Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Medicine & Health

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Misfits Gaming: From EUCS to Worlds - A Historical Timeline

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Misfits Gaming: A Historical Timeline

2016: Formation and Rise to the EUCS

Misfits was formed in May 2016 to play in the EUCS Summer Qualifiers after their former parent organization, Renegades, was banned from competitive play. Consequently, they could no longer compete under the name Renegades: Banditos. In the qualifiers, they finished first in their group and then defeated EURONICS Gaming 3-1 in the finals to successfully qualify for the Summer Season.

2016 Season: Dominating the Challenger Series

Competing with an initial roster of top laner Alphari, jungler Wisdom, mid laner Selfie, AD carry Hans sama, and support IgNar, the Misfits roster brought a great deal of experience to the table, most notably Wisdom's 2015 World Championship runner-... Continue reading "Misfits Gaming: From EUCS to Worlds - A Historical Timeline" »

Vocabulary and Phrases for Travel, Health, and Fashion

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Demanding: adj. needing a lot of effort and skill. Flustered: adj. nervous and confused, especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry Bizarre: adj. very strange or unusual Think on their feet: to be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparation Approach: noun. A way of doing or thinking about something. Rather than: phrase. Instead of Crush: verb. To destroy somebody’s confidence Recruitment agency: noun, a specialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies. Job seekers: noun. People who are looking for a job. Flapping: verb, moving sth quickly up and down, e.g. wings Spot on: the right answer Paid-back: devolver  Weird: raro Spooky... Continue reading "Vocabulary and Phrases for Travel, Health, and Fashion" »

Formation of good and strong aircraft constant composite speed blades

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Time and place

accelerate (v)
at the last minute (prep phr)
begin with (phr)
be in the middle of doing sth (v phr)
be in time (for sth) (phr v)
be on the point of doing sth (phr v)
be on time (phr v)
be running late (phr v)
by the time (prep phr v)
every other (day/week, etc.) (phr)
in good time (prep phr)
in no time (prep phr)
keep up the momentum (phr v)
on a daily basis (prep phr)
sooner or later (phr)
speed up (phr v)
stick at (phr v)
throghout (prep)
Word formation: suffixes
Nouns with irregular changes
deep (adj) - depht (n) - deepen (v)
high (adj) - height (n) - heighten
... Continue reading "Formation of good and strong aircraft constant composite speed blades" »

Environmental Protection, Internet Benefits, and Layer Cake Review

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Protecting the Environment

One of the things that worries people most nowadays is the environment. In the last few decades, humans have been polluting way too much, which has had a negative effect on the environment. For this reason, we must protect it from now on.
First, we ought to start paying attention to the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By doing so, we will reduce the quantity of rubbish, we will not throw away so many things, and we will be able to recycle most of our waste.
Second, a very good idea is to stop using cars so much and start cycling or walking a little more. For example, instead of commuting by car, we can try to do it on foot or by bike.
Finally, if we really want to change things, we should teach young pupils about the
... Continue reading "Environmental Protection, Internet Benefits, and Layer Cake Review" »

English Vocabulary and Grammar

Classified in Medicine & Health

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  • basement = sótano
  • orden sth online = pedir algo por internet
  • a can of soup = una lata de sopa
  • aim = objetivo
  • seize the day = aprovecha el día
  • to throw litter = tirar a la basura
  • health care = cuidado de la salud
  • a swimming cap = un gorro de piscina
  • economic growth = crecimiento económico


  • 1. am having (1)
  • 2. don't look (2)
  • 3. does she have (2)
  • 4. are you looking (1)
  • 5. hate (1)


  • outgoing = fiestero
  • fleece = forro polar
  • mittens = manoplas
  • sensitive = sensible
  • sth fits you = algo que te queda bien
  • short-sighted = miope
  • understanding = comprensible
  • get changed = cambiarse
  • bangles = pulseras


  • muffins C
  • cabbage U
  • sauce U
  • leuce C
  • meat U
  • steak C
  • jam U


  • watching (1)
  • to go (2)
  • training (1)
  • playing (1)
  • to sing (2)


  • 6-7-5-4-3-1-2
  • score
  • win
  • lose/keep
  • came/beat
  • broke


  • 4-5-
... Continue reading "English Vocabulary and Grammar" »

