies, abuses, and so forth.


a genre characterized by stereotypical characters, implausible plots,... Continue reading "Exploring Drama and Theatre Concepts" »

Athenian Supremacy & Greek Tragedy: 5th Century BCE

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Athenian Rule in the 5th Century BCE

  • 490 BCE: Athens defeats Persians at Marathon
  • 404 BCE: Athens is defeated by Sparta in the Peloponnesian War
  • Between these two events, Athens enjoys cultural and political supremacy.

Dramatic Festivals

  • In honor of Dionysus, son of Zeus and Semele.
  • Dionysus was reared by satyrs, killed, dismembered, and resurrected.
  • In Attica, four annual festivals were held: Rural Dionysia, Lenaia, Anthesteria, and City Dionysia.

Origins of Tragedy

  • Various hypotheses for the meaning of TRAGOIDIA or “goat song”.
  • Aristotle’s Poetics: from improvisations by leaders of the DITHYRAMBS.
  • Other hypotheses: recited stories, sung poetry, and narrative dance.
  • First recorded author of tragedies: THESPIS.
  • Thespis started dialogue between himself
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Fast an furios

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DANCE IN THE BAROQUE: During the reign of Louis XIV,

Ballet du cour: Dance theatrical played, Started “overture”, Ended “grand ballet”, “Entrees”-mix of dance and singing, Luxurious clothes and masks

Social dance: The suite: Compound istrumental form, Composed by a group of dancers

Allemande: slow, binary / Courante: fast, ternary / Bourrée: fast, binary / Sarabnade: solem, slow, ternary / Gigue: fast dance 6/8

CLASSICISM: transition from the early modernperiod to the contemporary age (1730-1820)

French revolution broke the power of absolute monarchies, Music slowly abandoned church and palace cicles, Music get closer to bourgeoise


Opera seria: Christoph W.Gluck (1714-1787), new opera Orpheus and Eurydice

The reformo... Continue reading "Fast an furios" »

Conceptual delimitation" "social work

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5. The 18th century is known as the century of the Enlightenment, which is an
intellectual movement that tries to achieve a more educated society based on reason and
progress. This movement will start in France and will spread to other European countries.
The thinking that dominates in this period is rationalism. On the basis of reason,
intellectuals will question many of the social, philosophical and religious approaches that
had been in force in Europe for centuries.

1. At this time public concerts are generalized throughout Europe, allowing musicians to
compose independently a patron or an institution.
2. Classicism tries to produce less complex, clearer and more accessible music.
3. In Classicism there is the disappearance of the basso continuo

... Continue reading "Conceptual delimitation" "social work" »

Musical Instrument Classification: Types and Examples

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Idiophone instruments are those in which the sound is produced by the vibration of the instrument itself. They are classified considering the way the sound is produced, that is, how they are played. They can make sounds when hit, concussed, shaken, plucked, scraped, or even rubbed.

Percussion Idiophones

They can be pitched like bar instruments and those we can find in sets like the temple block. They can also be unpitched like the triangle, the gong, the woodblock, or the cajón flamenco.

Concussion Idiophones

Castanets, claves, and cymbals.

Shaken Idiophones

Maracas and rattles.

Plucked Idiophones

The berimbau and the sansa.

Scraped Idiophones

The güiro, the washboard, or the ratchet.

Friction Idiophones

Musical glasses, the glass harmonica,... Continue reading "Musical Instrument Classification: Types and Examples" »