Essential Spanish Vocabulary and Grammar

Classified in Medicine & Health

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1. Vocabulary

  • Basement: sótano
  • Aim: objetivo
  • Health care: cuidado de la salud
  • To order something online: pedir algo por internet
  • Seize the day: aprovecha el día
  • A swimming cap: un gorro de natación
  • A can of soup: lata de sopa
  • To throw litter: tirar basura al suelo
  • Economic growth: crecimiento económico

2. Verb Conjugation

  • 1. I am having
  • 2. Don't look
  • 3. Does she have
  • 4. Are you looking

3. Adjectives & Clothing

  • Outgoing: extrovertido
  • Sensitive: sensible
  • Fleece: manga
  • Something fits you: algo que te sienta bien o te quede
  • Get changed: cambiarse
  • Mittens: manoplas
  • Short-sighted: corto de vista
  • Bangles: pulseras

4. Countable & Uncountable Nouns

  • Muffins: Countable
  • Cabbage: Uncountable
  • Sauce: Uncountable
  • Lettuce: Countable
  • Meat: Uncountable
  • Steak: Countable
  • Jam: Uncountable


... Continue reading "Essential Spanish Vocabulary and Grammar" »

Emergency Medications Overview

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Generic & TradeUsage IndicationsContraindicationsDosageAdministrationActionsSide Effects


Trade: N/A

SPO2 <94%

Unknown O2 Level w/ med condition leading to hypoxia

Pt w/ pos hypoxia, shock, poor perfusion, or heart failure

Pt's with unfavourable ventilation(Lung damage)

Med Pt: Administer O2 at 2lpm via NC and titrate until is SPO2 >94% or at 15lpm via NRB if pt shows hypoxia

Trauma Pt: High flow O2 to maintain >95%. Typically 15lpm via NRB.

Either: If a Bag-Valve vent is required, Highflow O2

Airway either orally, nasally, or through an advanced airwayIncreasing O2 saturation within the bloodstream and bodyDry/Bloody Nose, Tiredness, headaches

Oral Glucose

Trade: Glutose, Insta-Glucose

PMH of diabetes or BGL <70mg/dL*Inability
... Continue reading "Emergency Medications Overview" »

Teka motor

Classified in Medicine & Health

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ELECTRIC SIGNALS:Neurons work with one another to establish Connections "synapses",which allow the nerve impulse to pasar.(ocurre en Las dendrites). No hay contact fisico entre neu siempre hay una small Gap between them "synaptic cleft".There are very small vesicles at the Axon(son como bolsas) where there's a subtance "neurotrasmitters". 2 Tipos d neural pathways:
"Divergent"(trans el nerv Imp d 1 neu a varias neu diferentes. "Convergent"(trans el ner imp d Varias neurons a una sola)
THE BRAIN:located in the skull.Four sections: cerebellum,brain,brain stem and spinal bulb.     Cerebellum:in the back of the brain.Made up of grey matt on the outside and white matt on the ins.It receives info for balance and info that the inner ear sens.Tamb
... Continue reading "Teka motor" »

The Positive Impact of Healthy Eating: Jeremy's Journey

Classified in Medicine & Health

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To stop liking those.

He also says he has learned to expect that there will be setbacks as he changes his eating habits. He accepts that things won't always go perfectly, so he doesn't get discouraged. "Just be patient with it, and be realistic with your goals."

Jeremy's friends and family noticed when he started eating healthier foods. Their support has helped motivate him to make a habit of his healthy eating changes.

"It made me feel pretty good, especially when people started making comments about noticing the changes I would make," he says. "You just feed off the positive energy."

It also helped to have friends with similar goals. They support him with his eating changes.

Take-away message

For Jeremy, there have been no drawbacks to changing... Continue reading "The Positive Impact of Healthy Eating: Jeremy's Journey" »

Consumer Food Safety: Shopping, Storage, and Preparation Tips

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Consumers and food safety

- When buying food.

When you go grocery shopping, purchase refrigerated foods at the end of your shopping trip.

Check the use-by dates on the labels on packaged foods.

To avoid buying food that has gone bad, check that refrigerated foods are completely hard. Make sure canned goods do not have dents or bulging lids.

Go straight home so you can store all chilled and frozen foods as soon as possible to maintain the cold chain.

-When storing food.

Store refrigerated foods in the refrigerator at a maximum temperature of 4°C and store frozen foods in the freezer at a temperature of -18°C or lower.

Do not refreeze any foods that have already been frozen and thawed.

Store raw and cooked foods separately to avoid cross-contamination.... Continue reading "Consumer Food Safety: Shopping, Storage, and Preparation Tips" »